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TOPIC: Considering MGTOW

Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294278531

Why do we let women mess with our heads so much. This is the 3rd time in 4 years i\'m going to be going through heart break. I\'m not here to cry about it, the shit just seems never ending. I went through a horrible divorce in Dec. 2013. Shortly after, I joined this forum. I met a gal I went to HS with and she turned out to be a narcissist, was with her almost 2 years and we were engaged. The woman i\'m with now, been with her a year, caught her on a singles site and on FB singles group, interacting with guys behind my back. Im a good guy. I don\'t fucking cheat. I have a decent sized cock 6.3 NBP and 6 in girth. Im 8% BF, I have my shit together, I make decent money, not rich, but decent and im also back in school, majoring in economics. I just finished finals with a 4.0. I go to the gym, I have my shit together... Is it wrong to question a woman why she is fucking around behind my back on singles groups??? Wanting some accountability? God, womens realities are soooo fucking ridiculous and fickle. Their current feelings are their realities and god knows that can switch week by week. One day, they love you more than anything in this world, the next, they can be blowing some fucking weirdo at work. Their is more than just the dating group shit I busted her with behind my back. What sucks was I thought this was such a decent woman. Sorry to rant, to be honest, maybe im too nice, a little co dependent. Aside from cock insecurities, what is the most fucked up thing a woman has ever done to you? Am I alone in this God Damn realm?

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294386368

Todzilla wrote: For me, once trust is breached, odds of me giving it back are slim to none in a committed relationship. I will never put another pussy on a pedestal again. Im just pissed at myself now for wasting so much time on the twat. Haven\'t had any contact in 11 days now.

Never ever trust a modern woman especially if she\'s pretty or above pretty, this is my opinion, yours WILL vary.
They are always looking for upgrades and if they are nice looking and not too fat, there are always manipulated men who are standing in line to serve their needs and put them on a pedestal, like you did.

I have a hi twenties niece and her early thirties friend, they are medium to very pretty. We talk about every detail about relationships and the stuff they tell me about how they treat men, I\'d them if it was me they are dating....I just can\'t believe the shit they do. Mind you, they are not bad people, just girls who are \"allowed and invited\" to abuse these pussy wiped men....No insult intended to any readers here!

No matter what she says, do not respond to her. you lasted 11 days, now she has respect for you and now SHE is wondering if you found some one else. Blow her off forever if you go it in you, in a month or so you will come back and thank us for it....I give you a rear bumper guarantee it\'s the right thing to do...LOL...

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294385679

Good info gents. I\'m feeling shit tons better. Just had to vent. I need to step up my game and not put up with the types of women I\'ve been attracting my whole life. I became very complacent in my marriage and let myself get overweight. I never felt I was good enough. I was making good money for a while and just thought that was the key to everything in life. Lesson learned. I\'m happier now with myself than I have ever been. Its been fucking great not having to wonder what my untrustworthy ex is doing every fucking day behind my back. For me, once trust is breached, odds of me giving it back are slim to none in a committed relationship. I will never put another pussy on a pedestal again. Im just pissed at myself now for wasting so much time on the twat. Haven\'t had any contact in 11 days now.

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294378425

Has anybody read the book titled \"The manipulated man\" ?
Interestingly the book was written by a German woman who believes that women are not oppressed by men but control men to their advantage.

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294378192

chester wrote: 3 damaged kids, money issues, a growing midsection...this is a stock you need to dump from your portfolio...ASAP!


Wtf are you upset about ? This is a gd blessing! Tell her to pound sand and on to the next ...

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294357030

3 damaged kids, money issues, a growing midsection...this is a stock you need to dump from your portfolio...ASAP!

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294310058

Todzilla wrote: Anyway, onward, more time to build my business and focus on school.

NOW you are talking....

I know there are many issues from both sides in any relationship, but I believe that some times one side CAN be right and the other side can be wrong.....

