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TOPIC: The perfect PMMA aftercare

The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1297203661

Keep your unit extended for as long as you can. As I found out, it still has an effect at 3 weeks.

If you can take a whole bunch of vacation time (2 weeks), I say do it. Keep you unit extended, let it hang naturally and don\'t wear constricting pants (jeans, dress pants) for long periods. If you need to wear long pants to go out, stick you penis down one leg and alternate every few hours to the other pant leg.

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1295127831

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Found this kind of special trousers
(\'Haremshose\' in german)

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294930374

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Ideal time to wait between rounds?
One idea is to wait for 6 months, so the round has totally stabilized. The idea being the new pmma is put where it is really needed?

Another idea is here:
I waited 9 months between R2 and R3 and it was a mess. I think part of the problem was that my R1 + R2 implant was very fibrous and solid and tight...and the linnea safe that was injected just got pushed out the injection sites until I got some massive nodules. The pmma had nowhere to go. If I went back earlier (and maybe if he used less) I think i would\'ve been better off.
Then again, many people here have had layer after layer into many months post op - so there\'s no one answer.

I\'ve heard of guys having a second session 6 weeks later and getting shitty gains - I\'ve also heard of guys waiting over 9 months and getting shitty gains.

I waited 11 weeks. That could be too long. I don\'t think it\'s too soon though. I think this layer stabilization theory has merit, so you need to strike while the iron\'s still hot and get a subsequent round right after the 2 month mark. Do I think 6 weeks is too soon? Perhaps, because maybe you need to heal a bit more, i.e., scar tissue, but don\'t let it heal too much and harden too much Although I don\'t believe there\'s collagen growth after 2 weeks, I believe there\'s hardening of the scar tissue up till about the 8th to 11th week. That\'s why I think if you get another round before your body is completely healed up you\'ll be able to have one layer continue to graft into the old layer thus creating optimal results. I think the pumping thing is true and that\'s why Wade says to pump so that the scar tissue can expand out rather than close up and harden. Once it\'s \"too\" healed so to speak, I think then your scar tissue has matured like Letsee said and then you\'ll have two independent layers growing and that might just cause issues down the line.

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294875130

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smalljay: after my first round I wore a sleeve which compressed much of my 30% into an even higher concentration (probably more like 60-80%!!) in one area, which formed a rock hard mass because of this.
if you do go with PMMA my biggest pieces of advice for you are: DON\'T WEAR THE SLEEVE, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EVEN IF THEY ASK YOU TO, and REFUSE THE ANTI INFLAMMATORY PILLS THEY OFFER YOU PRE OP (i think its ibuprofin) - these pills absolutely your gains (I found out in round 2) and are completely counteractive to the process that PMMA is supposed to create (tissue inflammation and swelling). I have no idea why they try and give those to people and I think it\'s something they need to change. Because of those pills I gained only 1/8\" from a full round of 30% in round two. Wouldn\'t you know it - when I went in for round 3 and didn\'t take them, I gained almost half an inch. [/QUOTE]

--- 02/11/13
Dance With Dragons: My humble opinion based on limited experience is that 30% is a powerhouse product, although I fully admit that I spent 48 hours straight staying erect as much as possible, massaging out trouble spots constantly, and literally holding it stretched out when I was erect or massaging. I slept only an hour or two at a time that whole 48 hours. I did not let it turtle at all. I think if you let 30% just sit and do whatever, you would have bad results. I\'m still on 16 days in, and I may change my stance on this, but so far everything is pretty damn good.

Unfortunately for me, no this is not a nodule but a much larger dense area. It\'s like a half of a ring, encompassing the entire top half of my penis below the fat pad. It being below the fat pad is what made it easy for me to miss during the massaging process, especially flaccid. For newbies, because of this reason I can\'t overstate the importance of massaging while erect in the few days after PMMA. When you\'re erect directly following the PMMA treatment, you see imperfections that just aren\'t noticeable while flaccid.
never pump
enhandedone: My mistake was to stop massaging bad spots all together 5-6 days after the procedure thinking it
Was too late and the PMMA had already solidified.
manitou: I woke up every few hours the first couple day to ensure I moved everything back to where it should be while sleeping, and massaged every 1-2 hours during the day. Focus on the entry points.

Side-topic: What to do with lumps?
Miracle8x7: That\'s a \"No\" from me on the kenalog injection. It will not require removal. Creams will likely be ineffective. Time could possibly resolve the issue as it can take upwards of 1 year for the implant to completely soften/stabilize. If it remains and is bothersome, IMO the best treatment would be to have Dr. Casavantes break it up with a cannula and soften the resulting rough collagen matrix with 10%. Should provide a near flawless result.

