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TOPIC: Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety

Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303381829

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303391512

Relocating thread to appropriate sub-forum.

Wouldn\'t get too hung on one publication. Ladies just as insecure...breasts...ass...hell, vaginal canal. Relax.

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303391104

What would be interesting to see is if someone could get ahold of the raw data for the 3D model size study and see what women listed as perceived average girth and length (mean and median) given it was measured and charted in the study. They simply didn\'t report it for some reason... Though if you look at the plot, it appears that a decent amount are clustered around 6 inches length, though vast majority are below. In addition, it a decent amount are clustered around 5 inch girth, though vast majority are below... Makes you start to think, if ideal size is no more than 4.8-5.0 MEG and ideal length 6.3-6.4 NBPEL, why the fuck are so many on this site having negative experiences with women in regards to size?

I\'m not sure if anyone has been able to get ahold of the raw data or not (possible on thunders thread), but here is another link to the 3D model size preference study:

Thunders thread on size:

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303390934

I am not fully convinced as to what the real \"average size\" is based on studies. The study below is probably the best we have at least for length. I am unsure if the studies used BPEL or NPEL, Thunders has a huge thread on this and the study I am referencing is included. I am assuming this is NBPEL because of how low it appears. The study states average is EL 5.16 MEG 4.59.
Only two studies are referenced for erect girth Wessels et al, which uses \"Urology patients\" found 4.84 MEG, unsure of whether they had ED or not, which makes a difference in erect size due to atrophy. And Promodu et al, which was done in a Sexual Dysfunction Clinic on guys with ED, which found average to be 4.52 MEG. Though interestingly, the EL lengths measured are almost the exact same. No other studies were included in the meta-analysis for erect girth, both these studies used MEG. Why the .3 inch difference? Probably ED... So the true average MEG is likely closer to 4.8 MEG. As for length, there are actually a decent amount of studies that have examined erect length and they generally are less than 6 inches, which is surprising to me based on my own life experiences. How do we know erect girth is not much bigger than 4.8-5.0? Because I\'ve heard in order to wear Magnums, one must be at least 5.25 MEG for a good fit. Most men are not wearing Magnums, so I am assuming most are under 5.25 MEG, which is consistent with the Wessels et al study.

What is interesting about all of this though is that the ideal erect size listed in the study using 3D models is at average girth to slightly above; however, the desired NPEL is significantly above what is listed as average in the studies. Yet everyone always talks about girth being more important than length, the first study I listed shows length is also important to a good number of women, in some cases more so than girth.

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303390768

Just to sum up the ideal size reference that Dream is referring to I will pull a quote from his link that\'s from the study that actually used 3D Models to represent a NBPEL penis (which I think makes it far more accurate than a woman simple verbally stating desired stats based on memory/assumption)

- Best study i found ever: They let 75 Women choose between 33 3d-printed penis models:

\"Women preferred a penis of slightly larger circumference and length for one-time (length = 6.4 inches/16.3 cm, circumference = 5.0 inches/12.7 cm) versus long-term (length = 6.3 inches/16.0 cm, circumference = 4.8 inches/12.2 cm) sexual partners.\"

So basically ideal size is

long term parner = 6.3 NBPEL 4.8 MEG one night stand/fling = 6.4 NBPEL 5.0 MEG

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303390749

this article is obvious, it would be the same for men if we were asked a similar question. we would obviously choose a female with a tight vagina over a sloppy large vagina.

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303389960

There is no news here actually.

Women on average prefer slightly larger than average penisses.

What a \'slightly larger than average penis\' is, see here:

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303389921

Now I really can\'t wait for my round3 next month..
Thanks for the new motivation!

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303389608

Herbert West wrote: I noticed that we are feel similar feelings about different things man.Girth is not such a big problem comparing to Erect length. As you can read in this article, some womens still prefer length, but if we can achieve any Girth that we want, we can\'t do the same thing with Erect length.

