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TOPIC: Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options?

Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294696315

popopo wrote: It\'s freaking 2017. Doc\'s are almost able to regrow organs in labratories. Size matters, it\'s obvious and you WILL know it unless you\'re not too bright. Demand forpenis enlargement is high, I can assure you that. Loads and loads of men want a bigger Dick and lot\'s of woman will eventually admit they like it bigger. Of course women don\'t care as much as man because women aren\'t \"stuck\" to one Dick their whole life, unless they choose to do so. Anyway, considering all this andthe supperficial time we live in, whyare there so littleoptions for us? While common sense, themedia and women subliminally tell me I should be bigger, I literally can\'t. If Igo to a doctor I will either have a \"true specialist/Urologist\" tell me it\'s all in my head, or a plastic surgeon claiming a lot of shit and not being able to back it up. Why arent there any real doctors working at this and why is it still impossible to get a bigger Dick without potentially mutilating it? Also, I have scar tissue so for me most options are out of the question anyway.

The options today (specifically fillers, permanent or temporary) are miles ahead of what the scene was like only 5 years ago. Disappointed? No not at all.

Furthermore, yes we can grow organs in labs. But that\'s where the bulk of Research & Development funds go to. Researchers aren\'t going to acquire scarce funding to see if they can create ego-boosting procedures in a lab. In time, however, there is hope & promise that when stem-cell advancements become commonplace in medicine we will see an uptick in cosmetic fields. In time. Breast enlargement started out unrefined, and with time it\'s become popular. Penis enlargement currently has a glaring issue: taboo. It\'s both taboo in the medical field (because of its botched history) and in society (guys are not nearly as likely to talk about enlarging their Dick like women are about their breasts). This too, in time, will change.

I resorted to PMMA only because I just can\'t predict when advancements in penile enlargement will come around, let alone whether or not I could afford it. And as one of \"today\'s options,\" I\'m sincerely grateful it\'s worked for me. Sounded shill-ish there, but I\'m pretty sure I\'m no shill. If the Mods need to check my IP and stuff, by all means!

Good luck.

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294632846

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mat744 wrote: well i am born with 5,2\"x4\" and i can tell you that those gains matters even more that if was born 7x6, the smaller you are the bigger the relative difference .. I would not even border doing it neither hang out on phallobard if i had your size, you already have the most optimal size you could get for me

Well, it is an example. Every body here have their own reasons for Dick growth, whatever the size is.

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294632444

well i am born with 5,2\"x4\" and i can tell you that those gains matters even more that if was born 7x6, the smaller you are the bigger the relative difference .. I would not even border doing it neither hang out on phallobard if i had your size, you already have the most optimal size you could get for me

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294632319

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I have no reasons to cheat on you. I posted many pics that show the reallity of manual PE if yo overdo, like a I did with Clamping twice a day (45 minutes each) with no rest, or Hanging too much time a day with high weights. But if you do things being smart, common people will get SOME gains. And there are people who will gain nothing but injuries, sorry for you guys.

As I said, there are tons of shit at Thunder\'s Places and PEGym (even more LPSG), but there are also some good information.

Of course, saying the penis is like a muscle is an old fashioned think and is nonsense. But if you apply enough stress (just enough, that is the hard part of this, not to less but not too much) to your body for enough time, some form of change will occur, it will take weeks, months, years, decades, who knows.

Maybe it is a good deal for me because I was born with 7x6, so 1\"x0.5\" gains worths for me. I can understand that for a guy who is 5.5\"x4.5\" would not worth it the time and years you will need to get some of gains gradually.

That being said, I am here againg for some reason, and is because I want to see how PMMA evolves, and hope for upcoming effective methods of penis growth. I hope medical scientits are doing their job.

Again, manual PE will work for some, and will not for others, and do not expect massive gains like DLD or BIB liars said.

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294631917

I\'m happy for the guys who gain, but you\'re warned. Don\'t miss any sign, burning or tingling sensationa are a bad sign, just liketiny blueor red dots in your penis and any other kind of discoloration. That\'s how it start4d with me. The things I did where mainly pumping, Jelqing, but the worst I did was probably Clamping. But eventually it didn\'t even matter what I did. Noe even masturbation and sex can hurt me if I\'m not carefull. I hopetrue tissue(re)placement is possible in the future, or stem cells or something. In a case like mine I probably need more than lifeless tissue used as fillersto gove me back size and function.the co fusing thing is that some peyronie\'s sufferers actually use a Vacuum device to HELP their condition and stretch the scar tissue. Slight stretching shouls be good too, butit\'s just too hard to know wheter your doing too little, too much or just the right amount and pressure to make it succesfull, unless your Dick isindesteucteable, but most arent.i remember a time where I could bend and twist my Dick and sleep on my belly no problen, butnow it hurts thinking about it.

