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TOPIC: Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women?

Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1277535844

20 years ago, before the Internet, I had no idea my penis was below average size. I thought I was a stud and used to pick-up women relentlessly.

I was a late adopter of the Internet and so remained blissfully unaware of how my dimensions compared to other guys or to porn-Cock.

When I did get online it didn\'t take long and I was inevitably watching plenty of porn... that\'s when I came to realize... I never, ever saw a Cock as thin as mine.

So... I measured my Dick.

It was for the very first time, I was 40 and newly single (I\'d suspected my Dick was small but for years remained in a deliberate state of denial by not validating that suspicion with a tape measure).

The confirmation of that suspicion, I gotta say was a blow to my sexual confidence... I didn\'t realize the effects at first but in the 3 years since, I\'ve had many occasions where I could pull the trigger and take a woman home but didn\'t.

Why am I being such a pussy, when back in the day, I treated picking up women and screwing them like I had to fulfill a monthly quota or my pay would be docked?

A year ago I met a dude... good-looking, successful, well-dressed, confident... I thought for sure this guy pulls women like a demon but when we were out he was shrinking from women like he had a secret he didn\'t want discovered.

Without prompting and several drinks in, he tells me he has a tiny Dick. It was like a shameful confession.. like he was telling me he\'s actually a fraud, not the complete man he appears to be because he has a small package.

WOW! I was gob-smacked... this was really debilitating this guy.

A couple of days later I made the connection... although to a lesser degree, I\'m letting the size of my Dick, directly affect my ability to pick up women.

How about you?

Like me, do you get women to the verge of consenting to sex and then bail before closing the deal?

Or do you now have a new Dick that could club baby-seals to death, which has made you not only more confident with women than ever before but is actually translating into increased ability with picking women up?

I\'d love to hear how it has affected you.


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Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1279789834

It creates confidence. Women love confidence....

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Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1277765850

Don\'t know that it helps me pick them up any easier but it certainly has helped me close the deal in the bedroom. It\'s all confidence and now it\'s sincere confidence. Should have had this 30 years ago!!!!

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Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1277754318

My penis is not bigger becauseI just recently started PE. But it has never been a problem for me. Of course some times are better than others. Recently a lovely Russian girl told me \" your Dick is BiG\". Even if it was flattery I liked it and have nice feelings towards this girl. The reality is that I am average. Why do I care so much about penis size then is another problem : I was raped when I was a kid by a cousin who had a huge unit. When I got into porn much later, all I could see was similar sized dicks. Only after doing a long and thoughtful research did I learn that I was in fact not small. But still the body image remains, for instance I have difficulty urinating in the airport lavatories, because of a hidden fear that the guy next to me will laugh. The human mind is weird!

I have had sex with 50 to 60 women in my life which does not seem to be much. I can make love for 5 or 6 hours without discontinuation, and I am quite sensual and tender, with a very soft skin that women tend to like. As a result, in the past years I was told quite a few times that I am \" the best sex they ever had\" . Proof was in the pudding : the most experienced women, those who call themselves \"sluts\" call me and want to see me. But, still I dont believe I am the best. My GF, a splendid Russian girl, was with an 8 inches american guy before me, and she says sex with me is so much better. She asked me not to do PE, saying \" it is perfect now, don\'t touch it, you could damage it!\". I know she is right, but I am using an extender as I type this, and I plan to visit Tijuana next year. I have the strange idea that a big Dick is the only way to make myself a real man, even though women seem reasonably content with what I offer ( I am 6\'2 and handsome, although I have some belly)

But it never had any impact on my desire and ability to seduce. For this I used mostly my charming wit and my humour, and my blue eyes. But I always envied the \"hot guys\" with a muscular body that women tend to find desirable. I associate this with a big penis and I look at myself and see only a tall fat guy with a small Dick. When I asked openly about this to some female friends, like \" tell me the truth do not BS me\" they were horrified to learn what I think about myself. One said \" do you think I would have fucked with you if I did not think you are the most attractive guy who tried to pick me that evening?\" Coming from a beautiful French actress, one may think that it should have settled all my doubts. And I cannot count the number of girls who could barely walk after a night with me. My male friends, who over the years heard me fucking during weekends together or at a ski resort, regard me as a great performer judging by the sound, and nicknamed me \"rocco\"... But still I feel inadequate.