That is true. I would still prefer to be a bit shorter and having world class Girth compared to be shorter in lentgh and thin! Based on what you read you from acceptable for 25% to 75% of women. There are size queens no doubt, but very few men are actually packing 8x6 inches.

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303389087

Reklaw wrote: Lol I felt mildly depressed after reading it.

I noticed that we are feel similar feelings about different things man.

George7 wrote: Feel for having more PMMA after that read. Something awfull about feeling that if you find a girl they dont feel you can please them. Hate not being average or even better hung like a horse.

Girth is not such a big problem comparing to Erect length. As you can read in this article, some womens still prefer length, but if we can achieve any Girth that we want, we can\'t do the same thing with Erect length.

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303388916

Feel for having more PMMA after that read. Something awfull about feeling that if you find a girl they dont feel you can please them. Hate not being average or even better hung like a horse.

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303388805

Herbert West wrote: inducing publicationP.S. For those who\'re not hung obviously

Lol I felt mildly depressed after reading it.

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303388465

inducing publicationP.S. For those who\'re not hung obviously

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303387988

3. Penis size and female choice

One function of the penis is to provide sexual satisfaction to women (Mautz et al., 2013 Mautz, B. S., Wong, B. B. M., Peters, R. A., & Jennions, M. D. (2013). Penis size interacts with body shape and height to influence male attractiveness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 6925'6930.10.1073/pnas.1219361110[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]). Masters and Johnson (1966 Masters, W. H., & Johnson, V. E. (1966). Human sexual response. Boston, MA: Little Brown. [Google Scholar], 1970 Masters, W. H., & Johnson, V. E. (1970). Human sexual inadequacy. Boston, MA: Little, Brown. [Google Scholar]) argued that the size of the penis plays little role in doing so. They reached this conclusion on the basis of their physiological studies that show that the vagina adapts to fit the size of the penis. Thus, they argued that any size penis will fit and provide adequate sexual stimulation to a woman. Nevertheless, subsequent studies indicated that size is important for the sexual satisfaction of women.

More specifically, in one study women were asked about the importance of two aspects of penis size: length and Girth (Francken et al., 2002 Francken, A. B., van de Wiel, H. B., van Driel, M. F., & Weijmar Schultz, W. C. (2002). What importance do women attribute to the size of the penis? European Urology, 42, 426'431.10.1016/S0302-2838(02)00396-2[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]). About 21% rated length as important and about 33% rated Girth as important. Another study asked 556 women aged 19'49 years about the importance of penis length and Girth ('tulhofer, 2006 'tulhofer, A. (2006). How (un)important is penis size for women with heterosexual experience? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 35, 5'6.10.1007/s10508-006-8989-7[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]). With respect to length, 57.4% considered it somewhat important, 18% very important, and 24.6% unimportant. With respect to Girth, 53% considered it somewhat important, 21.5% very important, and 25.4% as unimportant. In addition, more experienced women judged penis size as more important, both in terms of length and Girth. Similarly, one study in the Middle East found that women reported size to be important (67.2%), where 40% believed Girth is most important and 40% valued both length and Girth (Shaeer, Shaeer, & Shaeer, 2012 Shaeer, O., Shaeer, K., & Shaeer, E. (2012). The global online sexuality survey (GOSS): Female Sexual Dysfunction among internet users in the reproductive age group in the middle east. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 411'424.10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02552.x[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]). It was also found that dissatisfaction with a partner's penis size was associated with greater risk of female Sexual Dysfunction.

