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TOPIC: The Thin border between PE and TEA

The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1293828758

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269692784

Structural secondary post traumatic open reconstructive rhinoplasty - Part I
Seven days after Dr C\'s fabulous procedure undertaken with all the talent of the Tijuana Dream Team, I went into the hospital for an overnight stay following intensive reconstructive facial surgery.
I chose after a lot of difficult research the best specialist in Europe who wrote the bible of Rhinoplasty and was specialized in the most difficult cases. I had had a bad accident being hit across the face by an oar (not a paddle) during a Whitewater rafting expedition. I was in charge of the supply raft and it was some young reckless kid who seemed to purposely ignore my warnings who buried the oar in the riverbed rocks propelling all the river\'s strength in the rapids into my face when the oar hit me. Had I been any closer it might have knocked off my head, fortunately a group of medical students arrived hours later at our shoreside camp and they sewed up my facial lesions as best they good given my elephant man head shape.
After this I had nose surgery where in the stone ages of rhinoplasty the general surgeon of the local hospital did what he could. But my face with the years had since taken the toll of the years and his handiwork was looking more and more sloppy. Since my septum had been reduced to smithereens, the national health plan took on some of the cost of this surgery.
My surgeon after the intervention, one who gets patients airlifted in as he is best at the most difficult accident cases, said in all his career he had never seen such a mess. Instead of the scheduled one and a half hours of open surgery he spent six hours in the operating block trying to patch me up. He showed pictures of my tip he couldn\'t hope to reuse or reshape as it has be too damaged. Fortunately he has pioneered many techniques he shares worldwide at international conferences and did whatever he could to make things right.
I woke up the next morning surrounded with pretty nurses who startled me as they were so touchingly affectionate although I looked like the Mummy from outer space. They had me under oxygen as my respiration had gone down to 24% oxygen after the surgery. The doctor finding no useable cartilage where he had expected had to slice open one ear to remove a slab and stitch it up later.
I felt like the teacher\'s pet for the first time since high school, but with quite a few lovely teachers around pandering to my comfort and making small talk. I secretly hoped they had seen the results of the rhinoplasty and had found me cute, probably no such luck. My lady friend says they must have peeked under my gown, as that is part of the hospital culture in France where they are notoriously kinky. So I wonder if they hadn\'t been admiring Dr C\'s handiwork?
In the morning they had me wait a full hour bandaged up like an Egyptian mummy, in the lobby as the secretaries on duty only would process admissions and not hospital releases. Once the proper person had arrived, I was released and able to drive my own car to the clinic where I was to be getting eye surgery in just one hour...

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269692702

PMMA penile injections at Dr C\'s clinic in Tijuana
This account can be read about in full detail in my progress report in the dedicated section of this forum.
Turning my boy toy into a Hunk Chunk

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269692686

Far sighted vision correction with Kemra additive coronal implant - Part I
I didn\'t want to spend my life searching for my glasses and don\'t feel comfortable wearing contact lenses. My vision was always the very best of anyone I had known until the stiffening of the crystalline structure of the eye due to ageing caused me to become far sighted. This condition now being stabilized at my age, I researched the subject and then went to the leading eye hospital in France.
They told me after about a dozen different tests using various electro-optical devices that my eyes were as perfect as they had ever seen and that it was out of the question to operate them with traditional refractory Lasik surgery as it would damage them more than help them. So they told me in short: \"sorry but we can\'t help you, you don\'t have any condition for which we can provide treatment\". He was basically telling me to go home and get used to wearing glasses.
I was happy to note that they said my eyes were sheer perfection as they are never given to see in a hospital were patients come with serious pathologies. However when pressed he did say that there are certain techniques which are not covered under the national health care system which might help my condition. I asked if he would be so kind to recommend a place and he gave me the coordinates of a doctor who turned out to be about his age (thirtyish) and was probably one of his former classmates.
I then went to visit this surgeon in Europe\'s leading private foundation dedicated to eyesight research. He was very professional and his assistant tested my eyes at length and was able to adjust my eye correction so well with his instruments that when it was done I was able to read miniature characters in overwhelming clarity I hadn\'t remembered since early childhood. It was a mind blowing experience giving me new hope in my eyes.
I then went back for complementary session of tests and verification for the calibration of the incredible latest series and highest miniaturization 200 femosecond short burst laser surgery computer. They decided that the smartest thing would be to operate my passive eye only, reducing my distant vision from 10/10 to approximately 8/10 (this would revert back to 10/10 if you remove the implant) and using a special laser technique on a small area of the crystalline to give me far better depth of field with an optical treatment similar to that of telephoto lenses.
I then scheduled this surgery on his only available time slot before the doctor left on summer vacation, one day after my scheduled rhinoplasty. Yeah, this has been a fairly intense summer Total Enhancement wise...The rest of my post about the eye surgery will come after my account of the Rhinoplasty.

