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TOPIC: surgery in the uk

surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1295092030

From everything I have read I would never do fat transfer, i cant think why anyone would chose that over HA like voluma which is much safer, predictable and easy to correct. Unless your main priority is to loose fat from the rest of your body.

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1295033907

That doesn\'t seem to hold up to scrutiny. Moving fat around the body has been around a long time from what I have researched. I have chosen fat because of its survival rate overall compared to fillers. Yes, you lose some of the fat afterwards, they were very clear about that , but all the evidence suggests it lasts MUCH longer than fillers.
Dr Gary Horn , who by all accounts knows a thing or two about penis enlargement judging from this forum, told me that if I wanted a lasting result then I should go with my own fat. He said that I should be prepared for another procedure in the future and not to expect it to last forever.
At the end of day they did give me a choice, moorgate, were not pushy one way or the other. They offered me both filler and fat transfer.
Also, most clinics that I found in the UK ( not that there are many ) offer fat transfer , they can\'t all be wrong.

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1295033783

It doesn\'t matter if they give it to you straight, they offer fat injection
Fat injection doesn\'t work no matter who offers it.

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1295029318

Moorgate were very clear about the fact that the ligament cut does NOT increase Erect length
They also said that the surgery is only half the job, you have to use an extender or pump afterwards to get the best from the length. They also said it\'s a must for a while just after the op
These people give it to you straight

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1295028774

Up to now, there has never being a documented case of LENGTH increase due to \"surgery alone\". I do not know what this hospital and surgery center has told you about gains in Erect LENGTH! Be extra careful, we have seen many \"claimed\" increases in Erect length, but so far have seen no proof.

If anything, we HAVE seen proof of Shortening of the penis after such surgeries!

If you feel otherwise, please share with us, we all want to see actual proof of EL increases due to surgery or even chemical treatment.

Understand, I am looking for any proof that shows increases in EL to many patients as we have seen increases in Girth to many patients especially with PMMA. I think educated people are looking for the same.

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1295026980

PRP is platelet rich plasma
They take a sample of your blood and take out the platelets from it. The way they described it to me was that this stuff can produce more cells in the penis and add to the length and thickness.
Sounds like science fiction to me but I have googled this PRP and its used for lots of other medical needs.
Moorgate offer it as a booster to the fat transfer.

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1295026648

Ryan, (32)

I have just got home from my first consultation with Moorgate Aesthetics, who I saw on the BBC documentary.
I\'m not going to lie, I was really nervous on the way down there, I have never had any sort of surgery before...HOWEVER, I feel so much better now. Moorgate as a whole have allowed me to feel way more at ease. It is clear that they provide a high standard of care and they made sure that everything was crystal clear before leaving the clinic. Everyone I have spoken to, from the people who booked my consultation to my patient coordinator and surgeon, have been outstanding. I sat down with a male patient coordinator who took my medical history and ran me through the ins and outs of lengthening and thickening surgery. I explained that I have been insecure about the size of my penis ever since I started going to the gym with my mates. They all seemed a lot bigger than me and ever since I have lost all confidence when it comes to the bedroom. As a result I have been avoiding sex all together and instead been laid in bed at night looking at forums like this for answers. That is when I came across a comment about the documentary. I have now booked to have my surgery at the end of April in London with Moorgate and I am now back on the dating sites. Things are looking up now. I will keep you all updated when I have had the surgery. Cheers!

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1295026264

Whats PRP??

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1295025741

Interesting week. I have had consultations for penis enlargement surgery ( length and Girth ) and much of what I have been told is consistent between Doctors and clinics. That\'s reassured me.
All seem to offer pretty much the same surgery. There are better ways to transfer fat nowadays apparently , with less absorption. I am also going for the PRP which can be done at the same time. Its a bit more cost but I don\'t see any point in holding back while I am there.
I am nervous but confident enough.
After much thought I have gone with Moorgate Urology, but it was a close call. They sent me a load of information after the consultation , some of it very scary ....full of stuff that can go wrong when you have an operation. In some ways I liked that as they don\'t hide the potentially bad from the good.
I had blood, urine and swab tests done after seeing the Doctor , again this gave me confidence that they take it as seriously as I do.
There was no pressure either and their people were friendly and down to earth.
The only downside was that they have pretty girls on reception when you go in , and that unnerved me a bit as I dreaded the thought that they knew what I was there for. A bit like going to the chemist for the first time for you know what.
When I got to the people that really matter though they were all guys. The hospital is also very impressive, and I was glad that I got the chance to see where it would be done. There were quite a few guys in the waiting room and you cant help wonder if they were there fir the same thing. From what I could see they are not short of customers !
Just looking forward to getting it done now

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1294979273

Thanks for the info Dexterphall.
I checked and its definitely an outfit called London Andrology, but Dr Horn is not with them. He seems to work with Androfill and Moorgate clinic from what I have gathered.
Much of what I have read and heard is that fat lasts longer than the HA filler ( allowing for some absorption of the fat soon after ) I have ruled out a permanent filler as I don\'t like the sound of that.
Anyway, I have consultations coming up so it will be interesting to see what they say

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1294972880

Honestly the length surgery is so overrated. There\'s often cases people loose length, it can be a disaster.

I would really do your research, carefully, very carefully.

Pretty sure fat transfer does NOT last longer than HA for example and certainly not as long as PMMA as that\'s basically permanent but not without it\'s potential issues as well.

Not sure who London Andrology are, do you mean London Androfill with Dr Horn? If so that\'s who I used and a few others on the forum have used.

Good luck with whatever you do but I would seriously reconsider the lig cutting .

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1294968453

Thanks I will let you know. I am torn between the injections and the fat transfer. The fat lasts longer but its surgery. The only thing putting me off the injections is the cost of top ups. Both the MoorgateClinic and London Andrology look like they offer both so hopefully I can finally decide.
I certainly want the length doing and that is definitely surgery to get the ligament cut.

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1294967695

Wow, i have just seen the TV documentary on that Moorgate clinic website, funny but very good , i\'m glad I\'ve seen it, given me a good insight into what\'s expected with the enlargement procedure!! i am really thinking about having the surgery, but i might try the injections first, let us know how you get on rustydog

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1294965566

Thanks I will take a look at them. I have a couple of consultations booked. One with Moorgate. and another with London andrology.

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surgery in the uk 8 years 1 week ago #1294961843

Check Androfill on google. They are London based.

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