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TOPIC: Major Changes Ahead

Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294164612

thebeast1 wrote: Isolated to this thread, except for the discussion regarding making certain aspects of the site pay to access. What I find sort of odd about the situation, is when most of the time you maintain a \"bro\" like personality, but recently you are back to the \"take by ball and go home\" personality. I get it, we have nutjobs on the forum. Handle them, fine. But no need to rub it in everyone else\'s face that we are on \"your forum\". It\'s just off putting. Especially for those of us who have been here for a few years. In fact, I think the core members on here, would need no explanation for changes on here. No need to debate shit with people that have been here for a few weeks. I\'d find it unfortunate if this board were to close. To be honest though, I\'m not frequenting this nearly as much as before. I enjoyed the comradely, before. Now the site is devolving, and fast....

How am I rubbing it in people\'s face? Strange sentiment really, that simply reminding people of the reality of this forum not being a democracy is somehow off-putting and inappropriate. It\'s almost as if, the truth that I could shut this down on a whim is bothersome and you need not be reminded of it. And threads related to making this pay site obviously reiterate my ownership to remind people I rather not be paying out-of-pocket.

I announced this so that people would understand what\'s going on in the event I delete a thread or post. The reason I kept this thread open for conversation is to allow for community input. Bad move on my part. All it\'s done is piss me off, including senseless replies like yours. I\'ll continue to be off-putting, thanks.

To all those that don\'t like my attitude, don\'t let the door hit you on the way out. Till then, this discussion is now over. Have no fucking clue why I still deal with self-entitled goons.

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294127784

ll wrote: Although I\'m new to this forum I was an active member of PEGym and Thunders years ago and have done manual, stretching and pumping routines. I was banned from PEGym for speaking out on possible dangers of jelquing, and I was actually quoting a Urologist who believed manual PE could work, but just warning about the danger of jelqiing. Over the years I\'ve periodically been researching the best/safest methods for increasing Girth (a common desire) and I find this site invaluable.

So, when you\'re deleting posts if there is any way possible to leave at least an indication of the \"outcomes they aren\'t happy with\" (as hoddle10 mentions above) that would really be useful. People need to know what to expect from any procedure, positive and negative, so if there\'s a way to remove the neurotic/depressing stuff while still leaving any valuable *facts* that would be great.

Thanks to S.0. and the moderators and vets who\'ve contributed very useful information.


I\'ll do my absolute best to keep intact pertinent information. As mentioned in one of my previous replies, I believe the availability of \"negative\" reporting (i.e. complications, reports of dissatisfaction, etc) are invaluable and that I will make a distinction between \"negative reporting\" and \"reporting with negativity.\"

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294127519

The reason why I lumped up a group of people and their postings is because they share a common denominator: the tone they present begin to permeate the forum and change the overall climate. This is an observation that has been made by some of my favorite members and long-time posters. Sure some of the issues these people have are vastly different from one another, but all of them do a great job of making me increasingly disinterested with this forum.

And let me add, negative posting isn\'t an issue. Hell, it\'s priceless really. But there is a difference between \"negative reporting\" and \"reporting with negativity,\" if that makes any sense at all.

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294127426

But I can\'t help but be honest and at the very least point out how your response is the kind of thing I\'m trying to work on ending. You just reiterated everything we already know about your situation and did so at length. You read this thread and you instantly felt that it was about you (which it is not, it is not about any one single person). Isn\'t that in itself a bit strange?

I wrote a post with that much detail that because not everyone knows all of the details or will have read through everything, as it goes back 1.5 years and would take an hour to go through. I knew you were referring to many people, but I have the most detailed negative journal on this board. So for that reason (and the fact I didn\'t read that many posts by people like your quote below) I don\'t think it\'s strange to think that I was included in this...and it bothered me that I would be lumped into a group of people who whine about having 5.5\" Girth naturally and think their lives are over...or have an imperceptible \"gap\" from having a Nodule removed (see quote below). That group is another story altogether.

