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TOPIC: Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA?

Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297944453

Had my first session of PMMA with Dr N on friday. I am uncircumsised and my Foreskin swelled like crazy. Still is, but a bit better after some icing and time. AS a result mye forskin is retracted from the glans and I can not move the Foreskin back. I have spoken to Dr N and also several members that had the same issue. The verdict is to wait since it will resolve it self, but swelling must go down. I looked at the forum and paraphimosis is not disscussed much. It is basically retracted Foreskin for prolonged period of time sufficating the penis. Added the intense post PMMA swelling I was surprised it has not been disscussed more. Or am I missing something? According to medicine literature it can lead to gangrene and a form for auto-amputation necorsis. Due to my swollen Foreskin and tight skin I have a wound that has developed between skin that is stretched. I wanted to start this thread to hear other members opinions and also help people in the future when browsing the forum. Hopefully some this can be helpful in the future. Added a photo of myself also to show what I am takling about.

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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297962877

can no longer see pics on here but I always had a lot of Foreskin swelling, well through day 5-6.

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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297957327

Thanks! Really appreciate it. Will monitor it, but will go to a docror today to see if there is any chance of infection. Will go abroad for 10 days on Friday and need to now things are ok before that. This thread might be useful for other members also since this is a potential problem for uncircumsised men.

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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297957025

Hi G7,

Not looking like gangrene but some swelling. Need some advice from PMMA experts about this kind of swelling - but 4 days post I would expect swelling and think this is going to go down a lot. Dont worry about the ice, that has not caused a problem. I expect you just need to do lots of massaging. If the skin changes colour then let me know.

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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297956264

Thanks a lot. Mean the World to me. No direct pain. Added three photos. photo 1: A bit blueish. I was desperate so went with ice. Tried to have something inbetween, but think the ice bag might have touched the skin. No pain just bruised area. Second photo is what worried me the most. I have open rifts after the pressure. I have just added anti-bacterial here so more moist than if not. It comes som liquid from it, but little and thin and not like typical infection. Will go and check this regardless since I fear infection. Photo 3 is residual swelling. This does not go down as easy AS the other swelling and feels quite hard and cold. Fear ice bag touched this area too long.

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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297956199

Hi George,

That photo does not look too bad - sorry did not realise you had posted a photo already when I PM\'ed. But still follow those instructions and keep sending me photos.

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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297954554

Your bandage is preventing the Foreskin from going back and is the reason for the swelling.

Slowly squeeze it down with your palm. When the swelling is almost gone, wrap your bandage over the Foreskin that is now coving the glans, leaving enough of a gap for you to pee.

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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297953623

Thanks Slumdog.

Important information. Will ask Dr Oates also.
Finally I do something with what has been bothering me for years and then panick kicks in over this.

Can not stress how thankful I am for the information. Used disinfection and will ask Dr Oates.

Go abroad for a week on Friday. How quickly can his be solved if an actual issue?

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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297953451

George7 wrote: Yes. Viewed from the stomach. Forced it back now so have wounds an bruising, but hopefully Ok. What was the case with you? The opposite?

My Foreskin is always retracted.
Cause i don\'t have much. I am half-cut. I guess \'cut a bit\'. So when Flaccid, somtimes it covers half of my penishead.

That Foreskin can swell so much that it presses off the blood to the glans is something i did not consider so far - but apparently it can happen we see now?

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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297953285


I don\'t have time to go into full detail however not to create fear but rather mindfulness. I would continue to keep a very close eye on your situation and monitor for bruising type discoloration, oder, pain, discharge, etc. Dr. Oates was a fatanstic resource for me to simply ask questions to. I\'m not a patient of his however his generosity with his time and professional opinion was greatly appreciated via this site. My situation was similar (Juvederm) and I ultimatley ended up with a case of Fourniers Gangrene and had some skin Removal. I will check later today or this week and provide a more detailed version. Feel free to private message me if easier. Best of luck.


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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297951078

Yes. Viewed from the stomach. Forced it back now so have wounds an bruising, but hopefully Ok. What was the case with you? The opposite?

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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297951039

The Foreskin is before your penishead and cannot get over your penishead?

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Paraphimosis and gangrene due to PMMA? 7 years 6 months ago #1297963344

Went to a doctor today. Did not say anything about the PMMA just said I had parafimose since it is a medical term. Agreed with Dr Oates that it is probably just brusing from the trauma and because I forced the Foreskin forward. Was told to wash my wound 2 times per day with water. Then dry it before rolling the Foreskin back in to place. Should solve it and if it get worse just return. Also it was stated that the color looked healthy apart from the bruising. Took a blood sample and checked for infection just to be sure and no sign of that either and no fever. Been some rough days. Also show that you can read a lot, but still be caught by surprise. Was not aware having the Foreskin rolled back for a prolonged period of time could be so dangerous. When you see the words gangrene and amputation you really panick. Hope all this can be useful to others also. Special thanks to Dr. Oates for providing his professional input. For me that shows you are a great doctor.

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