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TOPIC: You don't need a big dick to pick up women

You don't need a big dick to pick up women 10 years 2 days ago #1286272143

Hi all,

Newbie here, I did post my story up in general however thought I\'d bring up something relevant to this forum as well.

Cock size plays NO part in picking a women up, Cock size DOES matter in keeping a women.

My Cock size is average approx 5 Inch Erect and 4.5 diameter I\'d consider it small (I\'m planning PMMA this year)

Im 34 years old and slept with over 1000 women - note I never sleep with ugly chicks or any overweight women and I sleep with all ages recently 18 year old, and lots of MILFS 38-45 they absolutely love younger guys.

I never send photos of my Cock to any females before sex, however on the rare chance they do ask I always send a Erect shot, and never has that resulted in me not sleeping with that person.

I suppose what I\'m trying to say is don\'t get too obsessed about you Cock size, because even before you get a chance to show it off to the opposite sex you need to have lots of other bases covered first.

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You don't need a big dick to pick up women 10 years 2 days ago #1286284027

In my experience, women are a lot better at faking confidence. Initial interactions usually portray great confidence and comfort in their body and who they are, but further into the relationship with them they\'d start pointing out imperfections in anything I complimented. I had one girl who had the most amazing breasts and nipples ever. She never argued my admiration until about 4 months into the relationship when she would basically retort after I said anything nice about them. That\'s one example but I\'ve had many that followed suit.

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You don't need a big dick to pick up women 10 years 2 days ago #1286280537

Userdeleted wrote: I\'d have to disagree with a little bit of OP\'s statement. I think size for most guys has a pretty big impact on your overall confidence. Thus a bigger size=more confidence. And women pick up on this, and I think that subconciously the reason a lot of women are attracted to confidence is that, conciously or subconciously, it portrays at least some degree of sexual prowess/capability. A guy lacking visible confidence portrays the opposite of this (again, in a very general sense).

I know that for me at my sub average size (at least in Girth), all of my \'confidence\' has had to be forced, faked and backed up by lots of alcohol. It\'s very uncomfortable actually. And then, when the moment comes to do the deed, that confidence is at it\'s ultimate level of fakery, and many times shatters altogether when the moment comes (especially with new partners, but even with repeat customers and long term relationships I\'ve found this kind of confidence to be shakey at best. It\'s just not backed up by anything physical. It\'s talking the talk without walking the sexual walk that your confident talk portrays).

As many of the guys here have attested to, the added weight in their pants after PMMA has given them immensely more confidence, and completely evolved the way many of them interact with women. So honestly, I think Dick size has a very huge impact on both picking up women and keeping them in this society, in general. Of course, you can always try to be a master at faking that confidence, but it\'s a gutwrenching process that doesn\'t always work.

I find it sad to think the size of a guys Cock is directly proportionate to his confidence. There are plenty of females out there i know who don\'t have massive tits, or the perfect body however they are happy and confident within themselves, and this is an attractive trait to have. On the other hand from experience the girls who have fake tits fake lips are extremely insecure which is why they get these procedures done, and are nowhere near as fun as confident women. If anyone feels this way there are underlying issues here that need to be dealt with, I could go on about all the features I hate about my body but that doesn\'t bother me.

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Last edit: by Skeptical_One.

You don't need a big dick to pick up women 10 years 2 days ago #1286279815


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You don't need a big dick to pick up women 10 years 2 days ago #1286278195

haledceb wrote: I agree with you there mate. I\'ll elaborate on this. No matter how much a girl is into you if you can\'t please a girl sexually due to inadequate penis size she will go elsewhere for sex.

To add to what you are saying, the inability to please a woman sexually can also stem from things not related to penis size... stamina and \"long lasting,\" Erection quality, attention to foreplay, etc. In other words, you could have a big Dick but still be a lousy lover. Our best bet is to focus on the total package, and not just dimensions.

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You don't need a big dick to pick up women 10 years 2 days ago #1286277805

I agree with you there mate. I\'ll elaborate on this. No matter how much a girl is into you if you can\'t please a girl sexually due to inadequate penis size she will go elsewhere for sex.

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You don't need a big dick to pick up women 10 years 2 days ago #1286277782

Sick Boy wrote: I disagree on your part of keeping women. Cock size has nothing to do with keeping women, it all about her interest level.

When you bang a 40 year old, she has seen so many dicks in her life yours doesn\'t even matter anymore you are wasting your time measuring her interest level in you.

When you bang a 30 year old, she has seen so many dicks in her life yours doesn\'t even matter anymore, but in her mind she wants to get married, have a family and kids.