And yes, it\'s a broad group of topics & postings, not just the depressing or neurotic ones. There was a post recently made by someone who\'s a grown adult still holding a grudge against his parents for Circumcision and believes PMMA will cure his Circumcised-induced depression. Like that kind of thing needs to go. And there are hung guys that come in moping about how some girl called them small and now they got to get the latest procedure done or else they\'ll be losers... all rather lame really.

Yeah, these I have only seen rarely - as I try to avoid them based on the title... and I have no idea how these people got so attracted to this board all of the sudden. Their issues and mine are light years apart. That\'s all I really should have said. I wish I had a 7 x 5\" Dick and got called \"small\" by someone. Instead I have a dented, scarred, oddly textured Dick which is about the same size I started with in 2014...after more surgeries than I can count.

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294127400

And yes, it\'s a broad group of topics & postings, not just the depressing or neurotic ones. There was a post recently made by someone who\'s a grown adult still holding a grudge against his parents for Circumcision and believes PMMA will cure his Circumcised-induced depression. Like that kind of thing needs to go. And there are hung guys that come in moping about how some girl called them small and now they got to get the latest procedure done or else they\'ll be losers... all rather lame really.

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294127341


I\'ll echo what Hoddle said, this thread wasn\'t aimed at any particular poster.

But I can\'t help but be honest and at the very least point out how your response is the kind of thing I\'m trying to work on ending. You just reiterated everything we already know about your situation and did so at length. You read this thread and you instantly felt that it was about you (which it is not, it is not about any one single person). Isn\'t that in itself a bit strange?

I\'ve begged members to share all reporting, good & bad! And I get the need to vent & grief. But sometimes the tone becomes so depressing that it\'s hard to digest the information as time goes on.

Look, these aren\'t isolated cases, it\'s becoming a common trend. And this new forum policy isn\'t up for debate, its more-or-less an announcement. I hate seeing some of my favorite posters disappear because they can no longer stand the climate on these forums. This forum needs to return to research gathering and straight-forward dialog.

Again, grieving & venting are understandable...but when it permeates one\'s thread and postings, and it becomes a tolerated commonplace mentality, it just kills the-once-positive vibe this forum had.

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294127286

Yes, I read the negative reports. Darkstaff was the only 100% negative report ... about a few weeks before I went in, jonthomas and one other guy (jewdub - who changes his name a lot) had negative results - all had 30% which is why I had 10%. So, I read them and adjusted accordingly. I\'ll turn my PMs on. You\'re right, I don\'t read all the posts here anymore. In general, I find it too depressing to read bizarre whiny stories from guys with 5.5\" Girth perfect dicks. Also, I agree with S.O about some people - who have \"one Nodule\" and act like its stage 5 cancer. I was PMing with one (yungwildfree23) about his Nodule that Reed took out and then now he has a (gasp) gap at the base! I just told him I couldn\'t talk to him anymore - as his issues about the \"gap\" were so minimal that his comments were becoming ridiculous. So, as you can see, yes, I am equally annoyed when people have meltdowns over nothing. What I have been is not in this category, however. And I just wanted to make sure that was clear to everyone (and if it\'s not, then all of my posts can go).

I should also point out - there seems to be no negative view (or awareness) of people who have gone obsessively overboard in their pursuit of a large Dick. That\'s just as abnormal and irritating to watch. I never complained about it because it has been going on since the inception of this forum & really didn\'t seem like my place to complain. It skews the perception of what is normal when people are so vocal about being over 6\" in Girth or even 7\" (and actually achieve it from 5+ rounds) and makes PMMA seem a lot safer than it is. To prove my point, Sizemic was well aware of this and stopped posting pics because he didn\'t want to influence other people or mess with their perceptions of what normal is (he stated this verbatim). He was pretty self aware of this phenomenon which many other of the huge members are not. So, this may go both ways once you want to start deleting posts of people who seem obsessive, irritating, and not representative of typical outcomes.