As you where.... LOL

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294305948

I haven\'t responded to her nor have I. There is a lot more to the story, as there always is. Yes, women always seem to have a back up. She has 3 kids, 2 strung out adhd, I feel bad for them and a 2 year old who is attached to the hip. She has so much emotional baggage from an abusive relationship and daddy issues. Ya, should have seen this shit coming. She has a cute face, but isnt what I would call very pretty. She has nice tits but that is where it stops. Her stomach has been growing and she has been breaking out in hives the last 6 weeks ever since her ex husband has been trying to see the kids. A lot of this baggage unfolded later on... Blah blah blah. Doesn\'t excuse her for being on a singles group. She promised me she would be totally transparent with me, I could go through her phone blah blah blah, this has been going on all over the last month. I just decide I couldn\'t deal with it. she lies so much, is irresponsible and has a lot of miney problems dispite filing bankruptcy just 12 months ago.... Anymore red flags I should ignore? Fuck... The power of the pussy. Anyway, onward, more time to build my business and focus on school.

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294302051

Todzilla wrote: Thanks for your responses gentlemen. I\'m actually feeling pretty decent right now. I\'m excited to focus on me. I\'ve let women destroy me far too long. Mustang2020 your a legend on here, always love getting your input even though I haven\'t really interacted with you much over the years. I\'m just going to work hard improving myself at this point. Im 35 and feel like im just too fucking old for this shit. Some of my advice to anyone reading younger, this is my opinion and my experience 1) to good to be true type woman, love bombing etc. 2) Needs way too much social media interaction. FB Snap chat etc... RUN 3) ALL their ex\'s are abusive, psycho blah blah blah RUN 4) addicted to phone 5) Always eye fucking other dudes in front of you 5) Cant take any constructive criticism 6) Lies, lies, lies... Rarely in my opinion is it ok, we all know and have exceptions, outside of those. 7) If you have to explain humanity 101, basic decency RUN

I will never let a woman ruin me again.

As, im writing this post and about to hit submit, I just got an email from her, telling me how much she loves me and never wanted to hurt me etc and she is always here for me.

It is funny how they always say that....I didn\'t mean to hurt you!, but she did. Did she apologize about it? and did she mean it?....Most likely no...

she is always there for you? BS...she says that to make her self feel better about her guilt. Call her out, call her and ask her to \"be there for you\" because you just met a girl who you like and you need some advise from her about this new girl...let\'s see if she will be there for you!!! Do it and report back. She\'ll not come through...almost guaranteed....LOL

Ignore her, She\'s already gone, she signed you off long ago. If she\'s pretty, she\'s got some one before she signed you off...Women do that, guaranteed!!!!

Once a woman signs off her ex, there is no return, it will never be like before, guaranteed..again. LOL.

Like you said, move on, try to find another one, not easy these days I know cause men have given in, but you can try your best....


Live Long and F*** Long

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294286354

Have you thought about finding a girl and keeping her in your basement like Josef Fritzel did ?

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294285369

Be a lone wolf. Being alone is awesome. I have the girl of my dreams and if I had anything less I would never, ever, settle down.

At the end of the day, people really don\'t give a fuck about each-other. Almost every person you meet (and will ever meet) has a hidden agenda that caters to their own selfish desires. I learned this more than ever when my business started doing very well.

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294284987

Thanks for your responses gentlemen. I\'m actually feeling pretty decent right now. I\'m excited to focus on me. I\'ve let women destroy me far too long. Mustang2020 your a legend on here, always love getting your input even though I haven\'t really interacted with you much over the years. I\'m just going to work hard improving myself at this point. Im 35 and feel like im just too fucking old for this shit. Some of my advice to anyone reading younger, this is my opinion and my experience 1) to good to be true type woman, love bombing etc. 2) Needs way too much social media interaction. FB Snap chat etc... RUN 3) ALL their ex\'s are abusive, psycho blah blah blah RUN 4) addicted to phone 5) Always eye fucking other dudes in front of you 5) Cant take any constructive criticism 6) Lies, lies, lies... Rarely in my opinion is it ok, we all know and have exceptions, outside of those. 7) If you have to explain humanity 101, basic decency RUN

I will never let a woman ruin me again.

