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TOPIC: KENT's Implant Progress Report

KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 1 month ago #1271584105

KENT, I\'ll move your post from Boston\'s PR here so that there isn\'t a conflict of reporting. Please continue your updates here, thanks.

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 1 month ago #1271584133

Okay due to some server error, it appears that the post of yours I decided to move vanished in thin air. I\'m looking all over for it, but at this present time can\'t find it. I sincerely apologize for the issue, can you please re-submit your post in this thread? Thanks.

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 1 month ago #1271584968

Thanks for moving my post...sorry about the difficulty....I will re-write here.

I chose to have the Elist prosthetic implant procedure done a little over two weeks ago (12.2011). I want to detail my progress so that those considering the procedure can evaluate my experience in order to make a decision. I am also hoping to elicit advice if or when I encounter any difficulties with the process. I am not a schill that\'s aiming to defame Dr. Elist, nor am I a \"plant\" using this forum to give him what is essentially free advertising. With a few exceptions, I am happy so far with the procedure, but will not hesitate to detail any difficulties.

Now that I am a little over two weeks into the process I can say that I am extremely happy with the results of the procedure in terms of both Flaccid length and Girth! I never bothered to measure myself Flaccid before the procedure, but Dr. Elist did, along with taking a \"before\" photo which I will eventually post along with \"after\" photos so that a comparison can be made. I can only call the differences in the Flaccid state \"dramatic\", and a female friend of mine agrees to the point of having anxiety about future contact.

I am only able to observe erections when they occur naturally, as masturbation for several more weeks is a big no-no. What I have observed is that my new Girth when Erect is phenomenal, but the length appears (I won\'t know until can stimulate myself) to have retracted by around an Inch. I am told that this is normal, and that either the weight of the prosthesis itself, and or the eventual use of a Penis Pump for the next 9-12 months will help regain the original Erect length and then some. This was not a pleasant discovery for me, but I am hoping that it will end with a good result.

At 2+ weeks out the pain I experienced in my genitals (along with swelling) has subsided to a large degree. Some pain accompanies the erections I have during the day, particularly at the base of the penis, while a larger amount of pain accompanies nocturnal erections. I am told that this pain is normal, and it makes sense to me given that this is a major surgery.

One benefit that I\'ve observed is that with the prosthesis, my old \"semi\" erections now feel like full erections, and my new full erections feel like my old \"raging\" hard-ons. My only concern at this point is what will happen when I am able to resume sexual activity and I have what used to be a \"raging\" hard-on....will the skin (especially at the base) hold? Although I have some a man over 35 yrs of age and approaching mid-life, I can\'t help but think that this should provide some advantages in the bedroom. Aside from ED, which I\'ve never had, I know that a loss of tumescence occurs naturally in small increments as most men age....I can tell you that I am not concerned about that any more!

Unlike many of you here, I did very little research before having this procedure. It arose out of a change in relationship status. I was always happy with my length, but wanted to give any future women in my life the benefit of increased Girth, and decided to go for both. I thought that if I was going to go through all the trouble of having a procedure done, I might as well increase the length and Girth while I\'m there. I figured that additional length couldn\'t hurt anything. I found this site just a few days ago after I had already had the procedure, and now I am feeling anxious due to some of the experiences I\'ve read about. I am glad not to have had any of the complications of some other patients of Dr. far.

The scar on my abdomen is healing very nicely, and at the end (9-12months from now) I will post pictures so that the final product can be observed. I do wish that the post-operative process would have been detailed in writing much more thoroughly and accurately. If you are thinking of having this procedure you should know that I had to have a drainage tube Hanging out of my abdomen for around 5 days, and that the pain for the first week was pretty intense! I feel that the claim of being able to return to work in around 3 business days does not apply to me...I think a light work load for at least 2 weeks would be more accurate.

That said...I can tell you that if I had that information prior to the procedure I would still have chosen to have it, but would have sheduled at a different time! The reason I chose this procedure is that there is (supposed to be) only one procedure needed that will last permanently, without additional procedures being needed. If that truth claim holds up until 12.2012, along with the claims of regaining my length, then I will be able to wholeheartedly endorse Elist\'s procedures. If those truth claims turn out to be grossly untrue, then I will definately say something on this board so that others can take it into account when making their own decisions. I concur with an opinion expressed on this board that Dr. Elists\' procedures tend to go either very very well, or very very wrong, with little in-between. So far (with some concerns now) I count myself as having an experience that is going very very well. Again, I will not hesitate to detail any experiences, whether positive or negative. I will post again in 12.2012, when the final results are a known quantity. I will only post again in the meantime in response to questions or advice UNLESS something goes very very wrong. I hope that this helps...

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 1 month ago #1271764223

hi kent can u give us the measurements before and after?

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 1 month ago #1271772054

Welcome to the board Kent. Looking forward to your progress!

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 1 month ago #1271772919

It may be beneficial to post some pictures of before the op, during the healing process ie now and then after a few months. It will help you and us in many ways. Good luck!

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 4 weeks ago #1271950962

How is the implant coming and can you share some pictures?

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 4 weeks ago #1271952393

Hello KC Chief...

The implant is coming along quite nicely. The pain is almost nonexistent, and I am able to function normally. Pleasant surprise #1 the length Erect is coming back quickly, and the Girth is phenomenal. I got called back to work during this post, but I will be back to explain more...Take Care!

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 4 weeks ago #1271953473

Thanks for the update we all appreciate it, any pics you can share yet?
Thanks again

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 2 weeks ago #1272156763 I wanted to give you a quick progress report as I approach the two month post-surgery date (as of 2.8.12). The Flaccid gains in both length and Girth are impressive. The initial retraction of around 1 Inch (from 6.5 inches Erect) has decreased to .5 Inch Erect, leaving my length at a modest 6 inches. I am impressed that the retraction has reversed so quickly, and am hoping that the truth claim regarding what will happen over the next 9 months holds....that the retraction will dissapear, and that I will eventually actually gain Erect length.

