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TOPIC: If you could do it all over again ...

If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1303069446

Update - Decided against going with Morganstern, will just try to find best manual exercises for Erect Length and hit up Dr. C for PMMA in the future.

Any recommendations for EL gains?

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302288088

Hunky, they are dishonest about everything. There\'s a lady doctor who uses Gary Alter\'s photos for her webbing procedures (maybe the other way round?). Well, Gary Alter is well renowned though ...

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302287837

Hey Phallobored - kind of have to agree with Hunkydory. I would press the office for more info if you\'re still considering this route. I couldn\'t personally get anything out of them that convinced me. If anything, I found that the whole thing seemed more shady. Far too good to be true given the information available. What is your past experience with PE? If you\'re looking for more length, a lot of people believe at least an Inch is possible with a consistent stretching/Jelqing routine. I don\'t personally have experience with this but a plan of diet and exercise plus a year of manual length work might be a great way to prime yourself for a more reliable Girth procedure i.e. PMMA. Just my two cents.

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302274564

Lol love that they they are waiting on the avaiabilty of after photos. It's too bad these doctors are so dishonest about Erect gains.

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302273612

rubberDucky wrote: Hey Phallobored - never really heard of anyone intentionally getting FFT before PMMA. Seems the normal course of events is got FFT, gains were lost over time, went for PMMA. There are some people who have done it successfully, though. If you scroll down a bit in this thread you\'ll see some linked accounts:

The lipo does sound nice. Could always get the lipo and not the FFT - or eat clean and exercise really hard for a few months! In any case, just wanted to weigh-in since I was considering the same procedure myself not too long ago. Hope its at least been somewhat helpful.

One of the reasons I was considering Morganstern was his claim with Penis Length, but I don\'t know if this is related to his FFT procedure.

We understand it is very valuable to men to be able to see what to expect from the resulting operation. As a general rule, you can expect 1-2 inches growth/ increase of length and width from our natural surgery process. The increase in size is applicable to both flaccid and erect states. We generally display pictures in the flaccid state. We do plan to add some photos with erections as soon as they are available.

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302099021

Hey Phallobored - never really heard of anyone intentionally getting FFT before PMMA. Seems the normal course of events is got FFT, gains were lost over time, went for PMMA. There are some people who have done it successfully, though. If you scroll down a bit in this thread you\'ll see some linked accounts:

The lipo does sound nice. Could always get the lipo and not the FFT - or eat clean and exercise really hard for a few months! In any case, just wanted to weigh-in since I was considering the same procedure myself not too long ago. Hope its at least been somewhat helpful.

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302098780

PhalloBored wrote:
Really appreciate the feedback and your insights as I learned something new and it does change my thought process.

Like you I am high and tight, my glans is larger than my shaft, and I\'d say I\'m 6x5 at 90% Erect. I\'m not very lean (200lbs 20%BF) though I am looking to cut down another 20lbs for aesthetic purposes so after that I would be athletically lean. Right now I\'ve got another 1\" travel between EL and BPEL.

One of the things I liked about Dr. Morganstern was the \"Love Handles\" Liposuction included where you could get rid of the fat pad to \"increase\" the length. I had thought about the FFT coupled with the PMMA after to get a \"best of both\" especially if there was a high absorption rate.

Atlanta was on shutdown this weekend as we received 4-9 inches of snow and only 3 salt trucks I was one of the lucky ones with no power outage and minimal road downtime.

I look forward to your updates.

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302096153

rubberDucky wrote: No worries, new username. I\'m actually waiting for a moderator to get back to me about posting my experience, which will have before and after pics and an in depth report of the trip to Tijuana. I\'ll let you know when its up and hopefully it will be informative with regard to PMMA by Dr. C.

In the meantime I\'ll try to give you a quick summary of what makes a good candidate for PMMA vs FFT, and why I think PMMA is generally better than FFT today. These are the conclusions I\'ve drawn from accounts on here and elsewhere, the few medical journals that exist, and from speaking with doctors:

Really appreciate the feedback and your insights as I learned something new and it does change my thought process.

Like you I am high and tight, my glans is larger than my shaft, and I\'d say I\'m 6\" BPEL and 5\" EG. I\'m not very lean (200lbs 20%BF) though I am looking to cut down another 20lbs for aesthetic purposes so after that I would be athletically lean. Right now I\'ve got another 1\" travel between EL and BPEL.

One of the things I liked about Dr. Morganstern was the \"Love Handles\" Liposuction included where you could get rid of the fat pad to \"increase\" the length. I had thought about the FFT coupled with the PMMA after to get a \"best of both\" especially if there was a high absorption rate.

Atlanta was on shutdown this weekend as we received 4-9 inches of snow and only 3 salt trucks I was one of the lucky ones with no power outage and minimal road downtime.