As, im writing this post and about to hit submit, I just got an email from her, telling me how much she loves me and never wanted to hurt me etc and she is always here for me.

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294279280

Todzilla wrote: Why do we let women mess with our heads so much. This is the 3rd time in 4 years i\'m going to be going through heart break. I\'m not here to cry about it, the shit just seems never ending. I went through a horrible divorce in Dec. 2013. Shortly after, I joined this forum. I met a gal I went to HS with and she turned out to be a narcissist, was with her almost 2 years and we were engaged. The woman i\'m with now, been with her a year, caught her on a singles site and on FB singles group, interacting with guys behind my back. Im a good guy. I don\'t fucking cheat. I have a decent sized cock 6.3 NBP and 6 in girth. Im 8% BF, I have my shit together, I make decent money, not rich, but decent and im also back in school, majoring in economics. I just finished finals with a 4.0. I go to the gym, I have my shit together... Is it wrong to question a woman why she is fucking around behind my back on singles groups??? Wanting some accountability? God, womens realities are soooo fucking ridiculous and fickle. Their current feelings are their realities and god knows that can switch week by week. One day, they love you more than anything in this world, the next, they can be blowing some fucking weirdo at work. Their is more than just the dating group shit I busted her with behind my back. What sucks was I thought this was such a decent woman. Sorry to rant, to be honest, maybe im too nice, a little co dependent. Aside from cock insecurities, what is the most fucked up thing a woman has ever done to you? Am I alone in this God Damn realm?

NEVER EVER give power to a woman and let her make you do anything, Period. Always do what YOU want to do.

Never trust a woman \"feelings\", it is just that...feelings, they are based on emotions not logic nor facts which are what men were designed for. Women are so different in the way they go through life than men. You must understand them to be able to deal with them.

It took me all of my life to barely understand them and now I feel I can deal with anything they can dish out. When a man is inside a woman, he is at his weakest point.....this is when I think that this P**** that I am in right may be hosting another dick soon, then I go back to my strongest point!

If some of you may think I hate women, I do not. I love them but I have learned to never let them control me while I can still have fun and happiness with them.

Sounds like you have your act together but you got deeply hurt because you let her in too much, believe me I know what you are going through so I tell ya don\'t give up. Easy for me to say, I know, but dump her ass and look for another one. She\'ll come back begging but never take her back.....

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294279063

This is actually my first time hearing about MGTOW. I wonder if a few of them frequent /r/TheRedPill.
Anyways, no, you aren\'t alone, Tod. We all hear it quite often. \"Don\'t be so insecure.\" Well, the reality is being \"secure\" doesn\'t mean your SO isn\'t cheating on you. Even the richest, best-looking, large Dick, athletic men have been cheated on and those men are very secure about themselves. A-List celebrities, athletes, royalty, etc. I\'m sure divorce lawyers see cases of 5, 10, 20 year marriages end with the husband/wife not knowing that they were being cheated on that entire time. Trust yourself to do the right thing for your own physical and mental health. There really are selfish people in this world.

Don\'t do what I did. My SO cheated on me, so I confronted her, and she denied it. My close friends confirmed. I even had screenshots of her convos with other guys. I decided I would stay in the relationship a year longer and cheated on her with 3 other women. I never told her. I continued appearing to be the very best bf she ever had, spoiling her, serenading her with dining, gifts, vacations, bullshit love and things she wanted to hear, getting her family blessings. Hah...hah...hah. I purposely made her depend on me. Then I disappeared like a ghost. No closure. She was devastated. Trying to get me back everyday for 3 months, and everyday crying in front of me. Don\'t do what I did. I wasted an extra year being with someone I didn\'t give a f*ck about just because I wanted to destroy her. I hate myself for it.

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Considering MGTOW 8 years 2 months ago #1294387560

I haven\'t heard from her yet and i\'m sure as hell not going to contact her. Ill come here for emotional support if I do lol

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