HunkChunk: I got rather large lumps, around 1.5\" by .5\" on either side of my shaft. In round 3 Dr C spent a good bit of time and effort breaking them up with a canula and they totally collapsed. Then he encapsulated what remained in fresh PMMA. Although this time it was 30% Linnea-Safe, I got zero clumps from it. My unit became a bit rigid and rubbery after the 30% PMMA, but I no longer have any lumps at all.

Made a big collagen thread:

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294855289

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Great stuff from this thread from mike81:

- Sleep on your back

- wear lose jogging pants without underwear


I think i will open the bandage. And just carefully look at my penis every 3 hours.
I don\'t want to take the bandage off after 3 days and then see the \'end result\' of a lump.

But i guess it\'s like this.
First it\'s swollen.
Then only when the swelling goes away, you notice the lumps?

Can you detect (and correct) the lumps while there is swelling?
And i guess i have to find a roller. The guy in this one thread just speaks soo highly of the results.

Are erections good? People seem to say it.
Then it would be best to pop Viagra and watch porn (and self-stimulate super super slightly and careful) for 72 hours, wouldn't it?
smartman wrote being erect is also a good time to massage away irregularities in first 72 hours.
Made a thread:

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294587201

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buttercups wrote: Sterile jogging pants, sterile jogging pants, sterile jogging pants.

Oh, cool, thanks. Hmmm.. just washing jogging pants in washing machine does not make it sterile, does it? Or does it?

I guess the best jogging pants would be some where there is \'no crotch\', i mean ideally the penis would really free fall in the middle - and not get pushed right or left with the pants. I once saw some strange clothe like this, but it was a woman wearing it and i don\'t know the name of this thing.

buttercups wrote: Do what you can to keep it erect or near erect for the first 48 hours. Arnica gel works great for keeping the swelling down.

Oh, ook.. having erections is good? But of course only touch it superlight i guess.

Ok Arnica.. just eg this 35% creme

I don\'t know what happens in body with the swelling (and what Arnica does). Is it when you bruise something, it swells?

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294582784

Sterile jogging pants, sterile jogging pants, sterile jogging pants.

Just free ball it in a pair of sterile, baggy, freshly steamed, clean jogging pants.

The airflow will heal the entry points quickly, the lack of constriction will let things hang and develop naturally. Do what you can to keep it Erect or near Erect for the first 48 hours.

Arnica gel works great for keeping the swelling down.

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294581092

I own a phallosan forte and a penis master pro. I currently use the phallosan but after PMMA I would use the penis master pro because it requires no sleeves which may cause the PMMA to become misshapen.

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294574369

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jogift wrote: \"canvas or hammock\" - it means sleeping rough for a few days. Is it too much of a sacrifice ...

Very interesting
Did anyone really do that?

I have no hammock

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294561007

\"canvas or hammock\" - it means sleeping rough for a few days. Is it too much of a sacrifice ...

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294556831

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jogift wrote: the prick through a hole cut in the canvas of a camp bed or hammock

Excuse me, what? Do you suggest cutting a whole in your mattress so your penis hangs in there when you sleep on your tummy?

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294555188

From what I\'ve gathered, massaging when swollen is a hit or miss thing as it cannot be known where the lumps are beneath the swelling.

I consider that a shrink wrap over the shaft and an esl40 is good. At night, the extender needs to be kept by something on the floorto maintain tension whilst sleeping on the stomach, the prick through a hole cut in the canvas of a camp bed or hammock. Three days of this won\'t anyone, however far-fetched it sounds ...

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294551203

Cashew wrote: Good thread I was wondering about aftercare too. What\'s the conclusion? Simply leave the wrap on? Who does the wrap is it the doctor? No or yes to massaging or will massaging just screw things up.

What ive read is the doc foes the first wrap then he does it agian on day 2 and 3.
Massaging is needed only if there are uneven areas.
I haven\'t had PMMA its just what ive read.

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294550928

Good thread I was wondering about aftercare too. What\'s the conclusion? Simply leave the wrap on? Who does the wrap is it the doctor? No or yes to massaging or will massaging just screw things up.

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The perfect PMMA aftercare 8 years 1 month ago #1294548246

Thanks very much for this post. Just got had it for the first time last Friday so timing is good.
It\'s very interesting the different advice between Dr C and Dr. N regarding after care. I have done a mixture of both. Followed Dr. N for the first 2 days when very swollen. Just messaged very gently twice a day. However when I took of the wrap I noticed a lump so I then took Dr C advice of messaging a lump away which seems to have done.

What do uncut guys think about pulling therefore skin back in the days after the procedure. Mine went very tight after so stretching it back a few times a day now even tho was not advised. I read Shergars PMMA report
he missed this after. I wonder should uncut bring in after care to make sure the foreskin stays as lose as it was before.

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