When you bang a 20 year old, she hasn\'t seen that many dicks in her life. Your Dick matters if she has over 50 percent interest in you.

When you bang a virgin. she hasn\'t seen any dicks in her life. Your Dick matters if she have over 50 percent interest in you.

The trick to keeping women is always about measuring her interest level in You. Above 80-90 percent interest in you, you\'ll get pussy 24/7 anytime anywhere, she will be your sex slave. She will be sexually ready overtime to please you and until you get pussy whopped. .. BUT if she is smell you are getting weak, (like showing feelings and all the non-sense betas guys do ) her interest level will begin to drop. If she drops 50 percent or less, you are done Pal. She will find ways to avoid sex and find a bunch of excuses to drive you insane. She will even disrespect you by comparing the size of your Dick with other men.

Do yourself a favor, next time you bang another chick simply measure her interest level in you ..

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You don't need a big dick to pick up women 10 years 2 days ago #1286275976

Sick Boy wrote: I disagree on your part of keeping women. Cock size has nothing to do with keeping women, it all about her interest level.

When you bang a 40 year old, she has seen so many dicks in her life yours doesn\'t even matter anymore you are wasting your time measuring her interest level in you.

When you bang a 30 year old, she has seen so many dicks in her life yours doesn\'t even matter anymore, but in her mind she wants to get married, have a family and kids.

When you bang a 20 year old, she hasn\'t seen that many dicks in her life. Your Dick matters if she has over 50 percent interest in you.

When you bang a virgin. she hasn\'t seen any dicks in her life. Your Dick matters if she have over 50 percent interest in you.

The trick to keeping women is always about measuring her interest level in You. Above 80-90 percent interest in you, you\'ll get pussy 24/7 anytime anywhere, she will be your sex slave. She will be sexually ready overtime to please you and until you get pussy whopped. .. BUT if she is smell you are getting weak, (like showing feelings and all the non-sense betas guys do ) her interest level will begin to drop. If she drops 50 percent or less, you are done Pal. She will find ways to avoid sex and find a bunch of excuses to drive you insane. She will even disrespect you by comparing the size of your Dick with other men.

Do yourself a favor, next time you bang another chick simply measure her interest level in you ..

Agree 100%!

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You don't need a big dick to pick up women 10 years 2 days ago #1286273719

I disagree on your part of keeping women. Cock size has nothing to do with keeping women, it all about her interest level.

When you bang a 40 year old, she has seen so many dicks in her life yours doesn\'t even matter anymore you are wasting your time measuring her interest level in you.

When you bang a 30 year old, she has seen so many dicks in her life yours doesn\'t even matter anymore, but in her mind she wants to get married, have a family and kids.

When you bang a 20 year old, she hasn\'t seen that many dicks in her life. Your Dick matters if she has over 50 percent interest in you.

When you bang a virgin. she hasn\'t seen any dicks in her life. Your Dick matters if she have over 50 percent interest in you.

The trick to keeping women is always about measuring her interest level in You. Above 80-90 percent interest in you, you\'ll get pussy 24/7 anytime anywhere, she will be your sex slave. She will be sexually ready overtime to please you and until you get pussy whopped. .. BUT if she is smell you are getting weak, (like showing feelings and all the non-sense betas guys do ) her interest level will begin to drop. If she drops 50 percent or less, you are done Pal. She will find ways to avoid sex and find a bunch of excuses to drive you insane. She will even disrespect you by comparing the size of your Dick with other men.

Do yourself a favor, next time you bang another chick simply measure her interest level in you ..

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You don't need a big dick to pick up women 10 years 2 days ago #1286285863


Registered: 02/20
Posts: 7 Posted 19 hours ago #5 I agree with you there mate. I\'ll elaborate on this. No matter how much a girl is into you if you can\'t please a girl sexually due to inadequate penis size she will go elsewhere for sex.

The hardest, most difficult thing I ever had to do in my life was to endta relationship with a woman I was very into her. I did it because I was not sexually compatible with her. The trick is that you grow the Balls to end the relationship FIRST before she does it before you. When you do this, these type of women go ballistic mad at you, pissed and angry. Her Facebook page will be loaded with insults about you, consider anything to get you pissed is possible. Stay away from her, don\'t talk to her, ignore her. Your mindset should be set to look forward, not the past. Tell yourself the following: \"I am gonna keep banging other women until I find one that is best fit for me.\"

As for me, the good thing is that after I began dating other women I found one that is better fit for me. So when I have sex with her I am just a stallion and I don\'t loose myself or go crazy like with the other chick. The best part is sex, with very little penetration action I can please her because she is always been attracted to me.

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