So, even if it does not make sense logically, my brain is still wired to think I\'m inadequate. I tried therapy, hypnosis : it did not work. So, my only chance left is PE because there is something bigger at stake : I love my girl, she wants to marry me and have children. But I know for sure that if I still have what I consider to be a small Dick, I will eventually cheat on her just because I need a girl to see that Dick and show me she likes it the way it is. (Luckily my GF is a swinger ). Whereas, if I have a big Dick I know I will feel proud and confident. According to my current stats I am bigger than 56% of men. If I was bigger than 80% I would feel good. This is why the PMMA ROI is great, making it the best investment I could make.

Insecurity, insecurity.

Sorry if I went a bit off topic.

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Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1277602863


Women do find things they love about you, and they don\'t love you any more because you have Girth versus not having it. But they do find themselves a lot more focused on that part of your anatomy when it triggers their physical response during sex as well as their fantasy. For example, a woman I knew a long time ago, used to tell me she loved me \"as an entire package\" back in the day. Just yesterday she told me she is starting to worry because she is thinking of THAT PART of my anatomy day and night, and dreaming she is swallowing it. She wonders if there is something wrong with her, because it is not normal... and fears for her sanity as she is becoming obsessive. NEVER could this have happened before. Nor did it.

She has always loved me though, and said she\'d even love me just the same if I had NO boy parts. It\'s just that way, and I know this to be true. However, it is surely an incredible confidence booster to know that several women obsess about your unit. We usually tend to SIZE OURSELVES UP according to our unit\'s size, so anything real or imaginary which gives us the sense that we\'ve got the stuff, is going to definitely boost our confidence. That is why PMMA is a boon:

- we immediately gain confidence because we notice serious extra weight and width

- women do respond differently to our unit during sex, confirming our gains

- we notice they have quicker orgasms and act differently in bed, doing new things

- they talk about our unit with praise and manifest satisfaction like we never heard

- our virility is confirmed each time we connect with them, enhancing our manhood

These are very much a summary of my experience with women since PMMA. There is something compelling about extra Girth which really sends a girl. But I am convinced it isn\'t just the extra Girth. The rather rigid collagen which thickens on your shaft also tends to make them respond to you as if you were EXTRA Erect giving them a perception of your virility which is above and beyond your Girth. I think that the texture and consistency is as much a factor as the extra size. The two combined is a winning combo, making women who usually play hard to get almost turn to STALKING YOU - talk about turning the tables !



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Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1277558298

HC thanks for your reply... its everything a pre-PMMA wants to hear but ofcourse I\'ll do my best to keep my expectations balanced.

I\'ve had women tell me they like my face, jaw, body etc over my life but never once has a women told me she likes my Dick... I look forward to the day.

To know some women want to sleep with you primarily for the Girth of your Dick gotta make any man more confident with women.

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Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1277557589

Dance With Dragons wrote: My self image is not that great but I pull like crazy. I\'m a lead singer and an extrovert, being alone is not my natural state and I love talking to people and being close. It\'s just how I am. I\'m 5\'7 and had what would be considered a small penis until a few months ago, and I slept with probably 120 women pre PMMA, and I knew my Dick was small and had been told so. The only real difference post op is I\'m more interested in regular sex and less into oral and anal than I used to be.

DwD, its interesting you prove once again that penis size has less impact on our lives then we let ourselves believe

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Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1277539386

Hi DwD,

Your story is compelling and what\'s worse is that your buddy who is ashamed of his stuff might actually be better endowed than you! That\'s how crazy this penis size stuff is.

