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TOPIC: Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues

Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues 8 years 6 months ago #1293304939

Just seem to be so many guy with lumps now compared to years ago when a small % was being used. Just wondering if anyone had had 10% and had issues, or things are still good?

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Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues 8 years 6 months ago #1293336838

jnoell2001 wrote: The Girth gain was a half Inch, slightly more at the base.

Glad to hear you\'re satisfied with your procedure. Can you post a before and after pic?

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Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues 8 years 6 months ago #1293330579

Something may be wrong with the percentage or with the carrier. In the few slides I had of my nodules, they were like 80% PMMA (linnea safe). I have a feeling if I got slides of my natural smooth / soft metacrill collagen, it would\'ve been more spread out. I am going to see what I can do with the recent mass I had removed. It\'s not at the location where my colleagues were, so I may not get to go through the slides like I did last time. I can file a request for the tissue block, though, I think... if they even release it. I would love to see if there\'s a border between the two fillers. My surgeon said he couldn\'t find a border (macroscopically) so he just chopped it ALL out - which I am not thrilled about...

Anyway 10% metacrill was my best round, Londonboy. It was also my first round and often times, people get the best gains on Round 1. I wish I had 20 in round 1 and 10 to touch up in round 2 and I would\'ve been done. I cant\' imagine what my year would\'ve been like if all this didn\'t happen. I thought Peyronie\'s was bad, but at least with that, you can still have a sex life. Open wounds and oozing Dick - not so much.

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Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues 8 years 6 months ago #1293329605

But what would the brand of filler do to cause nodules? Assuming a batch of PMMA from a certain brand was less than ideal quality in a given instance... how would that necessarily promote Nodule formation any more than a batch of premium quality PMMA? I suppose if the assertion was \"granuloma risks due to less than desirable quality PMMA,\" speculation, it could be warranted. But aesthetic results vary between brands, between concentrations, and between volumes. Seeings how I\'ve read (probably almost) all PMMA progress reports since late 2010, I just don\'t think I\'ve ever picked up on a strong correlation between brands. Heck, the very best result I got was New Plastic, which was rebranded as \"Linnea Safe.\" I\'ve seen men get stellar 30% results while some regret 30% altogether. Even if we were to graph every result with precision, I\'m willing to wager it\'d still be difficult to conclude any correlation was specifically due to brand...especially given that there are so many other factors involved (e.g. post-op protocol, body\'s own reaction to product, overall health & supplementing(?) ).

I guess what I\'m saying is that I don\'t agree with the claim that one brand was more problematic than the other because of the brand alone. Factor other things too, like the evolution of bioplasty. For example, when New Plastic (a.k.a. Linnea Safe) and early accounts of Metacril involved Dr. C injecting lower volumes than he does today, and that\'s when he was offering 20% as his preferred choice. As time went on, 30% became much more acceptable, as did higher volumes (cc\'s). This could easily influence our perception on \"the brand\" being the problem, when maybe it could be anything but. Just my 2 cents.

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Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues 8 years 6 months ago #1293328924

The Girth gain was a half Inch, slightly more at the base.

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Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues 8 years 6 months ago #1293328776

I have a Nodule the size of a pea after 2 weeks. It could have been retraction or pump use.
I thought with 10% one could minimize the risks but I was wrong.
I\'m not 100% happy with the results but I had .65\" gain so I can\'t complain.

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Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues 8 years 6 months ago #1293321350

Mine is similiar to what i would consider a ridge around the circ scar, but it feels extremely superficial. Mine though, is slightly below the Circumcision ridge.

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Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues 8 years 6 months ago #1293319600

jnoell2001 wrote: I had 10% in July, 17cc\'s. The only issue that I\'ve had is a ridge around the circ scare. At week 4 the ridge was noticeable by touch, and I was concerned. I contacted Wade and he said to wait and sometimes it will work it\'s self out. For the most part, it has fixed itself other than what feels like a horizontal vein on top. It\'s not something I\'m concerned with at this point. As the scare tissue starts to settle even more it may dissipate. The results out weight this minor defect that can probably be fixed in round two. I think the ridge was due to retraction. So after round two I will try to keep from retracting for the first few weeks. Not sure how I\'m going to achieve that goal, but I\'m going to try. Hope this helps.

What was your gain?

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Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues 8 years 6 months ago #1293319083

I had 10% in July, 17cc\'s. The only issue that I\'ve had is a ridge around the circ scare. At week 4 the ridge was noticeable by touch, and I was concerned. I contacted Wade and he said to wait and sometimes it will work it\'s self out. For the most part, it has fixed itself other than what feels like a horizontal vein on top. It\'s not something I\'m concerned with at this point. As the scare tissue starts to settle even more it may dissipate. The results out weight this minor defect that can probably be fixed in round two. I think the ridge was due to retraction. So after round two I will try to keep from retracting for the first few weeks. Not sure how I\'m going to achieve that goal, but I\'m going to try. Hope this helps.

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Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues 8 years 6 months ago #1293316652

I had only 13ccs of 10% and have some major Nodule issues. I\'ve wrote about it in my progress report.

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Has anyone has 10% pmma only and had issues 8 years 6 months ago #1293337666

I know many women have got face nodules years after using artefill, and that is good quality stuff. Like I said before, I think it\'s genetics. Like people who are more likely to get keloids would probably get a bigger result but a bigger risk of getting nodules, might be wrong and also how strong their immune system will react to PMMA

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