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TOPIC: edmatt's PMMA progress

edmatt's PMMA progress 13 years 2 months ago #1271549140

Hello Boys,
I\'ve been observing, lurking, reading, researching for a while and want to thank everyone who took the time to shared their experience with Dr.C and to those who have posted pictures of their progress. I\'ve been emailing Wade for a few months and I finally booked my first session for mid February. Wade is everything people have said about him, likes questions, his replies are prompt and professional and there has not been a question he could not answer for me.

My current stats are:
Erect length 7.25\" to BPEL 7.50\"
Erect Girth 4.80\" (Base, middle and below gland are all the same measurement) Gland is 5.10\"
Flaccid Length 4\" to 6\" (I\'m pretty sensitive to temperature)
Flaccid Girth 3.5\" to 4\"

My goal is 5.5 EG and 5 FG but I would be happy with any gains.

I\'m wanting PMMA mostly to help me with retracting.

I will post some before shots prior to my trip to TJ and I will do my best to return the favor and share my experience, pictures, and progress with you guys and anyone thinking they want to give PMMA a try.

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edmatt's PMMA progress 13 years 2 months ago #1271552609

Hey, welcome to the Forums!
I\'m trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with your post! Until then, pardon the inconvenience.

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edmatt's PMMA progress 13 years 2 months ago #1271559153

Your thread seems to be working correctly now. If anyone has any issues reading the first post, please let me know, thanks.

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edmatt's PMMA progress 13 years 2 months ago #1271560471

The bottom lines are written on top of each other...

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edmatt's PMMA progress 13 years 2 months ago #1271560530

Fixed post.

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edmatt's PMMA progress 13 years 2 months ago #1271560600

You are definitely on the large side to begin with. Please weigh heavily the risks/rewards before proceeding. There have been many experiencing complications as of late. Please read these threads as well. What is your age and relationship status, if you don\'t mind my asking?

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edmatt's PMMA progress 13 years 2 months ago #1271561094

I don\'t mind at all ask away, I\'m 29, straight, mostly single. I\'ve been doing PE since I was about 16, pumps and traction (Yup bought a pump at 16 through mail-order, It\'s been a long obsession). I did get permanent results in the long term from the PE. I was about 6.5EL and 4.5 EGG in my late teens.
I have been looking at the complications more then the success stories out there and I think I\'m well informed as to what could happen. It is my intention to go with 10%. I don\'t want to be much bigger the issue I am trying to address is mostly retraction. I appreciate you asking me to question my decision, I don\'t want to be in a position later saying \"oh I didn\'t know that could happen\".

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edmatt's PMMA progress 13 years 2 months ago #1271561815

Excellent. Glad you are well informed. I\'ll be cheering for you!

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edmatt's PMMA progress 13 years 2 months ago #1271578691

Thanks guys, I will keep you updated.

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edmatt's PMMA progress 12 years 2 months ago #1276282689

Any updates?

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edmatt's PMMA progress 12 years 2 months ago #1276285941

Best of luck edmatt!

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edmatt's PMMA progress 11 years 9 months ago #1278029224

edmatt wrote: Thanks guys, I will keep you updated.

LoL your online bro
do it shortly 2013
or whenever you like of course

reading closely, seeing you might not even have pulled the trigger... impulsiv me

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