Apparently I have missed some things in the past few weeks so if I overreacted, then I apologize - but my sex life has been non-existent since round 3 and having constant open wounds and reconstructive surgeries has been pretty hellish for 1+ years. So, the perception that I fell in the \"crazy and neurotic\" bucket after everything I have been through pissed me off. I WISH this was in my head and I was crazy and neurotic.

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294127160

I think it would be fair and objective to have a list of examples and posters so that some might \"genuinely\" be guided to remain or they can simply \"fuck-off.\" I got fed-up with a lot of off-topic and unnecessary posts, some utter rubbish!

But please, let\'s be direct and forthright with ourselves. If I\'m included in a list like that, I either conform or as stated, fuck-off!

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294127133

Restoration wrote: It\'s too bad this forum didn\'t have a balanced tone from any other posters like me in 2014 or I wouldn\'t ever have gotten involved with PMMA.

Oh really, so it seems the majority of my posts on PMMA were totally missed by you!

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294127040

@Restoration, we aren\'t talking about a single poster. In the last year or so we\'ve seen a dramatic rise in very odd posting. Obviously you feel as if it\'s about you, which probably suggests you haven\'t been reading other post in recent weeks!

I tried to PM you to give you a great example of what we are talking about, but your PM\'s are disabled.

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294126961

I just have to know this: Is this \"loony\" and \"neurotic\" labeling referring to me in any way? I think I posted more than sufficient medical evidence of the disaster that PMMA has been. I didn\'t have \"a Nodule\" - I had the entire linnea safe injection harden over a year. I had nodules removed, but they wouldn\'t heal because PMMA gets in the wound and prevents it from happening, which necessitates further surgery. I bothered to have not 1 but TWO samples taken to my own pathology lab, took up time of a colleague (who barely knows me) to analyze and photograph these things for this board (and now this person knows all about my penis adventures). This is hardly \"neurotic\". It\'s medical data. One of the top Urologist in the country said it was one of the biggest disasters he\'s ever seen (relative to other things he\'s removed from dicks like fat and oils and so on). Did I post too much about it? Probably. But the majority of these posts were 1.5 years ago when it was happening in real-time (right after the injection) and I didn\'t know what the hell to do.

--- I just edited the rest out since I understand what you are referring to (based on later posts).

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294126762

Great move. (clapping)

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294126713

S.O I agree one hundred percent with your post. thanks

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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294126487

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Although I\'m new to this forum I was an active member of PEGym and Thunders years ago and have done manual, stretching and pumping routines. I was banned from PEGym for speaking out on possible dangers of jelquing, and I was actually quoting a Urologist who believed manual PE could work, but just warning about the danger of jelqiing. Over the years I\'ve periodically been researching the best/safest methods for increasing Girth (a common desire) and I find this site invaluable.

So, when you\'re deleting posts if there is any way possible to leave at least an indication of the \"outcomes they aren\'t happy with\" (as hoddle10 mentions above) that would really be useful. People need to know what to expect from any procedure, positive and negative, so if there\'s a way to remove the neurotic/depressing stuff while still leaving any valuable *facts* that would be great.

Thanks to S.0. and the moderators and vets who\'ve contributed very useful information.


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Major Changes Ahead 8 years 3 months ago #1294125642

I just want to say that this doesn\'t mean members aren\'t encouraged to report outcomes they aren\'t happy with etc. But it\'s about trying to change the tone of the forum, so it can revert back to be largely informative, as it used to be. The feed back I\'ve been getting over the last year or so has been pretty negative. Most of the posts you see that have disappeared are from people requesting to have their accounts deleted, as they find this place so depressing, that they want to temptation to post to be removed! I speak on the phone with quite a few members and I\'m not exaggerating when I say none of them have a positive view of the forum and \"loony\" posters take up a fair bit of our conversations.

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