Hi All
I have been reading and following this web site for sometime, back to the old one for sure. I started looking into PE about 15 years ago (I\'m 46) when I moved to San Diego from the east coast. I went to a doctor in LA (cannot remember his name) and had a consultation with him, not really sure why I went or even how I heard about it back than. (I\'m 6.5 x 4.8 - 5.2 around the mushroom, 5.3 base girth) by the way, so perfectly average. I never went through with anything at that time because the reviews on grafts back than were pretty dismal (not that that has improved). My quest for size kinda faded as I got into a few back to back long term relationships and than to my current one with my wife.
Let\'s back up, I started out by being very sexually active at a young age (lost virginity in 8th grade) and had several sexual encounters but the time I left college (150 women or so maybe?). In that time I had two encounters where I felt not big enough and had lots of repeat visits so I wasn\'t thinking about my size. I had even had girls cheat on their men or flat out leave them for me when I knew they were bigger, so size was way down my list of things to worry about.
I had great confidence in myself in just about every aspect of my life. I\'m good looking (although I have always thought this to be subjective like everything else), I\'m in good shape, 6\'0 and muscular, always played sports, and have been active, educated, successful in my work, etc., .
Everything changed and when my wife (she was my gf at the time) cheated on me. In her defense, we were not doing very well at all and I was actually thinking about breaking up with her and she knew it. , we had a great sex life but I just didn\'t think we had long term potential. after I found out she had cheated on me, I did break up with her. We were apart for a while and she came begging back, pretty much stalked me until I agreed to talk with her. We made up and things were actually better than ever and we fell deeply in love. Great ending right?, not so much.
One night, we got to talking about her cheating and the question of size came up. Now let me preference this by saying that my wife orgasms multiple times every time we have sex and I have a rare (from what women tell me) ability to stay hard after I orgasm and be able to keep going. Anyway, she informs me he was not longer than me, but much thicker as in she couldn\'t get her hand around it, her hands are 6\" long. . She swore she didn\'t enjoy it but I did not believe her, especially in that it was not a one time event but a handful. Everything I read told me that girth was better, she oragsmed harder and longer, etc. she told me she didn\'t cum with him and that she faked it and that sex had nothing to do with her cheating but that she knew we were falling apart at the time, no excuse but at least she dint say it was because of his dick. I didn\'t believe her. This caused huge fights with us to the point we almost split up permanently and did separate for a while. My obsession with having a larger penis made me tunnel visioned and I wasn\'t going to listen to anyone tell me bigger isn\'t better. You know what she did? She came to me and said she wanted to go take a lie detector test to prove it. I was blown away and said no way, didn\'t feel right. I would feel like a scum bag. She wanted to do it to prove that I was \"crazy\" as she put it and she felt it would help save us. So we went. She passed, with flying colors.
We\'re were fine and got back together and all was well until I started reading crap on the web about size, etc. my psychosis led me to accuse her of cheating the lie detector test. How messed up is that guys? I became so warped with the size thing that I negated the test, pretty sick thinking as I look back on it. I\'m better now, this has been a long arduous journey of mental anguish, but I still have a long way to go, I\'m seeing a sex therapist, it really helps. Im realizing this is all about something deeper and not about size at all. It\'s a pretty easy cop out for a man to say she left me for my small dick rather than I wasn\'t as nice or attentive or etc etc.....I can control those and not my dick....I still think about my size occasionally, but not like before.
I think I finally reached out here because if I can help just one person stop worrying about size, than I will be happy. I\'ve struggled with it, yo yo\'d back and forth between it matters and it doesn\'t , have lost countless hours and days of my life due to my obsession of finding a solution, My lessons learned from 5years of web surfing, size discussion, self loathing, etc. are these. And if you are still reading all this crap, God bless ya.
1) Size truly matters very little to some women and to most women not at all. And even when it matters it really doesn\'t.
2) don\'t let one more second of your life go by degrading yourself for something you have no control over and refer back to #1
3) don\'t ever do something (surgery, pumping, etc) for someone else\'s perceived benefit. (Cause you think she\'ll like it). She may not. I\'ve read stories where someone got PMMA and went from 5-5.5 on the first round and his wife didn\'t like it but went for round 2 and at 6inches she loves it???? I\'m thinking we can fool ourselves into believing the hype or maybe she just loves you no matter what? Or maybe had adjusted to your size and now it feels like it did before?
4) 99.9% of web sites that say size matters have alterior motives, selling something, etc, has \"plants\" or people that post on these sites posing as women.
5) if this starts to control your life, get help. Having your one and only penis mutilated is not worth the risk.
6) if you like porn, fine. Watch it with your lover, it won\'t warp your mind as much.
7) live life and help others, be kind, be a gentleman at all times, be sure of yourself no matter how things are going, show confidence even when your pissing your pants.

if you show a woman true love, no matter what your penis size is, she will never leave your side and would battle to the death for you. Believe that fellas.
9) if you have average size like me and you are obsessing, etc like I did. There really is something deeper you need to look into or your just vain, cause your size ain\'t your problem, ever.
10) if you get a procedure done, be educated, ask questions, get referrals, be sure. Than ask more questions, get more referrals, wait one more month, be 110% sure.
Thanks for allowing me this resource, Many of you have unknowingly helped me though some dark days with your words of wisdom on here. My

goes out to all who have endured mental and physical pain here. Apologies for the long post. If anyone has any questions, To,fill in any holes, I would be more than happy to answer.