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TOPIC: Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true.

Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270880576

Greetings all. New member, 1st time poster. I\'ve been reading everything I can on PMMA. I want to get the PMMA done early next year...maybe sooner if I can get away from work long enough.I\'ve read that Dr. C. usually uses the 10% now for the 1st time. Does anyone know if he would start out with the 20% if their patient was insistent on it and smooth out any irregularities if they appeared with 10% on subsequent procedures? Many of the stories I\'ve read sounded like real life to me. One thing struck a particular chord with me...I think it was Hunk Chunk that wrote that he discovered that \"size DID matter and that he thought about the women that he\'d cared deeply about that may have been lost to a lesser man because he had a bigger dong.\'\' Or something to that effect. this REALLY jumped out at me. I also had convinced myself that size didn\'t matter. But, every time a breakup/divorce. would happen I always had that nagging thought in the back of my mind that it was my size; sometimes not when the more callous ones would add insult to injury. Every time I figured it was some other flaw I needed to work on. I either needed to get in better shape(I got in GREAT shape), make more money, be kinder and more sensitive... Each woman got a little bit better man than the previous one but I could never hold on to them. I discovered TP\'s about 7 years ago and had pretty good results with obsessive manual PE I don\'t exactly remember the stats and plus I was measuring incorrectly but consistently. I did gain 1.5\" length and 1/2\" Girth. It\'s funny, I thought I was BIG now(it turns out I was still average). And I lost the gains after I quit eventually. I\'m going to start manual PE again and get the PMMA after stretching out some length. I had only done it consistently for about 5 months. Currently I\'m 3.75\" -4.25\" FG. Not sure what my correct EG or EL is. My fiance\' left me about 1.5 months ago and my dong has been in a comma since. No morning wood, nothing! I can\'t even stimulate it to full Erection. I\'m still very bummed out because she was a wonderful person and I knew she was THE ONE. I\'m hoping I can get to the fabled 6\" Girth with PMMA. My max with manual PE (Hanging, jelquing and pumping) was ALMOST 7\" (super bone pressed from the side like my life depended on it) and ALMOST 5.5\" after a lot of jelquing and pumping. Damn! Sorry I rambled. I was gonna just ask a simple question and all of this came out. I\'ve never talked about it before.

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270880863

I recommend further research. There are no long term studies on PMMA used in the penis. Don\'t allow glowing reports to sway you in any way. All of that could end over a period of time. I\'m 38 and married and lived without a functional penis for 15 years and knew the risks and was and am prepared to live with my decision. It\'s not a fool proof method to gain Girth; some gain nothing at all. Complications do arise. I would seek a qualified Urologist and perhaps a psychologist before undertaking a potentially harmful operation of the penis. You only get one and cannot replace it.

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270881725

Already speaking with the shrink. Never had any trouble adjusting to hardships before but this time hit REALLY hard. Plus it came out of nowhere so I had the extra shock value. I\'m still in the research phase right now. I\'ve always said to never make a big decision in a crisis unless you have no other choice. In the meantime it\'s manual PE and research. Great board by the way.

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270882834

ricric wrote: Already speaking with the shrink. Never had any trouble adjusting to hardships before but this time hit REALLY hard. Plus it came out of nowhere so I had the extra shock value. I\'m still in the research phase right now. I\'ve always said to never make a big decision in a crisis unless you have no other choice. In the meantime it\'s manual PE and research. Great board by the way.

