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TOPIC: Hope?..after 9 months of treatment!

Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296402045

Actually muscle doesn\'t burn fat but the ramp up of your metabolism from the body repairing the muscle that you break down during weight training. You continue to burn calories up to 24 hours after lifting as compared to 15 min after cardio.

Very low test levels CAN make you gain fat. I\'ll notice it if I\'m not right on with my shot and say wait a week or two later. I get sluggish, really hard to get good sleep, moody and such.
HGH and test will build muscle, help you sleep more sound, lose body fat.
But muscle building is just as much about diet as weights. In fact diets about 75% of it.

Fat burners can help. Clen gets a huge bad rap and it\'s not like people make it out to be. Just like anything it can hurt you in improper dosages. Plus each human body is different, just like penis\'s.

One thing that can really help you is join a gym that has boxing and weightlifting. My coach has fought professionally. I couldn\'t push myself nearly as hard as he pushes me. I drop 600-700 calories per workout. Then lift weights and do jiu jitsu twice a week. I\'ve dropped three pant sizes in 3 1/2 months. As you get older it helps to have someone push you hard. Another way you can get dr prescribed test is to do a heavy cycle of say 3-4 weeks of test and then wait three weeks and your natural test levels will be low if you have them tested then and you\'ll be more apt to be prescribed a test prescription.

Just some observations after 17 years of trt.

aftershock wrote: There ya go

Sounds like a plan, its kinda like stretching on here. No easy fast solution, slow and steady and sensible.
The just recently started im doing is 2.5 then 3.5 and going to exede that. Sucks I wasted 4 years sitting on the fence.

Test does burn the spare tire after the 40 range when levels drop, theres a diff though between getting normal levels and loading up, throws off your other chemical balances then leads to a life time of always chasing them with diff meds.
Its all fun in your 20s and 30s it then bites you in the azz the rest of your life, I learned the hard way along with my friends.

As for your exercise, you got it. Muscle burns fat.
Mix weights and reps, I even have women do the same, pyramid effect. weights first, then end with lots of reps consisting pushups, pullups, dips
which require little or no money or equipment. 2 milk box crates, a school play ground.

Diet, im not a huge anti carb guy, just in moderation. lots of protein in food and micronized whey in vanilla so you can add what ever fruit for flavor of your preference. Also coffee sweetnd with stevia good for motivation and to speed up metabolism while 0 calories.

My andropause started in my later 30s, lucky I have stupid fast metabolism which is why I used anabolics because I couldnt gain weight.
Eating a 30 pack of white castles known as a crave case in 20 mins or 14 plates of pasta at olive garden is fun attention but lucky to gain 1lb for week
is just expensive and frustrating, now its slowed some but my stomach still stretched leaving me to eat the house down to be full.
If food made you manhood grow I would have 3 pant legs.

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296274695

I\'ve been taking hgh and test (along with many test derivitives) for about 10 years now. and I\'m convinced that yes it has increased my size somewhat.

Yes i\'ve been PE\'ing for about 7 years so i\'m not sure how much is due to that and how much is due to the hormones; but I\'ve gone from 6x5 to 7.5x5.5

And for all the guys who do take test IM I have really found it worth the money to spend on the nice needles. I use BD ez-glide. or something like that. they are the most expensive but WOW what a huge difference. Its really worth the extra 20 bucks you spend

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296274249

I rotate now though. Not much of my body that hasn\'t had a needle in it. Including my penis now.....fs.

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296274244

Are you not worried about scar tissue? I have scar tissue in my ventrogluts from daily slin pin injectoins of test/tren.

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296274162

I use an insulin syringe which is 30 gauge I think - I do it every day so it is not a lot that I have to draw. It is MUCH less painful that way.

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296273606

I\'m using a slin pin.

I\'m on test and equipoise just now.

The test is 300mg/ml and the equipoise is 500mg/ml. lol

The boldenone is really thick. I have to heat it up with my hand to make it injectable. I may have to dilute it. Not easy pinning, need some thumb gains to push the bloody plunger.

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296273461

Shooting Test thru a 29 gauge? how long did it take to go thru? LOL.

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296272612

brock wrote: 1.5 Inch 21 gauge. That\'s like a samurai sword. haha. I was so nervous too! I remember it clear as day, and that was a long time ago my friend.

Ye, I remember withdrawing the needle to have blood run out. Now I often get that now with 29 gauge, but it\'s a dribble at most. That first occasion was a river. I just thought, \'huh, must always be like this\'.

There\'s ignorance and then there\'s retardation.....

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296271867

1.5 Inch 21 gauge. That\'s like a samurai sword. haha. I was so nervous too! I remember it clear as day, and that was a long time ago my friend.

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296271810

Remember your first injection Brock? I had a 21 gauge 1.5inch needle in the quad. shaking so much when I did it.

21 gauge......I knew nothing.

Imagine putting it in your penis. Damn that would take Balls.

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296271788

brock wrote: HAHA! I\'ll bet Nagi and I have both at least googled it at one point.. if not Test then definitely a peptide like HGH. Unfortunately no benefit.. nothing except probably a lot of pain.
I am shooting the BPC-157 into my fat pad right now to get it as close to my unit as possible for recovery.

Ye, I did my research lol. HGH possibly increases grith but you would have to take so much that you would run into sides, bigger hands, chin, feet and so.Still not convinvced that it would increase Girth.
If it did I would have the needle in there. Shitting myself while doing it.

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296271613

HAHA! I\'ll bet Nagi and I have both at least googled it at one point.. if not Test then definitely a peptide like HGH. Unfortunately no benefit.. nothing except probably a lot of pain.
I am shooting the BPC-157 into my fat pad right now to get it as close to my unit as possible for recovery.

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296271298

you guys the trick is you have to shoot the test into your Dick...

*totally joking for any idiot who might do that.*

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296269687

Brock is spot on with this. That\'s what\'s happened here.

I\'ve also been taking much more testosterone than is normal and my Dick didn\'t grow, unfortunately.

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Hope?..after 9 months of treatment! 7 years 8 months ago #1296266881

Interesting ntwest.

I\'ve been taking testosterone injections for 20 years and my Dick isn\'t 3 feet long though.. and I take 5x what he takes I\'m sure.

Most likely it\'s because his body never had Test, and now it has it- it\'s almost going through his initial growth stage that he missed in puberty.

If you ever data a female bodybuilder who takes Test, their clit can be the size of a small thumb.

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