Thank you Skeptical_One for the information and you are right...I certainly came to right spot for this topic, I have been reading and likely over-reading all the options for penile enlargement as well as the reviews. I have taken Penuma off the list of options for myself.
Today, I was able to speak with Dr,
Liu about Surgimend as well as AlloDerm, and will be looking at both options. I was able to find information and experiences for both on this site; however, still am not sure which will be best for me. I do want to add
Girth foremost, and length would be great as well, but also look natural and most important: function.
Liu seemed great and was very patient, knowledgeable and responsive. I just was curious if anyone had any feedback about his work, as well as outcomes of either Surgimend or AlloDerm, or both. Thanks!!