She often got to me about my size. I never told her the true story about my size, she just know I was small but didnt know why, so one day she said I was so small and can\'t do nothing for nobody. Keep in mind I was madly in love with her and this girl was obsessed with sex and
Dick size, she even had a penis size diagram on her phone. I lost it and got very depressed to the point where I tried to
myself because of what she said. She often blew it off saying how I\'m small but ik how to please a woman but I never believed her and thought she only said that to make me feel better. In the end she told all of her friends that i was mega small and that I know how to fuck, she claimed that she was the only who could stop me from doing any p.e and that she likes me how I am which is bs she just wanted to embarrass me but thankfully I only told it was a procedure I can do to get bigger ,I never told her what\'s its called or who\'s the doctor.