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TOPIC: Circumcised vs uncircumcised

Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1296309949

Just because the Majority of Americans agree with it doesn\'t make it right, 40% of Americans still believe in Natural Theology! This theory was proven to be untrue 150 years ago. Why do people condemn 3rd world countries for practicing FGM yet agree with male Circumcision, because they\'re fucking dumb that\'s why. In 50 years time Circumcision will be viewed as a primitive thing of the past.

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295717030

I got cut as an adult and I think it was the best thing for me. I like the look and feel. When I still had Foreskin. I would always feel \'wet\' when the skin covered the glans and I hated that.

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295716032

I am cut but I would hate to lose me Foreskin if I had one for PE. It seems really drastic, I would think about avoiding it if you can. Personally, I think having it cut now is a very big deal - but that\'s just me.

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295715824

siddy19 wrote: Lastly does getting Circumcised lessen the sensation cause I love stroking me Foreskin that shit feels amazing I\'d hate to lose that.

I am almost 100% certain that getting cut will lessen the glans sexual sensation. The glans are normally protected by the Foreskin, and hence the sexual nerves and the skin in that area is a lot more sensitive. Once cut and after healing, the continuous friction of cloths will cause a reduction in sensation.

I still maintain that a woman will have more pleasure from cut than un-cut under a scientific experiment. I am not talking about visual or preference here, the actual sexual feeling inside the vagina.

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295713204

\"I doubt majority of women find uncircumcised easthetically appealing\"
If you don\'t believe just go on YouTube \"asking women about Circumcision Europe\" 95% prefer the appearance of and uncircumcised penis usually they describe a Circumcised penis as \"Alien\" or something like that.
If you YouTube \"asking American women about Circumcision\" you will find the direct opposite.
Don\'t forget, I actually live in Europe! There was like 1 guy in my year out 300 people who was Circumcised and he got picked on about it by males and females.

\"Does Circumcision lesson the sensation\"
I\'m so sick of bitching about it because no one believes me about it by in my opinion it\'s fucking terrible.

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295712782

Reklaw I think Circumcised is accepted in our countries because it\'s more the norm but I doubt majority of women find uncircumcised Cock aesthetically appealing there\'s something about Foreskin that looks just weird when your Cock\'s all shrunk up. While I have read and from personal experience women find the Foreskin rubbing quite pleasurable.

Lastly does getting Circumcised lessen the sensation cause I love stroking me Foreskin that shit feels amazing I\'d hate to lose that.

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295712411

true that, plus i\'m older and all the women i\'m around r older, set in their ways. could be Hollywood thing too, it\'s what they c on tv.

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295710345

That\'s not suprising seen as the majority of the population are Circumcised where you are.
It\'s the opposite over here.

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295709297

all the women i know cringe at the thought of uncircumcised men....

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295709159

Cosmetic Circumcision of newborns is illegal in Australia and more countries are about to follow suit.

That\'s brilliant - I always thought it was ridiculous to greet a newborn by cutting off his Foreskin.
It\'s like people of have certain breeds of dogs and get the dogs tail cut off as puppies like it is necessary, what the fuck is that?

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295708304

Herd the same as Reklaw. Countries where men are cut women prefer that and vice versa. Either way I don\'t imagine preference for one to be strong.

I bet you will regret getting cut if you do. Although PMMA works better for the cut, most of these guys have been cut all their lives and know no different. You won\'t tho. There maybe debate over which women prefer but there is no debate over which guys get more satisfaction out of their own dicks....

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295706672

My understanding is that most women enjoy cut men because the friction is better than uncut men, there is no Foreskin to interfere in the motion. Where as uncut men have more sensation in the glans than cut men.

I have read, but can\'t remember the sources, that generally speaking women like the look of cut men vs uncut men. This is just my understanding and it is reflected correctly when I asked my women what they prefer. One of my lady did say she liked uncut men because they came quicker...LOL...

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295702070

You don\'t have to be Circumcised loads of our uncircumcised members have had good results, the lastest one I can think of is Heimdall

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295701480

I got the same idea from some forums too but it seems you almost always have to lose the Foreskin in order to get a good PMMA result and even then I think losing Foreskin is a loss in Girth to an extent

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Circumcised vs uncircumcised 7 years 9 months ago #1295701131

In countries where the majority of the population are Circumcised the women tend to prefer the appearance of a Circumcised penis.
In countries where the majority are uncircumcised the women tend to prefer the appearance of an uncircumcised penis.
Most unbiased scientific studies suggest women find an uncircumcised penis more pleasurable, they\'re more likely to have an orgasm, and have one quicker.
I had my Foreskin removed a year ago, I think it\'s much worse being Circumcised, I\'d even go as far to suggest it\'s a disability.
Cosmetic Circumcision of newborns is illegal in Australia and more countries are about to follow suit.

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