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TOPIC: Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ??

Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293887632

Am I missing something or is this what Dr O does in Australia?

Site looks a bit ghetto , anybody used them or have any idea what they actually use?

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Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293918347

Thanks for that info Dexter.
I was wondering this exact thing. They have a video on their site which shows the use of a needle.
I hope they have updated their techniques.
Will obviously find out more in the consultation.

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Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293914568

Also interested in Moorgate. They use the same surgeon as Androfill a Dr Gary Horn if you use their London office.

I\'ve spent a while researching him and he seems very credible indeed.

Androfill now use canula not needle so I am going to presume Horn also does with Moorgate.

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Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293909637

buffdawg wrote: I\'m due for a consultation with Moorgate Aesthetics in Birmingham, UK towards the end of the month.
Going to question them about there HA fillers and the technique they use to inject.
I\'ll give an update in my thread once i\'m done

I\'d be very interested to hear how that goes, they\'re quite local to me. Please do keep us updated - thanks.

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Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293909607

EVERYONE, please realize that it is both the injector and the filler that matter. Too much focus is being placed on the type of filler. Yes, filler is important. BUT who does the injecting is far, far, far more important!

And would anyone price shop for their penis! Doesn\'t it deserve the best! You pay for the best car, seats at the ball game, booze when you want to. Don\'t be foolish and go for cheap with your most important appendage!

At Biltmore Restorative Medicine and Aesthetics in Asheville, NC, we use fillers known to be most compatible, both in the shaft and in the glans.

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Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293909210

I\';ve not heard good things about them but who knows what the truth is.

Keep us posted.

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Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293907291

I\'m due for a consultation with Moorgate Aesthetics in Birmingham, UK towards the end of the month.
Going to question them about there HA fillers and the technique they use to inject.
I\'ll give an update in my thread once i\'m done

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Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293904442

Is there any HA in the UK that ISN\'T risky ?

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Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293900751

Androfill not long ago started a thread here to market themselves, this was maybe may and june of this year, but whoever posted for them - i suspect the fellow i emailed with - just blew up when he started getting cross-examined by hoddle and others. it was hilarious. the thread just black-holed with acrimony when hoddle questioned their injection technique and the next thing you know Androfill goes rogue and starts flame-throwing. he basically fucked up Androfill\'s forum gimmick before it had even really started. this was a risky operation granted, coming on here to face cross-questioning from let\'s face it graduates and pros, and i remember thinking that Androfill was actually doing well under the circumstances and keeping his head above water. but then - my theory - he got too drunk and just went under. you have to read the thread, it\'s probably in the top 5 pb threads of all time. iirc there was a weird cameo by hunkydory after Androfill totally upped the ante and scorch-earthed his way out the thread by slinging accusations of conspiracies and sock-puppets.

i always wondered after that what corporate thought of its avatar\'s irresponsible postings and whether he was fired for being a fucking idiot. i mean, there\'s money to be made in HAing the penis, lots of money, and then it gets off-railed on the internet\'s biggest and most trustworthy Phalloplasty forum. fucking LOL.

the whole thing just came over totally harley street to me. ive been to harley street a few times and let me tell you it\'s a racket. most of harley street is another big town-house divided up infinitely into rented walk-ins all piggybacking a foyer secretary for that sheen of the respectable which they cant ever quite pull off because their doctors are slimy bastards and will always bead that one bead of sweat down their forehead like in total recall when arnie knows for certain they\'re lieing to him.

to put it bluntly, Dexterphall (not that Androfill use canullas), youre paying them mostly for their rented address. if you want HA, there are plenty of places just as risky that are cheaper.

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Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293888900

There are plenty of places to do HA in europe .. Androfill is one of them and they do voluma as well i believe.

others do macrolane (and maybe voluma as well but i don t know) in continental europe. as you know macrolane is thicker and especially cheaper but can get worst result if badly injected (tend to aglomarate and form lump). as with the other HA the key is to inject it properly and in small dosis.

i whent in spain in madrid and got 10 ml of macrolane for 1000 euros which gave me a very nice and natural looking result (exept some injected a bit in the Foreskin making it a bit thicker but i have an abnormality there to start with with my skin). the doctor only did 7 ml first and then some touch up to get to 10 ml and get a homogeneous result.

I know an other place in the south of spain where they do 10 for 250 euros and the price decrease if you do 20 or 30 ml (however the fact itself that they propose to do it its not a good sign to me and is likely to not get good result if 30 ml are injected in once) but i would be tempted to try it out as getting 20 ml per year would extremly cheap if they do it properl)

there are also clinics doing it in poland and belgium and very likely other countries.. what you need to make sure is the go gradual especially with macrolane.

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Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293887734

Also found this.

Caveat. I\'ve done ZERO investigation into either of these people - at ALL.

I have no idea about them - was just suprised when they popped up.

The first site really looks like a cheesey sales vehicle, doesn\'t inspire confidence and the increase in size claims are enough to put you off on reflection.

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Holy Shit HA girth injections in the UK ?? 8 years 4 months ago #1293919564

The only thing I woudl say is that Moorgate site does spout some awful BS, the whole thing feels like a big cheesy sales tool.

It put me right off which is a shame as they have very local clinics.

I\'m more inclined to go to Androfill in London.

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