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294631715

I must have gain around 0,5\" or a bit less with manual stretching and jelquing as well but i think it comes more from the ligament that the tunica. Now i keep doing it but i will go lighter as i am afraid of scar tissue and i am pretty sure i treated my Dick badely with squeezes and those things.would be so screwed to loose an Inch ..

i bet extenseur on light pressure should not be that bad though problem is you tend to go overboard with those things

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294631516

Simple stretching can cause scarring. You can never know your limits so the makers of the devices suggest light tension over a long period, several hours a day. The tunica is what we work on during stretching. I gained 0.5\" length with PeniPlus over an eight month period, have stopped more than two years but the gain is still there. No one should expect more than an Inch gain in length but PERMANENT Girth is only by fillers under the skin.

I am also gravely disappointed that improving the functions of a telephone till it catches fire is a hundred times more important than the mental suffering of maybe, a billion males on the planet.

For now we can only stretch lightly for a lifetime to get an Inch of length and put some PMMA (or maybe voluma) under the skin for Girth. Pumping and everything else lead to dangerous, unknown and more disappointing outcomes ...

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294631221

did you injured yourself badly to develop that ? what did you do exactly to develop scar tissues ? you are worring me ..

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294630747

SSC wrote:
Me I am the proof. My old nickname here was Poyajierro. Go check my pics. You will see a lot of negatives if you do not do it properly, like I did. But gains will occur. Of course those who claims 5\" gains are blah blah guys, but of course you can gain at least 1\" lenght and 0.5\" Girth if you put the Balls. Of course it will not happen overnight but it takes years, and there is where almost 99% of guys fail. They are uncapable of stickt to it, because you need and want gains now, tomorrow at most, and not in 3 years. That is why most of us are here, because we want effective results now, we are lazy. If PMMA gives just 0.1\" Inch gains each session and you will have to wait 6 months in between rounds, plus taking the risks of bad aesthetics results, man, I can guarantee almost nobody will choose the PMMA route. But It is not the case, it gives permanent results, so it worths the risk.

People do not want to spent 1-3 hours a day (depends on the method of \"manual\" PE you choose) for his entire life just for 1\" of gains, even less if you have to wait very long for some little gain, because we have priorities in life.

So, thank you, I do not need the red pill, I am an empirical man, that is why I am here again, and that is why I am into Clamping, pumping, Hanging and extending.

You have to try things, do not read so much of PEGym and Thunders Place stuff, most is bullshit (although there are some very good information), just do it for long time, and you will judge by yourself if it works for you, or not.

A lot is bullshit, so you don\'t really know what you\'re doing. You also don\'t know when you\'re pushingyour Dick over the limit. Yes there are indicators, but you will know once it\'s too late. I know for a fact that scar tissue can develop long after injuring yourself. I still have pain and worsening of symptoms 4 years afterdoing any manual PE at all. Once you develop scar tissue/peyronies it\'s for life and you\'re prone to more injuries. Some recover well, but if you\'re unlucky like me, you\'ll end up worse than before. No slight pumping or stretching will help me now, becausethe slighrest of stress will hurt.

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294630725

Herbert West wrote: @popopoYou\'re not alone in your thoughts. Some guys here (including me) asking the same question as you@SSCNo, you can\'t. Show me just 1 pic with a legit before/after difference of 2\" ELHeck, even 1\" of EL is impossible for most guys! What are you talking about? Natural PE is so useless, I\'m wondering, why so many people still believe in those fake claims like \'this guy gained 3\" EL\' or \'this DLD guy gained 5\" EL\' or something like that. It\'s just words, there\'s no proof that someone had gained more than 1\" or 1.25\" at max (very rare case)If you believe in all those claims you have to take a red pill

100 percent this. I actually LOST an Inch from scar tissue doing all this \"manual PE\". It could be possible, but it\'s risky and people talk about it like you\'re working out a muscle, but it\'s nowhere near as natural for your body as working out and the penis doesn\'t like being treated that way.

