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TOPIC: PMMA consideration!

PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1308240907

Glad round two went well so far. Did the Dr ever recommend growth hormones, testosterone supplements or anything like that? We're you informed on whether or not supplements could play a role in recovery??

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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307186594

Good stuff man! I'm jealous of all you guys getting it now! I was an early adopter and the aftercare and information wasn't nearly this in depth

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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307186053


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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307185956

Nice.. I already bout some Viagra should I get some Cialis instead? I am a Grower.

Story time!

Got back to the states from Mexico city at 10pm last night in Sacramento. I caught an uber back and then set out for the 8 hour journey to TJ. I was exhausted driving all night with no stopping. I made it here an hour early for my appointment. I my consult with Dr. M where I really got down on some important questions I had that I wanted answered. They were what about the swelling after sex? Answer was its normal because of the new tissue and would dissipate within 6 months usually. The it was on to what happens after encapsulation like does the FBR stop? She seemed to think it did stop once it was encapsulated. Finally I asked about Linnea Safe and how they actually new it was safe...she said that its all the same product lipen 10 metacrill and linnea safe. After feeling that my questions had been adequately addressed the fun began.

The place is really nice and the people are just as nice. Ian is absolutely amazing as a guide and helper. He really goes above an beyond to help and make you feel good an comfortable. Diana was also very polite although i did not interact with her as much. Pretty much Ian and Dr M double teamed me with the operation. They worked amazing together.

They took my blood for the p shot first which didn\'t hurt at all because I was on dose tramadol and an sedativeish med they gave me. Soon I was pleasantly out of it and they were injecting my penis from base to near the glans with numbing solution. This was only painful towards the glands and might I add Dr. M is an absolute pro at it.The they marked up my penis with a sharpie and began the PMMA injections..I really couldn\'t feel a thing for this part. They ended up putting 20cc\'s of Linnea in which made me go from like 8cm to 11.5cm. Anyway it looked absolutely amazing despite the heavy bruising. process did not take that long and I was pleasantly out of it for the duration of the operation.

Ian showed me what to do for massage and recommended rolling it after a week after I showed him the roller I brought. Here are some pics...

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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307178457

should I take viagra to stay Erect? Do I need to try and stay Erect? Why?

I think you can get a Cialis prescription from the doctors at Avanti Derma, rather than Viagra. It has a more bland but longer lasting effect.
The reason is that it will let your penis hang longer and so the product will settle in a longer unit.
It\'s more important in the so called \"Grower\" penis rather than \"shower\".

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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307175657

I was hoping to get a little more feedback from peeps, but maybe I am not posting enough details to garner the attention so I will be going in debt over the next few days w my experience. Here\'s an update on the plans...

I am arriving back home in Sacramento to day and then I start my journey to the border. It\'s a 500 mile journey.

My supplementation regimen for ultimate gains will be as follows...

Multi w b12 and zinc
Fish oil
Possibly DHT

These are geared toward tissue health and growth.

I will be drinking smoothies throughout the day with fruits and veggies aimed at reducing inflamtion.

To prevent retraction I will wear the extended and then roll/massage every 3 hours ..

should I take viagra to stay Erect? Do I need to try and stay Erect? Why?


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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307144218

Ok good looking out G! I think Ill book an extra day then.

Could anyone give me a step by step on the aftercare for best results? I found some of the info on the site useful but its a bit scattered. My plans are as follows

check for irregularities every couple hours?
roll them out very gently? could I just use a mini pizza roller?
maybe supplement some collagen and a multi vitamin (possibly even steroid)?


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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307143688

Hey Max, I think it\'s advisable to have some extra time there, if you can.
Like staying one more day so that Avanti Derma team can take a look at your penis on the day after and answer any after care questions you may have.
It would also give you more time to recovery before driving back.

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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307143580

So out of all my research PMMA seems to be the best option for anything demi permanent and since cost is a factor I had to choose options within a reasonable range. I came across Dr. C a while ago and put it off thinking I needed to do more research. I Think Dr. C is the best provider of this treatment. I will be opting for the P shot along with the PMMA. Lets hope for the best result possible. I am hoping that we get it super smooth so that possibly some of the complications after sex (inflammation) might be avoided. I am told the first 72 hours are extremely important.

Here is my itinerary
Drive to TJ and arrive for my 11am appointment with Dr. Morales
get the operation
go to my air b and b to follow aftercare protocol
Drive back the next day


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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307141702

Good luck! What made you decide on this specific doctor, was it cost or good reputation or closest distance ?

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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307141629

So after much research I have decided to go forward with the procedure.. I still have concerns however most of them have been dissuaded. I am scheduled for the 21st of this month with Dr Morales. My concerns are more with the inflammation after sex post op.

I will be trying to follow a great after care plan to maximize gains and minimize Nodule formation.. this is what I have learned so far

DO NOT take the anti inflamatories..DO NOT wear a sleeve...DO NOT over massage...DO NOT use a pump..I am sure they will give me good instruction but if anyone wants to add their input for the best results Id appreciate it.. and thanks for the question Unhung!


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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307141392

What doctor are you thinking about using?

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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307130586

Anyone have any input please drop I have on me..I\'m seriously considering this for next month.


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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307117927

Thanks for the reply Sceptical one.. I have read some about your journey with PMMA and have put many an hours reading up on these exact topics...However I have not seen questions about Linnea safe (formerly New plastic) and whether it is a quality product answered satisfactory. Could you refer me to the post where this can be answered?
thank again


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PMMA consideration! 6 years 1 month ago #1307117751

Dr. Morales now handles most of the procedural work at the clinic and has a few progress reports already up if you\'d like to take a look. You can review Dr. Casavantes progress reports to get an idea as to product, protocol, etc as he trained Dr. Morales.

I implore you to do a lot of reading. Much of what you ask is discussed at length throughout the forum. Good luck.

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