I look forward to your updates.

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302095903

No worries, new username. I\'m actually waiting for a moderator to get back to me about posting my experience, which will have before and after pics and an in depth report of the trip to Tijuana. I\'ll let you know when its up and hopefully it will be informative with regard to PMMA by Dr. C.

In the meantime I\'ll try to give you a quick summary of what makes a good candidate for PMMA vs FFT, and why I think PMMA is generally better than FFT today. These are the conclusions I\'ve drawn from accounts on here and elsewhere, the few medical journals that exist, and from speaking with doctors:

The ideal candidate for PMMA is Circumcised and has a long, thin penis with a glans wider than the shaft. It may be beneficial to be lean so that the fat pad doesn\'t push the product downward toward the glans (Theon Greyjoy mentioned this, but I don\'t recall seeing it anywhere else). Regardless, in the case of PMMA, I don\'t think being lean can hurt you.

Being lean can, however, be detrimental in the case of FFT. The ideal candidate for FFT can retain fat well, and has some fat to begin with. Additionally, being uncircumcised or having a low, loose Circumcision is better for FFT. If you\'re not familiar with low vs high and loose vs tight as it applies to Circumcision, do a quick search on google images. High vs low may be the opposite of what you think (high means the circ scar is more distant from the glans, low means the scar is close to the glans).

To summarize, if you have some extra fat at the moment, don\'t plan on losing it, and have a low, loose Circumcision or are uncircumcised, FFT may be worth looking into if you are more risk averse and really don\'t want to take the trip to Tijuana.

In my case, I have a high and tight Circumcision, and am very lean. AKA a poor candidate for FFT. After learning this, it became pretty apparent that I wasn\'t going to pursue the FFT route.

As far as PMMA being generally preferable to FFT, there are a few reasons. First, the recent advances in PMMA are more significant than those in FFT. The use of PRP with PMMA, a greater understanding of aftercare, and the use of water based product instead of bovine have all resulted in a decreased incidence of complication and a better outcome. FFT is generally considered lower risk as the product isn\'t foreign (your own fat) and it isn\'t as permanent as PMMA. That being said, the lack of permanency may be the biggest issue with FFT; it\'s very difficult to find accounts of long-lasting results. I know Morganstern claims he has a super-secret groundbreaking technique that makes the results last, but I\'m pretty sure he\'s doing the same thing as Giunta, who admits you\'re going to need refills. With PMMA you can pretty realistically hope for 0.5\" each round if your goal is to maximize Girth, possibly more, and the vast majority of people on here will tell you those results stay over the years. Overall, FFT just doesn\'t seem to be the way to go today.

A few notes:
I\'m not a doctor, and there are individuals on here who know a lot more than I do/ have spent a lot more time in this space. These are my personal conclusions, but everyone should do their own research. Note that being the \"perfect\" candidate for either surgery still does not guarantee a good result. Know the risks, weigh the risks, do some soul searching.

Sorry for any typos, trying to type quickly. Hope you got through the recent snowstorm in one piece. Was there for the 2014 snowmageddon - crazy stuff.

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302095116

naginati wrote: Maybe I was a bit harsh.

I apologise.

Just do your research. Not sure if fat transfer is the way to go but there is lots of data here to go off of.

No, not harsh at all, many of you have put a ton of time, money and self-sacrifice into this forum. I don\'t blame you one bit.

rubberDucky wrote: Hey PhalloBored,

I also considered FFT with Morganstern, largely for the same reason as you. After about a year of research, ended up getting round 1 with Dr. C last week. I could give you some more insight into how that decision was made if you\'re interested. For my personal specs, I\'m confident it was the right decision.

Absolutely interested thank you ... considering the difference in price between Dr. C and Dr. Morganstern it was something I was interested in pursuing as well. Thank you for posting here with your first post! I\'m honored.

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302094963

Hey PhalloBored,

I also considered FFT with Morganstern, largely for the same reason as you. After about a year of research, ended up getting round 1 with Dr. C last week. I could give you some more insight into how that decision was made if you\'re interested. For my personal specs, I\'m confident it was the right decision.

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302094623

Maybe I was a bit harsh.

I apologise.

Just do your research. Not sure if fat transfer is the way to go but there is lots of data here to go off of.

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302094244

naginati wrote: Just realised this is a sneaky bastard way for us to do the work for him. lol

I\'m already 80% convinced to go with Dr. Morganstern since he is local.

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302093550

Just realised this is a sneaky bastard way for us to do the work for him. lol

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If you could do it all over again ... 7 years 2 months ago #1302093527

If I could do it all over again I'd go to Dr C for PMMA or Dr Oates for Ellanse and remained uncut.

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