You have all the info, so nobody can advise you. To summarize the important points to consider:1. HA is safer than pmma or ellanse because it can be dissolved.
2. pmma and ellanse may feel more natural, and HA may be more likely to be a bit \"squishy\" or have the \"padded dick\" feeling--but maybe if you\'re only looking for 1/2\" you\'ll be OK.
3. HA will be more expensive to keep up over the long run.
4. During the first couple of years the risks of pmma and ellanse are similar. Bottom line with either of these--make sure you have a plan to deal with complications, who will handle it, how quick you can get an appt, and how far you\'ll need to travel.
5. Once you get past 3/4 years, ellanse will be gone--the degradation properties are well known. This is the main difference from pmma which is permanent.The reason I estimate the risks of pmma and ellanse to be similar is that although we have more data on pmma than ellanse, PCL has a long history of biological uses, and it is FDA approved for that. It\'s even been implanted in pediatric

and trachias, and lots of other bio applications. This was from an article describing its use in 3 pediatric patients:
The material they used was a cheap and harmless plastic called polycaprolactone that slowly breaks down over 3 or 4 years upon exposure to bodily fluids, and is then reabsorbed by the body.
Bottom line, everything I read about PCL says it\'s highly biocompatible with minimal adverse reactions. So for all the vague claims about it being \"dangerous\" I\'d really like to see specific cases cited, as that would be more helpful.Good luck.