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269692575

Removing love handles with Zeltiq Lipocryotherapy
My recent crash diet got me very skinny to the point of muscle loss and leaving next to no fat, except in the thickness of the above mentioned abdominal skin and my 15 year-old love handles which barely had diminished. These have bothered me for years and my only prior alternative was expensive liposuction with certain drawbacks I wanted to avoid. While expensive at 600 euros per love handle this is several times cheaper than the alternative surgery.
Then we went to another room in the clinic where the doctor set up a Zeltiq brand machine which is the leading State of the Art apparatus for cryotherapy. This means that it is engineered to totally freeze fatty tissues in the body without risking any harm to secondary zones or vital organs. It was invented after scientists conducted research on the hollow cheeks of children who frequently ate Popsicles, which robbed their cheeks of fat under the effect of the chill. The team at Zeltiq used the results of their work and conducted their own research to create a machine which takes in mid-sized areas of fat for a similar treatment.
He tested two sizes of rubber outlets on the end of the hose to see which would best fit my love handles. My thinned down body had enough curvature that the large one wouldn\'t fit. I thought \"what a shame, it would have sucked in more fat and I would have gained (in this case lost) more for my money... So he went the small one, leaving a smidgen of the fat unable to enter on the slightly larger of my two love handles.
The technician from earlier came in and even had a woman doctor present to monitor and learn how to do the procedure. So I was actually a training tool for them, which didn\'t bother me as I figured that this way it would have to be done perfectly according to procedure. She went on to take out a special flat sealed bandage with a certain chemical preparation which she placed on my skin around the love handle. Then turning on the machine which has a long tube like a vacuum cleaner, she did all she could to get as much of the love handle inside the mouthpiece (similar to a vacuum cleaner end attachment).
Then she dialed in 60 minutes of freezing and propped me up more or less comfortably admonishing me not to move at all. This meant sitting there still for a full hour until the machine had done its handywork. She stopped in every fifteen minutes or so to check if all was okay and then came back when the machine reached its last minutes and started cycling in some strange finishing mode.
When she turned it off and removed the suction device it came out as one giant frozen Popsicle attached to the side of my hip. We then went on to the other side and repeated the whole process, only this time I made sure I was seated in a position where I could lean against something to not have to maintain my body at an odd angle for yet another hour. This one went perfectly as it was my second time around and every bit of this slightly smaller one fit perfectly into the machine\'s end unit. It also came out frozen, and after thanking them for doing all this unscheduled work without prior notice, I paid my bill and went on home. I did remember for at least two weeks the feeling of dragging about aching blobs of frozen love handles, which didn\'t diminish as quickly as I had hoped. I was told it took approximately two months to see the results, with it continuing to improve a bit for up to five or six months.
One month later I can attest that my love handles have shrunken down so much that I expect them to be totally gone next month. I can\'t even notice them anymore in the mirror giving me once again the silhouette of a young man I had lost years ago. This is kickin\' cool and I feel a lot better about myself as this did bother me more than I had realized. My self image was hence much improved. Well worth the money and the annoyance of the procedure.

