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TOPIC: Ideal Penis Size Studies Are Flawed

Ideal Penis Size Studies Are Flawed 5 years 9 months ago #1308412461

I thought I would pose my viewpoint on a topic I have given great thought, \"ideal penis size\". Now most studies examine the sheer size and Girth, Flaccid and Erect. While some allow women to hold molded Phallus\'s of varying lengths and girths to dictate their preferences and desires. I\'ve even seen some that allow women to select a particular body style with preference of penis size. Problem number 1. Women feel with their body and not with their eyes. Last I checked there were no eyes located in the vaginal canal? My point is this. If you truly would like to know what the ideal size is, then a comprehensive study using the correct methods needs to occur.

Example A. Blind taste test- The consumer does not see the label, the packaging, or know anything about it. Instead they allow the mouth to tell the truth. Which one literally tastes better to you, has more flavor, is more appealing and satisfying? Without any outside influences.

Why should the penis be studied any differently? Using the above analogy, allowing the consumer to see the product could influence their true perspective of it. This could be due to many factors, such as what we\'ve been told in the media, told by others, read, advertising, or urban myth\'s about certain products being superior. I believe as much as each persons mouth is filled with numerous sensory nerves and thousands of tastebuds, in the same regard the female vagina is equally as sensitive and complex and the eyes cannot truly tell what it prefers.

The test should be a blind test in a clinical setting. Couples of all shapes, ages, races, sizes and walks of life should be included. Have 1 clinical professional present for documenting the findings and observing the consistency of each test. They should have a partner attach a molded penis to a motorized device (for consistency) for each varying size. Randomly selecting sizes ranging from 4 inches to 8 inches, with sizes represented in 1/2 Inch increments (4\", 4.5\", 5\", 5.5\" and so on). Have them rate rate each one after say 10-20 seconds of penetration. Once the Ideal length for that individual is established begin adding Girth to that size until preferred Girth is established. I would bet you money we would be shocked how many women preferred men in the 5-6 Inch length range. The best part about it, they would not know what they were getting or what they selected, they would truly have to rate it according to how it felt, not how it looked or how they perceive it should feel.

I must also highlight that I realize that there are many aspects related to enjoyable sex and sensuality. Penis size does not check all the boxes. This would strictly be a clinical examination of what physically feels the best for the majority of women within the vagina.

Food for thought.

Lifestyles give me a call, Dr. Ruth, holla at me, let\'s make this happen.


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Ideal Penis Size Studies Are Flawed 5 years 9 months ago #1308417380

I\'ve read God only knows how many studies on this and they are very consistent with their results. Women DO prefer a larger than average penis but not too big. For example, if the average Erect length is 6\", give or take, women seem to prefer a 7\". Anything past this (like a 9 incher) is just considered too much, too uncomfortable. Not surprisingly, there are basically zero women who prefer a smaller than average size penis.

It is also this way with other mens characteristics. Women prefer taller than average men, say 6 foot 2 but much taller than this is considered odd looking. A 6 foot 8 guy is not going to be very attractive to most women, unless of course the woman is really tall herself.

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Ideal Penis Size Studies Are Flawed 5 years 9 months ago #1308417621

Show me a study like I\'ve outlined. It seems you missed the whole point of a study like this. Judge by feel not by social standards or what you\'ve been told or perceive to be enjoyable. Let\'s just start holding our food and looking at it to judge it\'s taste then.
Show me a study where women were blindly penetrated with penises of varying sizes and they all chose 7 inches. I don\'t buy it. This study would be a blind study, they would have to rate it simply by feel. Nothing else, nobody telling them oh this is 7 inches your favorite or here comes a small 4 incher...
PS. I am well well beyond 6 inches and my wife cannot take it all. She has actually always prefered partners in the 5-6 range. So no not ALL women prefer 7 inches or more.

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Ideal Penis Size Studies Are Flawed 5 years 9 months ago #1308428896

PS. I am well well beyond 6 inches and my wife cannot take it all. She has actually always prefered partners in the 5-6 range. So no not ALL women prefer 7 inches or more.[/QUOTE]

then why are you continuing to do exercises to elongate your penis? Just curios.

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Ideal Penis Size Studies Are Flawed 5 years 9 months ago #1308429211

PS. I am well well beyond 6 inches and my wife cannot take it all. She has actually always prefered partners in the 5-6 range. So no not ALL women prefer 7 inches or more.

then why are you continuing to do exercises to elongate your penis? Just curios.

I do not hang heavy weight any longer. In my experience this was the way to gain Erect length. I primarily only extend now to promote a longer Flaccid hang. Since you were curious.

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Ideal Penis Size Studies Are Flawed 5 years 9 months ago #1308455068

I do not hang heavy weight any longer. In my experience this was the way to gain Erect length. I primarily only extend now to promote a longer Flaccid hang. Since you were curious.

hey how did you gain Erect length? I'm doing everything and simply want a little more length but can't achieve this goal. I currently hang with the lg Hanger although the lg seems to always cause me issues

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