In a different line of research, women from the USA, New Zealand, Cameroon, and China rated stylized male figures with somewhat longer than average penises as more attractive (Dixson, Dixson, Bishop, & Parish, 2010 Dixson, B. J., Dixson, A. F., Bishop, P. J., & Parish, A. (2010). Human physique and sexual attractiveness in men and women: A New Zealand'U.S. comparative study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39, 798'806.10.1007/s10508-008-9441-y[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]; Dixson, Dixson, Li, & Anderson, 2007 Dixson, B. J., Dixson, A. F., Li, B., & Anderson, M. J. (2007). Studies of human physique and sexual attractiveness: Sexual preferences of men and women in China. American Journal of Human Biology, 19, 88'95.10.1002/(ISSN)1520-6300[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]; Dixson, Dixson, Morgan, & Anderson, 2007 Dixson, B. J., Dixson, A. F., Morgan, B., & Anderson, M. J. (2007). Human Physique and sexual attractiveness: sexual preferences of men and women in Bakossiland, Cameroon. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, 369'375.10.1007/s10508-006-9093-8[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]). Similarly, an Australian study of female assessment of digitally projected life-size, computer-generated images, found that women rated men with large penises as more attractive (Mautz et al., 2013 Mautz, B. S., Wong, B. B. M., Peters, R. A., & Jennions, M. D. (2013). Penis size interacts with body shape and height to influence male attractiveness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 6925'6930.10.1073/pnas.1219361110[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]). In a representative Czech sample, 34% of the women with history of orgasm from penile'vaginal intercourse and enough coital partners to be able to make a comparison, reported being more likely to have an orgasm from penile'vaginal intercourse with a man who has a longer than average penis length (Brody & Weiss, 2010 Brody, S., & Weiss, P. (2010). Vaginal orgasm is associated with vaginal (not clitoral) sex education, focusing mental attention on vaginal sensations, intercourse duration, and a preference for a longer penis. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 2774'2781.10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01469.x[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]). These results were also replicated in a Scottish sample (Costa, Miller, & Brody, 2012 Costa, R. M., Miller, G. F., & Brody, S. (2012). Women who prefer longer penises are more likely to have vaginal orgasms (but not clitoral orgasms): Implications for an evolutionary theory of vaginal orgasm. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 3079'3088.10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02917.x[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]). An Internet study of 26,437 heterosexual female participants found that 94% of women who reported that their current partner's penis was 'large' were 'very satisfied' sexually, but only 32% of women whose partner's penis was 'small' were very satisfied sexually, and 68% of those women wished that their partner's penis was larger (Lever et al., 2006 Lever, J., Frederick, D. A., & Peplau, L. A. (2006). Does size matter? Men's and women's views on penis size across the lifespan. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 7, 129'143.[Crossref], [Google Scholar]).

Evidence that female choice had been an important selection force operating on penis size has also been provided by a recent study (Apostolou, 2015a Apostolou, M. (2015a). Female choice and the evolution of penis size. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44, 1749'1750.10.1007/s10508-015-0580-7[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]). This study tested the hypothesis that, if in ancestral human societies female choice had been exercised on penis size, and given that women exhibit a stronger preference for Girth than length (Eisenman, 2001 Eisenman, R. (2001). Penis size: Survey of female perceptions of sexual satisfaction. BMC Women's Health, 1, 1.10.1186/1472-6874-1-1[Crossref], [PubMed], [Google Scholar]; Francken et al., 2002 Francken, A. B., van de Wiel, H. B., van Driel, M. F., & Weijmar Schultz, W. C. (2002). What importance do women attribute to the size of the penis? European Urology, 42, 426'431.10.1016/S0302-2838(02)00396-2[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science '], [Google Scholar]), the observed penis size would be less variable in terms of Girth than in terms of length. The reason is that female choice would have been stronger on Girth than on length. Analysis of the variation in a large data-set found evidence which is consistent with this hypothesis.

Overall, as women are concerned about the size of their partners' penis, men who have alleles that predispose for sizes desirable to women will gain a selective advantage over men who have alleles which do not. In effect, understanding the variation that the size of the penis exhibits today, requires assessing the strength of female choice in ancestral human societies.

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Evolutionary Perspective on Size Anxiety 7 years 1 week ago #1303399189

I mean for real doe. It\'s more than your Cock, that you a good lover, capable fulfilling your partner. Communication is where you start. Then you practice till you get it right. As to size anxiety its best own what you got, if your partner prefers size then they may not be right for you I know it sounds cliche but its true.

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