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294626209

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Herbert West wrote: @popopoYou\'re not alone in your thoughts. Some guys here (including me) asking the same question as you@SSCNo, you can\'t. Show me just 1 pic with a legit before/after difference of 2\" ELHeck, even 1\" of EL is impossible for most guys! What are you talking about? Natural PE is so useless, I\'m wondering, why so many people still believe in those fake claims like \'this guy gained 3\" EL\' or \'this DLD guy gained 5\" EL\' or something like that. It\'s just words, there\'s no proof that someone had gained more than 1\" or 1.25\" at max (very rare case)If you believe in all those claims you have to take a red pill

Me I am the proof. My old nickname here was Poyajierro. Go check my pics. You will see a lot of negatives if you do not do it properly, like I did. But gains will occur. Of course those who claims 5\" gains are blah blah guys, but of course you can gain at least 1\" lenght and 0.5\" Girth if you put the Balls. Of course it will not happen overnight but it takes years, and there is where almost 99% of guys fail. They are uncapable of stickt to it, because you need and want gains now, tomorrow at most, and not in 3 years. That is why most of us are here, because we want effective results now, we are lazy. If PMMA gives just 0.1\" Inch gains each session and you will have to wait 6 months in between rounds, plus taking the risks of bad aesthetics results, man, I can guarantee almost nobody will choose the PMMA route. But It is not the case, it gives permanent results, so it worths the risk.

People do not want to spent 1-3 hours a day (depends on the method of \"manual\" PE you choose) for his entire life just for 1\" of gains, even less if you have to wait very long for some little gain, because we have priorities in life.

So, thank you, I do not need the red pill, I am an empirical man, that is why I am here again, and that is why I am into Clamping, pumping, Hanging and extending.

You have to try things, do not read so much of PEGym and Thunders Place stuff, most is bullshit (although there are some very good information), just do it for long time, and you will judge by yourself if it works for you, or not.

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294625816

The Western values frown upon men trying to increase their size while western women and media portray bigger is better yet they claim size does not matter! Confusing men and children for decades and causing psychological trauma to all males.

The medical field is glad to develop many cosmetic options for women, but will not spend enough research nor attention to enhance men\'s genitals; They believe men are Macho, they do not need enhancements, they just need to make lotsa money!!!!

But, there are some good options for Girth enhancement today. There are some Temporary and permanent choices that are better than ever although there is a lot more to be explored for Length and Girth still.

I suspect in 10-15 years men will have many options for total penis and scrotal PE.

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294624579

@popopoYou\'re not alone in your thoughts. Some guys here (including me) asking the same question as you@SSC

Or you can work through \"manual\" PE and, maybe, achieve a 1\"x0.5\", 2\"x1\" at best.

No, you can\'t. Show me just 1 pic with a legit before/after difference of 2\" ELHeck, even 1\" of EL is impossible for most guys! What are you talking about? Natural PE is so useless, I\'m wondering, why so many people still believe in those fake claims like \'this guy gained 3\" EL\' or \'this DLD guy gained 5\" EL\' or something like that. It\'s just words, there\'s no proof that someone had gained more than 1\" or 1.25\" at max (very rare case)If you believe in all those claims you have to take a red pill

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294623594

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Am I the only one dissapointed by today's options? 8 years 1 month ago #1294623574

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popopo wrote: It\'s freaking 2017. Doc\'s are almost able to regrow organs in labratories. Size matters, it\'s obvious and you WILL know it unless you\'re not too bright. Demand forpenis enlargement is high, I can assure you that. Loads and loads of men want a bigger Dick and lot\'s of woman will eventually admit they like it bigger. Of course women don\'t care as much as man because women aren\'t \"stuck\" to one Dick their whole life, unless they choose to do so. Anyway, considering all this andthe supperficial time we live in, whyare there so littleoptions for us? While common sense, themedia and women subliminally tell me I should be bigger, I literally can\'t. If Igo to a doctor I will either have a \"true specialist/Urologist\" tell me it\'s all in my head, or a plastic surgeon claiming a lot of shit and not being able to back it up. Why arent there any real doctors working at this and why is it still impossible to get a bigger Dick without potentially mutilating it? Also, I have scar tissue so for me most options are out of the question anyway.

Or you can work through \"manual\" PE and, maybe, achieve a 1\"x0.5\", 2\"x1\" at best. But you need constant effort, patience, time (years) and Balls, because nothing we create is permanent in this life unless you work for it everyday (not everyday lol)

Not saying nothing more than that, you can \"do\" something if you do not like nowadays surgical options.

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