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TOPIC: Anthropologists have identified PE Clans.

Anthropologists have identified PE Clans. 12 years 10 months ago #1273166547

Anthropological researchers after an incredible amount of surveys, exhaustive research, and countless double blind studies have identified 6 distinct PE clans. The clans were identified primarily by the focus and drivers which led their members to PE. There appears to be very little inter clan conflict with all members working on their PE efforts side by side in a universal brotherhood.Clan Dick-BuildersMembers in this clan are like hardcore body builders. They want to create the largest penis they safely can. Their motto: 'I do it for me because I can'. Dick Builders for the most part really have no goals other than make it bigger, please. In some ways Dick Builders have the happiest clan members, after all whatever size you are you can always make it bigger.Clan Mr. Lover-LoverWhat is the perfect size that drives women wild? Lover-lovers agonize over this question, research it and ask anyone they can their opinion. They get frustrated when they can't find the definitive answer and angry when they get so many conflicting answers. One thing is clear for these members, whatever the perfect size is, they don't have it.Clan Man-HunkWhat is the perfect size that will attract men? Man Hunks are in many ways the gay version of Mr. Lover-lover. Every other characteristic of Lover-lover is the same for Man-Hunks!Clan Regular-GuyPE members, who are on the smaller side of average, or think they are, tend to be in this clan. For the most part they just want to be 'normal' not small. This does not seem to be a very stable clan. For whatever reasons members who start out as Regular-Guys tend to migrate to other clans over time!Clan Show-PonyShow-Ponies focus on, and are primarily concerned with Flaccid size. Their motto: 'most of the world will see you Flaccid so that is most important'. There is disagreement amongst researchers if Show-Ponies can be further sub classified into the other 6 clan types but it was just too much work.Clan Happy-Spouse These clan members are driven to PE because their partners' require them to have larger units. Their partners won't be happy and in fact are suffering or deprived because of the member's small unit. Most Happy-Spousers have done exhaustive research into the exact size unit required by their significant other. So, please take this survey and identify your clan member ship!

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Anthropologists have identified PE Clans. 12 years 10 months ago #1273935602

ok, way too funny. Am I the only one who will admit to being at least somewhat of a show-pony? I am a mutt/mixed breed of this and Dick builder/lover-lover. Man we are are all a bunch of nut-bags! (in a good way...)

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Anthropologists have identified PE Clans. 12 years 10 months ago #1273324274

astroman wrote: Another Lover-Lover clansman here!.

Alright! We need to start having meetings, vote for and elect officers, and prepare for world domination.

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Anthropologists have identified PE Clans. 12 years 10 months ago #1273222528

Another Lover-Lover clansman here! Feel sorry for those poor blokes in Clan Man-Hunk, I\'m given to believe they set the bar rather high.

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Anthropologists have identified PE Clans. 12 years 10 months ago #1273220320

Me a Dick-Builder too

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Anthropologists have identified PE Clans. 12 years 10 months ago #1273186392

Messageman is my brother as I too am part of the Dick builder clan.

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Anthropologists have identified PE Clans. 12 years 10 months ago #1273183461

Hello everybodyMy name is Messageman and I am a member of clan \"Dick Builder\".

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Anthropologists have identified PE Clans. 12 years 10 months ago #1273182142

I won\'t lie I\'m either lover lover though now starting to migrate to Dick builder.

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Anthropologists have identified PE Clans. 12 years 10 months ago #1273181339

I like these classifications...
I\'m going to have to say that my drive for gains originally came to attain normalcy but I\'m also someone who has a strong desire to I\'m probably a Mr. Lover-Lover/Regular-Guy hybrid. Or maybe I\'m a Regular-Guy Clansmen and am leaving this unstable group and venturing off into the Lover-Lover clan... So I\'ll vote Regular-Guy for now

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Anthropologists have identified PE Clans. 12 years 10 months ago #1273166586

Hi, my name is EQStudent and I am a member of Clan Mr. Lover-Lover!

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Anthropologists have identified PE Clans. 12 years 10 months ago #1275491322

Up until recently I would have fit in the, \"Happy Spouse,\" clan. But now I\'m in the, \"Lover Lover,\" clan.

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