It isn\'t unusual to start wondering if there were any physical shortcomings on your part when going through a bad break up- but with that being said, it is vital that we keep things in perspective. If you have even remotely achieved 7x5.5 via PE exercising, maybe getting back into it will allow you to achieve that size again. At least you know how to go about achieving gains while minimizing injury (I\'m assuming). And don\'t let anyone kid you, 7x5.5 is big.
Medical/cosmetic intervention for PE is still very much an underground pioneering effort, and unlike nose & boob jobs, possesses a lot of (long-term) uncertainties.
You say PMMA sounds too good to be true. I feel the same way. It\'s very surreal to sometimes look at my post-op penis, and have to pinch myself to remind myself that I do indeed have a thicker unit. However, I\'m in no way clear of complications in the short or long term, and I have chosen to undergo penile bioplasty because I felt that I could accept and deal with the risk(s) of complication if they came along.
If you gained successfully via PE exercising, I\'d recommend getting back into that first. I suspect most gains aren\'t permanent and require maintenance to maintain the size. If that\'s the case so be it. At least the gains are conceivable in your case...many guys gain little to nothing. I should note that PE exercising also has its own inherent dangers. Ultimately, being an informed decision maker is your best bet, and making decisions with a healthy, stable state-of-mind is highly advised.
While I am not criticizing those who have chosen the PMMA route, I will remind those of average (and especially above average) sizes that this method is by no means the magic bullet (at least not conclusively), has risks for minor and major complication, and in its current state is still being refined and examined (which this forum is a great part of). Unless you have a supportive significant other and wish to rekindle the bedroom, or possess under-average stats, be sure that your decision to undergo any Phalloplasty method is done so with a sound state-of-mind.
I\'m personally happy with my results, however I would have probably been similarly happy with FFT or the implant if they were the only options available (presuming they did not have major complications). Given my pre-op stats, I (almost) had no choice but to entertain surgical options.
Good luck in your pursuit of gains!

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270882841

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Hi ricric,
Welcome to the forum! I agree, it\'s never good to make a big decision in crisis. As miracle said, there are zero long term studies on PMMA in the penis, so while in the short-term things seem promising, you certainly want to be cognizant that there is the possibility that things might not work out, and if you decide to proceed you have to be able to accept that implicit risk.
Your starting size is very good, so perhaps researching and waiting may be the best course of action. Best of luck to you, and we will all be thinking about you.

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270882850

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Lol, gotta love when we post at the same time. Just read yours and I echo what you say 1000 percent.

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270883609

This is a great board where people are on the level. SO far PMMA has been quasi too good to be true minor miracle for me. Interesting it has exposed further suboptimal desires that seem unfixable for me (small glans/short size). It\' s like you get promoted to VP and realize that there is Sr. VP and MAnaging Director...and you can\'t have it. I think you gotta really know: are you small or do you have a problem in your head?. Look I KNOW I am (or was) small, it has ALWAYS bothered me and there\'s no way I\'d have a dude put needles in my dong with millions of plastic beads otherwise. Plus I am in my late 30\'s and it\'s a last hurrah for me. You normal to better sizaed dudes that are worried about being bigger than next guy will NEVER be happy and subject yourself to uncessary risk IMO. The next guy will always be bigger, or smarter, or richer or better looking. IF you want chicks you have to be authentic you. Yea chicks like a big Dick. So what. It\'s like i like XYZ about chicks but chicks after 25 are more than just those things, it\'s about compatibabilty. The Dick will NEVER be enough. For me I just don\'t want to be embarrassed anymore and even though I am short it is comfort to know I am thickish now and feel heavyier and please my wife not feeling so weak. THe Dick now just begins to match the excellence of most other parts of my life. It was a mis-match. As to the long term impact of\'s not a carcinogen and you aren\'t gonna get spontaneious I am not sure what will happen? Dick melt off? This granuloma, which no one has yet experienced is just another boil, like I have had under my arm or whereever in my life and which can be treated by steroid. I think people have been getting PMMA is there arses for years and are fine, and basically this PMMA is not IN your penis but surrounding derma. I think it is a well calculated risk. The biggest risk really is that to get treated the friggn\' expert in this is in TIjuana, not a fun place to have to go to honestly, and he\'s expensive. Be adventurous and well healed if you want PMMA folks...

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270884450

bighat wrote: THe Dick now just begins to match the excellence of most other parts of my life. It was a mis-match.

This is exactly how I feel. Not only did I suffer from being significantly under-average, but I felt that I was capable in most other facets of my life to have such a thing bog me it\'s sort of now becoming a part of the \"whole package.\"

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270884731

You guys rock! My thoughts exactly. It\'s easy to get carried away by glowing reports of PMMA success and lose sight that one may be following others off the proverbial \"cliff\". That said... No major complications to report as of yet. Major size loss but will be patient less JustABitMore kick my a$$. I\'m going to be chasing his results for some time.

