Recent quote from AstroD. I didn\'t want to take over Heimdall\'s progress report.
\'My hole after the fourth round never closed up. So I went back to Dr. C and he used electro caud to melt the
PMMA away from the opening and deeper. I have two large pea size scars now, but it\'s healed...took months. I still feel something hard under one of them. I may go back to have him do another electro surg to remove it.;\'
Heimdall is recovering and waiting for his wound to heal.
I\'ve noticed that there have been a few cases of the skin failing to heal, seemingly, due to
It seems that it doesn\'t heal over itself. Restoration had issues with it too.
This should be a big concern for us.
First of all, what is \'electro caud\'? A current which melts the
PMMA away?