The reason I am saying that is because at a clinic in Russia I met a tansgender who is about to get a full Removal for a total changeover. He/she said it is no loss getting it removed, because it is such a tiny little piece of junk, making an exaggerate gesture with the index and thumb to show how small it is. Being a regular here at PhalloBoards I simply had to ask what size that was (NO, I didn\'t peek) and learned it is over 6\" long. I am about an Inch shorter, which sure made me I felt rather inadequate. Leading to the question: is mine a keeper? LOL

Returning to your original question, what did getting PMMA change about my sex life? It has given me crazy confidence. Actually, it isn\'t due to my ego but because of ladies\' reactions to my unit. They go hog wild about it, and about me. The same women used to have a soft spot for me, thinking I\'m nice. Now they are totally losing it, making devoted declarations and begging for more of me. That is what is boosting my confidence, not what I\'m toting. There is one new addition to the team, the tallest woman I ever saw. She\'s quite pretty and beautifully shaped like a sexy model. Think of the perfect girl and multiply every dimension by 1.3 and she\'s the result. It\'s like being a twelve year-old in bed with a supermodel. Only in the movies - NO, it\'s for real ! She wears a silk robe and it becomes a crotch length open shirt. Love it! She adores my size, and maybe she is also in love me for that Girth?

There is another girl I am crazy about. I\'d bag my entire life in order to be with her but she\'s not yet free. Anyhow she and I used to have sexathons which lasted up to ten hours, practically never stopping because of what she called my \"raging hormones\" and also due to having an uncanny ability to not come and regenerate bloodflow without loss of Erection or priapus (a couple of urological researchers wrote this up for an international conference with support data). Now that I am thicker, she gets sore after only a few hours of action and tells me that it is because I am soooo large. Yeah, I\'m barely over 5\" long and not quite at my target Girth, but she used to be able to go at it endlessly, while now she needs a few days to rest and recover from the friction. She does say she loves it though, and wouldn\'t want it to be otherwise. To her the pain is worthwhile as it brings its share of other things. I hope my webbing reduction will reduce the friction and get us back on track. She\'s no size queen and couldn\'t care less, yet she adores it!

Another woman of experience, very hot and sultry, I expect is a size queen. She had two kids which is an indication of this likelihood. She has taunted me upon my approach, testing my confidence with some rather crude statements. Such as: \"I don\'t sleep with men, unless they are the absolute BEST!\" Hearing this, the reactions of other women helped me welcome such a crude comment, and reply in confidence: \"Look no further!\" She stared into my eyes at length, scanning for any hesitation, only seeing confidence. I just thought of the thick pole others had recently ridden. She seemed impressed at my confidence and has been flirting with me since. I impatiently await to heal from surgery to further explore.

Clearly, there is no way I would have reacted this way earlier. I would have thought she\'s superficial, stupid and sick to speak in such an insensitive way. But in fact she did this to avoid tossing back the little fishes, sparing everyone time and hardship. I would have avoided her like the plague, despising her when actually she was simply being candid about her stretched anatomy and what would be needed for things to work. I was in denial and today there\'s no denying that I\'ve got more of what they want - Girth.


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Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1277537192

My self image is not that great but I pull like crazy. I\'m a lead singer and an extrovert, being alone is not my natural state and I love talking to people and being close. It\'s just how I am. I\'m 5\'7 and had what would be considered a small penis until a few months ago, and I slept with probably 120 women pre PMMA, and I knew my Dick was small and had been told so. The only real difference post op is I\'m more interested in regular sex and less into oral and anal than I used to be.

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Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1277536237

Sizemic wrote: I was 4.5\" Girth originally.. Picked up tons of chicks before and I continue to pick up tons of chicks since. My penis has never really played a role in my pick up abilities. But maybe that\'s just me.

Probably indicative of a healthy self-image

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Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1277536005

I was 4.5\" Girth originally.. Picked up tons of chicks before and I continue to pick up tons of chicks since. My penis has never really played a role in my pick up abilities. But maybe that\'s just me.

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Has your bigger penis made you better at picking up women? 11 years 11 months ago #1280505892

Yeah it\'s certainly helped me. Doesn\'t help on the approach, but it does help when it comes time to seal the deal. I have little in the way of inhibitions when it\'s time to rock and roll.

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