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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269764064

Hi guys I have been lurking around the forums and finally pulled the plug today, my appt with Dr C was today at 2:30, had the shuttle pick me up from my hotel in SD at 1:30 got to the office at 2 and got called into the office at 3.

I talked with wade and he was VERY accommodation and so was Dr C and the rest of the staff, very professional ! I am afraid to death of needles but they helped me with that and was gentle as well as patient ! I believe I ended up getting 14% due to my size or lack of but I also had asked them about using the silicone sleeve post op and I showed them the one I got off autoextender and he said that was fine and the only problem would possily be that the sleeve would bunch up at the shaft and possible leave an indent but I was willing to give it a shot !

As fas as sizes I\'m not sure what my outcome is yet due to swelling but it came out terrific so far I kept a nice shape bit won\'t know the final outcome for a few weeks but I am pretty sure I will be back for round 2 . Thanks to all those who gave me advice I\'ll try to post pics wen I fly back home .

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269764510

Congrats man. I am a guy who can\'t stand needles either so it is good to hear they have a good bedside manner. Did you take any before photos to compare to your final outcome? Let us know how the sleeve worked. Keep us updated.

I\'ve said it before, but I am very happy for all you guys that are getting this done and your great results (and I\'m a little jealous too) Congrats.

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269765093

Yes they were very accommodating AND patient , I must have lost like 5lbs in sweat from sweating about the needles lol

As far as the sleeves concerned I have been wearing it all day and just took it off now to massage,pee and clean the silicone and put back on , it seems to be working great as it is preventing any Turtling from happening.

I was going to ask them to measure me but I forgot and by the time I remember it was too late prolly cause I was given a pill to help with the needles but I am guessing I was a 4.25 eg before and won\'t know my final results for a few weeks but the guys over at Dr C are TOP NOTCH !!!! They made me feel comfortable the whole time

Also Juan my driver to and from was one of the nicest guys I have met !! I will ask for him when I go back for round 2 if there is a round 2

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269765189

The sleeve sounds like a good idea. I would have been concerned that it would bunch or shift the PMMA but it sounds like it is working for you.

How long did it take you to cross back into US?

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269765197

You know, I have wondered what the driver is thinking when he is taking all these guys to get their procedures or back afterwards...

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269765353

Are you referring to the Auto Xleeve?

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269765490

Congratulations cosminc. Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us. Please, keep us posted.

Best of luck to you.

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269765881

Let us know how the aesthetics turn out especially.

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269765959

Congrats! You\'ll notice in a week or two that it dwindles a little but later builds up. Especially if you\'re young which I\'m not. I hope that for older guys who don\'t have that youthful surge of hormones that it will get going growing again in the 5th and 6th week. Wade told me that it might take some time but when it starts to kick in you\'ll know it.

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269768116

So far the sleeve has worked great for me just have to make sure you put it on right , my method is to measure my stretched length roll the uncut sleeve up that length insert head as soon as head is in to hold the head from the outside of the sleeve and pull outrages while rolling it bad towards the base and if you get it just right it will end right at the base without rolling back up, it may take a few tries to get it in the right position but I can wear that thing all day plus it\'s silicone keeps it warm and helps it from wanting to retract.

My appt was Friday at 2:30 took me 10 mins to get past the boarder and about 1.5 hours to get out but me and the driver Juan just chatted the whole way He never asked me what i was there for, he told me he delivers more patients to Dr C than he does to his own hospital. I got a couple of waters and a churros from those street vendors which were delicious. It was my first time anywhere outside the U.S. I\'m 35 and have had a passport for over 10 years and never been out, it was scary at first seeing armed guards guarding a building but was told that it was the military and that they probably had somebody important at the courthouse.

Yes it is the autoxleeve I used the yellow one

@supa. Virgin
Thanks and will do !

Yeah I tried asking them to put more in at first at the advice of gsxr but they said no cause they didn\'t want me to have results that I would not be happy with. I wonder what kind of supplements I should be taking, I asked them that and they said that different things work for different people same with the sleeve they said they used to use them but the only problem was if it wasnt put on correctly that it will roll up at the base and possible cause a ring which I can see happening but if you put it on right it should prevent that even try a little tape if your having problems keeping it rolled back. I am def going back for round 2 as I would like to have this swollen Girth now be my final size.

Thanks everybody for the comment

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269769890

I felt exactly the same way and you can see from my own progress report the initial result was a heck of a lot better than what I came in with. I thought - hoped - it was for keeps as they dialed in just about the perfect unit for my size. However it has since dwindled, not causing much worry as this was understood and to be expected.
Yet I have found that even with intermediate Girth, well before the collagen kicks in, that even a small gain can make a big difference in confidence and in the resulting responses from women, So don\'t decide quite yet just what you want in the end, for you might wind up very very happy with slightly less which is however still a lot more than you\'ve been used to. I have hence decided to postpone my next session planned for week 6 until a later date for several reasons.
The first is that the size queen I was stuck on is out of the picture. I am grateful for her presence as a strong incentive to get me here, I doubt any of this progress would have happened without that prospect. So whether she knew it or not she did me a great service which will be appreciated by others of the female gender.
The second reason is that this way I will allow the collagen to achieve its full results which apparently can continue during several months, six weeks being the minimum time at which one can safely add more product during the buildup.
The third reason is due to my length, which retracted recently either due to Gonadotropine injections or some other chemical PE effort I undertook simultaneously. This means I need to stretch and regain that length before adding further Girth. I don\'t want to be distorted and look like I\'m sporting a beer can, so it will be a quest for length next prior to adding further Girth.

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269770151


I enjoyed our conversation prior to your procedure. I\'m pleased you made it through intact. LOL. I know you were nervous and rightfully so. Patience is your friend at this point. Collagen formation can take months to complete. My fingers are crossed in hopes that your result is nothing short of spectacular.

Best Wishes,

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269770661

cosminc- congrats
The end stage of formation of the new collagen is between 2-4 months, so you should expect increase in Girth till 4 months post-injection.

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269771234

So I am curious. I know guys go back after 6-8 weeks, but wouldn\'t it be best to wait say 3 months between rounds so you and the doc know what you\'re working with or will it really not make that big of a difference in the final outcome?

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Round 1 PMMA 13 years 6 months ago #1269771862

Hey Cosminc, I know we had a few chats and am excited & happy to hear your procedure was a success! As others have mentioned, your new size wont be realized until at least 2 months post-op.
As for needles, if I\'m not mistaken we talked about how some people just never get used to them (including myself). It\'s so weird at first going into the procedure room knowing you are about to get your penis enlarged without any general anesthesia and realize \"I\'m going to be awake the whole time??\" Even after reading progress report after progress report, it doesn\'t settle in until they are wiping you with rubbing alcohol and the needle-anxiety kicks in. Fortunately, their staff is indeed accommodating and patient and it makes for a tolerable experience.
Will look forward to your updates, happy healing!

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