Okay so my summary so far is that communication surrounding the recovery process has been less than thorough as it relates to:
1. The experience of the first few weeks post-op (it was harsh!)
2. The initial retraction of Erect length
3. The fact that daily stretching exercises (with the hands only ) are essential to regaining Erect lenth. (A one year project!!!)

What is confusing to me is that there has also been a failure to advertise what I view as huge advantages to this procedure. Such as:

1. The prosthesis \"squeezes\" the head of the penis in such a way as to \"inflate\" it to maximum capacity....this results in phenomenal orgams with dramatic visual effects ...something about velocity if you know what I mean.
2. The prosthesis stimulates the entire penis all the time (kind of like someones hand squeezing it) so that it is easier to hold erections.
3. The Girth....the most important physical component to increase a womans\' pleasure is the stuff of legends even at my modest 6 Inch current length
4. I have recieved open mouthed visual responses when women looked down at my jeans!
5. As far as Girth is concerned, I am now barely able to get \"LifeStyles\" Large size \"Skyn\" condoms on. The good news is that these condoms...the largest they make, are so tight, that the elastic band at the base functions like a Cock side benefit!

So all in long as I gain at least .5 Inch in Erect length by the one year mark...I am a happy happy customer. I realize that this is not the norm on this site, but the moderators will be able to verify that I am not in CA, and that my ip is not associated with Elist. So far I am a happy customer! I am attempting to load one picture of progress so far...but just for the record...I don\'t believe that photos can \"prove\" anything. All this photo is designed to do is to give basic idea of my experience so far.

Good luck to all of you in \"Phallo Land\" !

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 2 weeks ago #1272157145

Kent, I am in no way doubting your procedure, or attempting to draw it into question. However I am curious, as your photos dont tend to match the photos of others who have undergone this procedure. Is Dr. Elist using some different method to attach or hold the implant near the glans? You have no stitching or markings near your glans like others have had. I also see no incision or stitching at the base. Granted it\'s been two months, your Sutures should be gone, but there would be a mark left behind. Has he gone to some new method where it\'s attached/implanted differently? Again I\'m not questioning your or the fact that you\'ve undergone this procedure, it\'s more of a question about the methods used during your procedure.

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 2 weeks ago #1272157524

Androgen wrote: Kent, I am in no way doubting your procedure, or attempting to draw it into question. However I am curious, as your photos dont tend to match the photos of others who have undergone this procedure. Is Dr. Elist using some different method to attach or hold the implant near the glans? You have no stitching or markings near your glans like others have had. I also see no incision or stitching at the base. Granted it\'s been two months, your Sutures should be gone, but there would be a mark left behind. Has he gone to some new method where it\'s attached/implanted differently? Again I\'m not questioning your or the fact that you\'ve undergone this procedure, it\'s more of a question about the methods used during your procedure.

To be fair, the base of his penis does not come out clearly in his photos so a scar could have easily been there without being detectable in these particular photos (especially 2 months out).
That being said, I\'m also curious about the technique involved - has it changed at all to your knowledge? The aesthetic is unique when considering past implant photos, I\'m interested in knowing what may have been done differently (if anything) in your situation. Thanks for keeping us posted.

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 2 weeks ago #1272157611

KENT wrote: I realize that this is not the norm on this site, but the moderators will be able to verify that I am not in CA, and that my ip is not associated with Elist.

With all due respect (especially given the sensitivity of this particular method), the above statement means absolutely nothing. In other words, a non-California IP would not be sufficient enough in absolving anyone of scrutiny if there was any reason to believe the information provided to us by any party was questionable.

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 2 weeks ago #1272157710

All points above well taken. I\'m not a techie, but you\'re right. Living outside of CA doesn\'t mean much. As I\'ve indicated, I\'m pretty happy with the procedure so far, but I can tell you that if I don\'t get at least the retraction back I will be pissed! As to the photos...I am truly what way do my pictures differ? I have become fascinated with this procedure after learning how rare it is. I had no idea...I didn\'t do research before having it done (which was really stupid!). I viewed photos of another user called, \"Still Want More\". To the best of my knowledge, we had the same size implant put is XXL, the biggest that Elist offers (as of 12.11). I think \"Want More\" /s photos were taken one year after the procedure, but at the 2 month mark, I believe my photos show a similar trajectory.

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KENT's Implant Progress Report 13 years 2 weeks ago #1272157752

KENT wrote: All points above well taken. I\'m not a techie, but you\'re right. Living outside of CA doesn\'t mean much. As I\'ve indicated, I\'m pretty happy with the procedure so far, but I can tell you that if I don\'t get at least the retraction back I will be pissed! As to the photos...I am truly what way do my pictures differ? I have become fascinated with this procedure after learning how rare it is. I had no idea...I didn\'t do research before having it done (which was really stupid!). I viewed photos of another user called, \"Still Want More\". To the best of my knowledge, we had the same size implant put is XXL, the biggest that Elist offers (as of 12.11). I think \"Want More\" /s photos were taken one year after the procedure, but at the 2 month mark, I believe my photos show a similar trajectory.

Was this Stillwantmore or wantmore from this site?
Maybe the reason the penis looks unique compared to other implant photos comes from the fact that the photos themselves aren\'t very clear (a bit blurry). A clearer re-submission may help better compare the aesthetics to what I have in my memory of past implant photos.
Damn I wish the Old PB Host didn\'t force us to take down the photos. I remember Ck & Stalemango having great shots of their implant from all sorts of angles..

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