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269692397

Abdominal tensioning with ultrasound bombardment radiotherapy
It has now been a month since my visit to his colleague at a leading glitzy laser treatment clinic with many other technological methods so that the rich and famous can look their best. There was no way around the higher prices of this location under the Eiffel Tower. Even in the States it was about the same due to the high cost of the machines they use. So I forked out 2000 euros (about $3000) for a three different procedures done on the same morning. A bit more than a third of this cost was for the radiotherapy treatment in this post. That cost is high but must be compared to the far higher surgical costs of the only alternative treatments. Here is what they did and my results after one month.
I was upset because I had lost a lot of weight and some of it was in the stomach. And since this area was far less full, it left me with a sagging skin which normally requires exorbitant abdomenoplasty which leaves horrible scars and takes months to heal while costing upwards of $5000. Instead what this doctor proposed is a treatment with a machine which bombards the abdomen with ultrasounds which destructure the tissues at various specific regularly spaced target points. This causes the abdomen to retract over a ten month period.
This is a fairly painful procedure yet my infamous pills did a lot to help me stay stoic and get them to dial in maximum power. Usually they do only a partial session for the 800 euros, with people needing to pay again to complete it. I was prepared enough and motivated, so they had finished an entire first pass at max power within the time it usually takes them to have patients let them do only a few points. The technician then went on to do a second pass which produced a bit more pain similar to electrical shocks, but I smiled with gritted teeth so she wouldn\'t give up, and then she summoned the doctor. They said this had never happened before so they\'ll finish it off with a medium depth signal to better break down the skin in its thickness. This third pass was soon over and we then verified that his other machines were not in use during that same Saturday morning, agreeing to move to further treatments.
I can conclude after only one month that this has already retracted my stomach to far more pleasant and natural proportions. I still have a mild bulge but it is rounded out without any folds or unsightly sags. Even if this was the final result I feel it would have been well worth the cost and pain. By the way the pain sequels lasted for several weeks of burning sensations and irritation, but I felt that it meant that the process was effective and still working away. This is now confirmed and I am happy to know it will keep on getting progressively better.

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269692387

Anti-Ageing Enhancement with high powered CO2 Fractional Laser Treatments - Part I
The Fraxel treatments are great for two reasons. They however must be performed by an expert who knows what they are doing. I chose the pioneer of this field in French hospitals who fortunately isn\'t greedy and operates out in the cheaper suburbs, making the cost half that of the posh places in the fancy neighborhoods. His expertise is no doubt also far better.
While I\'m not exactly \"old\" I had just entered my first bout with ageing, looking always far younger than my age it came as a sudden bad surprise. So I went into the sessions properly prepared with an hour of continuous rubbing in of numbing ointment plus a fair dose of prescription opium powder pain pills right before the session. They were not superfluous, as I asked for as effective a treatment as possible and he dialed in some fairly harsh adjustments.
My first session was the entire face and neck and the back of the hands. It was a very long session and he threw in the hands and neck for free, costing me just half the price of a face session in a fancy clinic. He\'s a nice guy too, you will agree. As soon as he started working he gave me a mirror so I could see the skin retracting like a heated plastic bag. It actually takes the slack out of loose skin, and I had my share as since Easter I lost some 40lbs some of which was also facial fat. (I attribute the weight loss to large doses of DHEA associated with fasting)
It made my face swell all over the place scaring anyone who might look at me. I was almost unrecognizable for several days. However after 5 days the swelling was gone and my skin was showing signs of rejuvenation and a few more days there was no more flaking of the skin. Those who knew me well couldn\'t believe the change and marveled at how quickly it worked. This however brought focus to other problems, it created smooth skin between wrinkles on the forehead making them more noticeable. And it showed that my eyelids had sagging skin and crows feet that before sort of blended in.
I went in a month later (recommended time to view final result) for a second session this time concentrated on the forehead and eyes only. I didn\'t swell up nearly as much as he gave me better medication after I showed him a picture of how I had swollen up previously. To work at harsher laser intensity on my upper eyelids he had me wear metal shells over my eyeballs and he really cranked it up so bad that even with 4 opium pills I told him nervously it was at the limit of my pain threshold. This session took about as long to heal even without much swelling, possibly due to the more sensitive skin there. I was half price of the former one. It gave such good results that I am even hesitating to reach perfection with a final finishing session.
The alternative would have been blaperoplasty which is an expensive cosmetic surgery intervention which leaves most patients with quite an unnatural constant stare as if their eyes were left wide open. My results are very natural and cost a fraction of that with less risks, no general anesthesia and shorter recovery time. This use of Fraxel on the eyelids is rare and I was his first attempt. So it might be hard to replicate this procedure elsewhere. I do recommend it if you can get enough painkiller and you have a top notch specialist with magic hands. It is all about the skill of who is at the commands, they must both be expert in dosing the depth and the width of the laser beam rays. An error can be very dangerous especially near the eyes.
I plan to go in for a MILD final session for the eyelids and traces of remaining crow\'s feet wrinkles visible only when I squint my eyes. But I first need to know when we can safely place a metal protective shell on my eyeball which was just operated for Vision Enhancement.

