I have a question for those
PMMA veterans. I have completed my first round. Although I still have 4 - 5 weeks left to go before I can do round 2, I feel like I understand how my body reacts to
PMMA (short term) and I feel comfortable with the results. The only lasting side effect I\'ve noticed from the procedure is a bit of itching which seems to be subsiding as well.
My question is this: When you do round 2, (I am planning on doing a second round of 10%) are the results typical? Does Dr C insert the
PMMA into the same locations as they do in round 1? Does the penis feel thicker after round 2?
Would anyone comment on how round 1 was different from round 2?
I am trying to decide if I should do round 2 or just be happy with the results from round 1.
My goal is 6\" circ I am about ~0.5 away from my goal.
Also, is 6\" enough/too much for most women? What do you guys think? Comments are welcome. I want to get more
Girth but I don\'t want to put myself out of the market. I\'ve noticed already that sex with my girlfriend is much tighter than before and in some cases she def. enjoys it more, but she can\'t seem to have sex as often. I think the extra size has made it so that she feels beat up after sex. Will 6\" make this worse?