I urge ALL members and guests to heavily weigh the foreseeable and unforeseeable consequences of ANY and ALL methods of penile augmentation. There is NO magic bullet. We are all guinea pigs. Please research for months or even years before making such a life altering decision. Please don\'t make one at a young age! You\'ll want use of your \"lil buddy\" long into your golden years. Knowledge is power. This forum is an open and honest home for those that come to learn and share the wealth. I will (unless future studies prove indubitably) NEVER recommend any form of penis enlargement. Having lived with a deformed and essentially unusable penis during the best years of my life, I was prepared and well educated before taking said risk. Take heart those that desire a bigger unit! The future for penile augmentation is looking a bit brighter. Thank you to SO and all the Mods and long time veterans that helped forge a beacon of light in a sea of shills and lies.


M7x5.6 ...

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270884945

Thanks for the insight guys. My guess is that with a correctly executed BPEL my EG & EL are 5x5 since I lost the gains. Maybe a tad less? Unable to get it to stand at attention as of late. Plus I\'m a big guy which makes it look all the more pathetic. Plus, I ALWAYS turtle and when it turtles bad it\'s not just a little bit. Sometimes it turtles so bad that I think a few inches shorter and it\'s gonna be sticking out of my butt. I\'ll keep researching though. This is an insecurity that has plauged me for 30 years (I 1st noticed something wasn\'t right @ 8 years old). All the other options just seemed too dangerous. This proceedure does seem the safest of all with the best benifits. Time will tell I guess.

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270885630

Wow, seems like for some, gains via PE exercising can be temporary, and would require life-long maintenance to retain those sizes. I hope I can achieve even an Inch in Erect length. As for Girth, you are at a healthy average (and some may argue just slightly above average), and like others have stated here before, it\'s all about making the best decision for you.
I\'m currently at 4.5\" MSEG and dream of breaking 5\" all along the shaft, maybe a bit more if the aesthetics allow for it. Before PMMA, I was not only small, but turtled HARD, and so I can totally relate to how it may impact your \"penile-self-esteem.\"
You\'ve come to the right place, learn all you can, and whatever it is you decide to do, we\'ll have your back.

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270887283

Three words of advice:

1.) Size does matter. Good luck with your surgery.

2.) There are a lot of \'ones\' out there, and once you get a bigger Dick it becomes easier to find them. After whoring around for the past 4 months with my enlarged friend I\'ve finally run into one that\'s smart as fuck, looks just like Lindsey Lohan and loves to fuck me. I\'m not looking like the fittest man in the book these past 3 months since I\'ve been working my ass off.

3.) 7\" Length 6\" Girth is doing amazing things for me coming from 4.\"25-.\"5 Girth.

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270890520

Also after discussion with EP, many more have experienced complications that have not posted on the board for privacy reasons. He and I speculate approximately a 30% occurrence of post operative complication rate (some minor... some not). PMMA is NOT the magic bullet... at least not yet. I suggest waiting.

You are at the point in your life that PMMA makes more sense than some guy in his twenties.

I don\'t promote whoring around. It can lead to unwanted pregnancies or something Mr. Clean won\'t take off. Be sensible and responsible. You are also welcome to leave my advice at the front door. The choice is yours.

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270892516

miracle7 wrote: Also after discussion with EP, many more have experienced complications that have not posted on the board for privacy reasons. He and I speculate approximately a 30% occurrence of post operative complication rate (some minor... some not). PMMA is NOT the magic bullet... at least not yet. I suggest waiting.

Just so readers know, as of now we are still uncertain of any major complications from this procedure, only minor and/or resolvable complications - correct me if I\'m mistaken M7 or EP.

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Going for PMMA soon. It sounds too good to be true. 13 years 4 months ago #1270894937

damn guys I was just about to book, ep or m7 can you enlighten us on the guys who are havin problems, and why arent they posting them, this creates anxcious feelings because that is what happened at mns. only good news no bad then bam! we find out later that the procedure is crap.

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