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TOPIC: decision time...

decision time... 6 years 4 months ago #1305940662

Ok so my options are:

10ml Ellanse 4 year version here in the UK (where i am from) with Moorgate. cost '3000 (would need to have my HA dissolved)

10ml of cutegel HA with Androfill here in London, cost '1800 (wouldn\'t need to dissolve the HA i already have)

A relatively cheap flight to one of the clinics around Europe where the new Italian Dr offers PMMA. 10ml costs around '900.

Shit I really don\'t know what to do!! Kinda too many options. I\'m undecided if I want to risk PMMA but for some reason don\'t feel like Ellane is soo much of a risk. The HA would be cheap and just allow me to put of any decision for the next year or two but then I\'d still have the weight of wanting to do something permanent Hanging over me.

My current stats are 6.75 EL
Girth around 5 inches but I think once i lose my HA probably closer to 4.85

I am uncircumcised and have a fairly long but tight Foreskin

Ahhh! Help me guys!?

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decision time... 6 years 4 months ago #1305940718

The obvious answer is to wait longer. The reason is because any decision needs to be based on the two main criteria, which are the quality of the product and the Dr. You want to be sure of the quality of both before proceeding. You can\'t do that with any of your options.

Ideally you\'d want to see at least 20 results over a long period. Obviously you can\'t get data even close to that. We have one result from the Italian Dr. We have no results with Cutegel. I don\'t think we have any results of Ellanse by Moorgate. So really how can any of us advise you sensibly. To advise you well we\'d need to have confidence in both the product and the Dr. No one here can do that.

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decision time... 6 years 4 months ago #1305940856

The problem with waiting is I\'ve already been waiting for a long time. In order to make a change and move on from the insecurities of penis size I need to actually do something to be able to move on and put this to rest. Realistically there wont be those examples in the time frame when I want to have done something about this. Moorgate have used Ellanse before there are examples on their website. Maybe not on here. Androfil have said that their patients like Cutegel and I trust Dr Horn in terms of being skilled. He has done my last two HA treatments.

I am not after a huge increase i would be happy ending at around 5.5 EG but would want to focus on the best possible aesthetics. Presumably the Dr in Italy\'s approach of adding a little each time is perfect in being able to work on aesthetics without the risk of suddenly ending up with a huge amount that isn\'t shaped right. Baring in mind PMMA is also alot about aftercare

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decision time... 6 years 4 months ago #1305941039

I was in the same boat, so I had no other choices other than to fly to Mexico to Dr C or Australia to Dr Oates.

I\'m not saying you wont have a good result with any of the options you\'ve highlighted. But I am saying not one can really give you any good advise, as none of us have seen the combinations of those products with those Dr\'s and I think we all agree that the two main variables are product and Dr.

If you didn\'t have a problem with your last HA procedure then if you are going to choose one of those 3 options, then Cutegel makes sense. If you don\'t like it, or have an more serious complication, you can dissolve it. Your only issue is with the use of a needle.

With PMMA if you have an infection or granuloma, you can\'t just dissolve. With Ellanse there is a naivety on this board, in that some members think that is they have a problem, they can just leave it for 4 years until it dissolves. You can\'t just leave a bad infection, it could spread and become a very serious issue.

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decision time... 6 years 4 months ago #1305942005

You have all the info, so nobody can advise you. To summarize the important points to consider:1. HA is safer than pmma or ellanse because it can be dissolved.
2. pmma and ellanse may feel more natural, and HA may be more likely to be a bit \"squishy\" or have the \"padded dick\" feeling--but maybe if you\'re only looking for 1/2\" you\'ll be OK.
3. HA will be more expensive to keep up over the long run.
4. During the first couple of years the risks of pmma and ellanse are similar. Bottom line with either of these--make sure you have a plan to deal with complications, who will handle it, how quick you can get an appt, and how far you\'ll need to travel.
5. Once you get past 3/4 years, ellanse will be gone--the degradation properties are well known. This is the main difference from pmma which is permanent.The reason I estimate the risks of pmma and ellanse to be similar is that although we have more data on pmma than ellanse, PCL has a long history of biological uses, and it is FDA approved for that. It\'s even been implanted in pediatric heart and trachias, and lots of other bio applications. This was from an article describing its use in 3 pediatric patients:

The material they used was a cheap and harmless plastic called polycaprolactone that slowly breaks down over 3 or 4 years upon exposure to bodily fluids, and is then reabsorbed by the body.


Bottom line, everything I read about PCL says it\'s highly biocompatible with minimal adverse reactions. So for all the vague claims about it being \"dangerous\" I\'d really like to see specific cases cited, as that would be more helpful.Good luck.

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decision time... 6 years 4 months ago #1305948079

For the uninitiated, PCL is Ellanse.

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decision time... 6 years 4 months ago #1305951560

HA is a safe procedure IMO , it hasn\'t worked for me but it has for others , i spoke with moorgate and i think they are only doing 2 year Ellanse which is a wiser option for sure ! If it works ,then could be good ! If it doesn\'t then so sex for 2 years although i think they can surgically remove ? But not sure how good they are at it .

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decision time... 6 years 4 months ago #1305951663

Start with HA. If you dont like how it looks, stop there, if you like it, but dont like that it is soft then move on to Ellanse. You will get an idea what size you want and what aesthetics. Use Ellanse long version if you are ok with refills every few years, or dont want PMMA. If your end goal is for permanent enhancement, Ellanse 1 year version. If you like the shape and feel you will probably like the PMMA. When Ellanse wears off, to go get PMMA showing pics of your junk i the shape you liked it with the previous filler.

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decision time... 6 years 4 months ago #1305951938

costa wrote: HA is a safe procedure IMO , it hasn\'t worked for me but it has for others

My problem with it is that I read as many cases of guys not liking it as I did for guys who liked it. I personally could not spend over 7K (some guys spend more in my area) for something that there\'s a good chance I would want dissolved. I\'d rather be smaller and really hard.

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