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TOPIC: Actual USA Prices on Voluma

Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1303065066

What is considered a good price in the USA to get 10ml of Voluma injected?

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296820608

Is this thread only about voluma? Hope Dr N\'s fillers are genuine ...

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296820132

Restoration wrote: Here\'s the actual Allergan portal. Anyone offering you less than this is giving you fake or expired product, and that is why it is not lasting very long in the body. You cannot sell something like this for $100 / cc. It is $404/cc before tax. Here\'s an order for 10 ccs - see the right side for the price. There are no volume discounts. Allergan only will give you about 2ccs after you purchase 50 within the calendar year.

That\'s true for USA but in Europe things are different, retail price in pharmacies is 350 per 2ml box, if you buy bigger quantities the price goes down. I think the reason is that in USA Allergan has a kind of monopoly whilst in Euorope has to compete with around 10 European companies.

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296797633

european prices r going to be way cheaper, especially the UK, people have friends.....

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296796416

It was for europe, i find it really bad prsctice that they don t help you determine if you are dealing with low version of their products.. this could also mean that they have a wide range of pricing scheme ( charging some customers much cheaper) , reason why they are so untransparant

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296795381

I sent an inquiry about their Euro pricing and cited my account number where I am an authorized user (though not the MD). We\'ll see if they write back. I\'ll post their reply.

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296795320

Mat, you called Allergan in the USA or Europe? In the USA, they won\'t say a word to you if you don\'t have an account. They are not helping the situation, unfortunately.

I asked the merz rep I am in contact with (who constantly emailed the doctor who has their account) about a certain website that sells fillers in Europe, and she ignored me (twice) - and stopped emailing me entirely after that. I have no idea what to make of that. Merz makes Radiesse, and it is a lot cheaper on the website than through her. I almost think she knows that the website is legitimate and couldn\'t acknowledge it. She should have said \"that website is not authorized\" but she didn\'t say a word.

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296794953

They would even answer questions about financial feasability.. i asked them as i was investigating the french doc injecting supposently 20ml of voluma for 1400 euros and they refused to give sny info about it saying i should trust or not my doc and if i had doubt i should maybe change ( i was really upset by this answer which i found useless, stupid and irresponsible)

Price in europe should be ( very) roughly around 200 '/2x1 ml

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296793537

I wanted to post this because I read the thread about the guy who had his \"voluma\" disappear in 1 month (which means it was all swelling) and I think people should be careful. (edit - this was the thread) It was just upsetting to read he wasted all that money and time, and was basically lied to by his doctor. (He didn\'t just \"metabolize it really fast\" either - while that happens, it doesn\'t happen in 1 month to 16cc of product)

I don\'t know enough about Canadian and European pricing, so sorry if that confused anyone. I was talking about the USA only. That being said, Recklaw, 10cc for '2800 sounds suspicious to me, because you also have to include the doctor\'s time and disposable equipment. It\'s '3300 if he does it for no doctor\'s fee, based on American prices. So, in England, voluma is '50 per cc less than USA and he\'s doing it for free? More likely, he\'s doing it for something like '800 and then the product would have to be '200/cc - which is 35% cheaper than the US price. I don\'t know why Allergan would charge so much less in the UK. I know the NHS forces drug companies into lower prices, but this is elective/cosmetic and not NHS obviously.

Sexy Beast, you\'re in the USA, right? Every time I asked Allergan about volume discounts, they only said you get 2ccs free after a certain number (I think it was 50). They said there are absolutely no tiers and discounts. I asked 3 separate reps on the phone. They just read the same script every time about when you get free syringes (word for word - every time). I think you said you\'re like a top 10 practice or something, so perhaps you have a special deal that falls outside of the script I heard 3 times. Still, I can\'t imagine you\'re below 350/cc... which still puts you above what some of the quotes that guys are getting from docs are at. Can you recall what Ireland had it priced for?

Allergan will not tell pricing info to people w/o an account (so you need to be a NP or higher, I think), but they may (in other countries) answer a question like \"My doctor agreed to inject 10 ccs for $2000 - does that sound possible, financially?\" Or maybe not. But, someone on here should know European pricing and post it.

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296791726

There are threads in which it\'s been stated that voluma can cost as much or more than what Resto is stating (as much as for a car). He has pasted a screenshot and I think we should be alert to fakes. Too risky to conjecture ...

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296789307

It\'s amazing how HA prices differ
Androfill charges more for 10ml than this Harley Street Clinic charges for 100ml, fair enough the quality might be better but still, it\'s a huge difference.

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296787867

this is not entirely true, u can buy directly from ireland for a highly discounted price but this is considered illegal for doctors in the US and one can loose their license, we would not chance it in our practice.
their is also tiered pricing depending on how much volume u do and don\'t be confused by somebody giving u expired product, voluma has a couple years before it expires and if u buy it, u use it.
for your info our cost is less than $400 a syringe, it\'s bloody expensive and there is no way around it

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296786283

I believe there is a flaw sonewhere here.. that would that anyone in the world performing penoplastie with voluma is selling you fake product which i don t believe. My own doc is not proposing voluma because he considere it to expensive for spain (price being 2200 for 8 ml)and I had to come up with that idea myself and he agreed get it from allergan,

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296786129

hey man i\'m not as on the up and up as you are, but what exactly are you saying here? I\'m new to this site. Can you order this stuff directly?

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Actual USA Prices on Voluma 7 years 7 months ago #1296784795


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