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269692386

You asked the right question, it is funny how ironic life can be.
I have put myself through a ringer. Ten days after surgery both my eyes finally started to synch. I had spent more than a week thinking I was half blind because the additive implant was hard to heal and adjust to. Now I can see better than I have in ages, it removed my far-sighted need for glasses, now I can read up close better than most people and my field of vision is great with more detail than I have seen in ages.
So I will now post my experience in Total Enhancement in the following series of posts about each specific procedure.

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269677465

wow HC, that is ......for lack of a better word......crazy!!! You put your body threw alot for the heart of this woman. Now heres my questions.....if all goes well and you have her love, will you tell her what you did? Also on the other side of the spectrum ,what if after all that you have gone threw....for whatever reason you end up not falling for her....will you regret it?

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269654407

Sounds amazing. Any photos?
I\'m actually getting Fraxel laser treatment in Thailand in a fortnight.

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269578122

Thanks HC. I\'ll make some phone calls and send some emails.

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269577653

I can always check around if here in Paris some place will ship overseas. Maybe one of the larger department stores like the Printemps or the Galeries Lafayette.
In case this helps the former\'s contact info:
You might also want to ask L\'Oreal USA how it can be purchased.
Remember to use the original name in French with \"pour Homme\" and not for Men which will not show up in their vast database of thousands of products. Also it is recommended for men who are fair haired although I would wager it would work with darker shades. The reason possibly being more predictable results and less customer satisfaction issues. That is what is marked on the box but it is useless to try to find it in another shade, no other formulation exists.
Also they say it isn\'t to be used on eyebrows or elsewhere but I think that indication is only a safety measure in case somebody get some in their eyes, it works on them too. They say it isn\'t effective in cases where one has lost entirely all one\'s hair coloring over all your head, but I can\'t vouch for that either.

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269568996

Thanks HC. I already found that link though. I was hoping it was sold in the US.

I\'ll look further.

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269568207

Hi Miracle7,
Here is the link to the product in France, google chrome webbrowser offers an integrated page translator. I don\'t know if it is sold in the US but I\'m sure some resellers would ship it.
It comes in a box with 4 small tubes, since it costs about $40 dollars one has to check they\'re all inside before paying the cashier as some people lift the tubes out of their container as the boxes are not sealed. It is found in Paris a high end cosmetic shops and places like Monoprix or supermarkets but only in the better neighborhoods. Run some checks with Oreal in the States to see if they sell it there or in Canada where shipping and sales to the US would be easier.

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The Thin border between PE and TEA 13 years 6 months ago #1269564610

Hey HC! I smoked for 20' years and as a result have premature grey hair. I quit smoking a little over a year ago (mom would be so proud). My face still looks like I\'m in my mid twenties though and I\'m constantly hit on by women in their late teens and early twenties. Also, I run and lift so I\'m in pretty good shape at 38. Where do you buy Progress For Men? I\'m having difficulty locating it. I like your \"TE\" concept. If anything, hopefully you feel better about yourself. Best of luck in conquering Father Time. Congratulations on your PE. I\'m looking forward to your feedback.

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