I am a person who has a very small penis, and my testicles are the same. Its a good looking penis that functions fine for the most part, but extremely small for a man of my stature. It has really limited my quality of life. I avoid public restrooms, swimming, and even sitting down, because I really have no print in my pants at all. It makes me feel like less of a man. I Have even went so far as to wear penis extendors and all kinds of contractions on my penis underneath clothes to give the appearance of a bigger penis even silicone sleeves have constricted and even damaged one of my testicles as it has really shrunk. I thought there was some hope if I had the ELIST IMPLANT...and also the testicle implants. However, after all of the countless horror stories as much as i wanted it, I realize now The Elist Implant would damage the function of my penis. My question to the group is would anyone opt for the testicle implants instead of the penis implant as a means to enhance the appearance of my penis, as to create a larger bulge underneath jeans or a bathing suit. Could it actually make a difference underneath clothes if I got the testicle implants??. I am tired of living my life like this. I feel as though the testicle implants could make me less self conscious of my penis, and literally gain some self esteem. So few men could understand what it is like having a small penis. I have been to a
Urologist and he said I have normal genetalia , but i know different. I am about 3 inches flacid , and 4.75
Erect. I had the ligament suspended with Doctor Reid about ten years ago, but it nothing to increase my length it only left a scar. I also had fat injected by a doctor from Miami named Ricardo Samitier who did not even have a license and was performing surgeries on people. I had it removed by Doctor Reid who did a great job.
I would greatly appreciate any advise you could give me on my questions regarding the testicle implants , from those of you who had it done or those of you who have any knowledge of it. I understand that Elist Testice implants have a far more success rate than the Elist Implant. I am seriously thinking about getting my testicles enlarged . I have read previous posts and understand they are hard but i feel it would be a great trade off. If anything I believe it would make my scrotum larger
and put same weight in my penis that I dont have now. Thank you in advance for this website, and the moderators and to anyone who can give me some knowledge.....thanks guys.