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TOPIC: Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link?

Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293535189

With food, for an hungry man, \"what kills not, fattens\". If one was asked to drink some of his piss to effect a cancer cure or get gains on his penis, would he? Me? Definitely. After all, if it doesn\'t me it will give my desired results. Even if not, hell, \"try and fail is no disgrace.\"

Blood flows everywhere in the body, carrying nutrients, hormones, carcinogens etc. If carcinogens are taken through an inflamed area, cancer can be triggered. Susceptible people (genetic) and those who have things in them like PMMA should avoid \"carcinogenic activities\" (e g walking barefoot on ashalt). The keyword is inflamation. This + carcinogen = cancer or inflamation + genetically induced mutation = cancer. The number of people with PMMA is infinitesimally small and there can be no empirical conclusion about a link between PMMA and cancer. However, watch the keyword \"inflamation.\"

For cannabis. A doctor who was brought up to look at these substances along his nose is incapable of objective research into them. Soeone who has never been \"high\" on these substances can never know the effect of being high, thus anything whatsoever he might say about it would be utter bullshit. A topic about things like cannabis requires a liberalness of mind as is required for homosexuality - maybe better left alone.

Dark, the bottom attitude is \"if it doesn\'t , it will help\" and \"try and fail ...\"

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293309459

Show me any proof that Canabis oil kills cancer cells. It\'s a complete joke.

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293309128

thanks cav8000, it\'s not your traditional western medicine but it will soon be...

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293306272

Take sexbeast\'s advice and go with cannabis oil! That really seems to have helped a lot of people.

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293301610

Truly sorry to hear about your situation. I lost a loved one to cancer (not prostate) recently, but I also know those who have fought & won, I\'m banking on the latter for you.

That said, any speculation is just that, speculation at best. There is simply nothing that remotely concludes or points to the possibility of PMMA and its association with cancer. There is no known carcinogenic classification of PMMA and medical-grade PMMA has been used in the body in other applications outside of dermal fillers with no known cancer-risk. To suggest it on a whim or loose associations between \"long term inflammation\" and a cancer that\'s rather prevalent in men who DON\'T have PMMA, is a bit reckless. The discussion is a valid one, assuming of course, we don\'t link articles to asbestos and try to loosely correlate that with PMMA & prostate cancer. I have PMMA in me, I\'d want to be the first to know my long-term risks, but I can only imagine some of the other members on this forum reading such drivel coming to much crazier conclusions/assumptions. Chill.

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293297926


Back in 2012, messageman started this thread about pmma causing swelling and inflammation.

Musky chimed in about how chronic inflammation can cause cancer and that\'s precisely what pmma creates, long term chronic inflammation. In 2013, you joined the conversation with the concern of pmma causing cancer and quoted from these websites.

In that thread you mentioned that you were seeing a urologist and that you were dealing with inflammation issues, and now you have prostate cancer. 40\'s is too young to be getting prostate cancer from any other source, unless you are a smoker or have a family history of prostate cancer.

It seems very plausible indeed that inflammation can lead to cancer and lots of scientific research has revealed this fact. This is just one more reason in my mind that such a dubious filler as pmma should never be injected into the body. Long term inflammation is not good for the body. I wouldn\'t be surprised if inflammation from pmma could lead to testicular cancer as well.

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293295720

Wow Dark, that\'s terrible. I don\'t know anything about prostate cancer, but I\'ve heard some are so slow growing that they don\'t have to do much. I hope this turns out better than it sounds.

What your boss did, if you are in the USA, is completely illegal under the EEOC and ADA. If you talk to an employment attorney, you should get a letter out to this employer ASAP. If they aren\'t complete idiots, they\'d settle for a year\'s salary to avoid excessive legal costs. You can also pursue the matter through the EEOC itself or the agency for whatever state you\'re in. However, this process can take a year.

I don\'t see how PMMA and cancer would be related, particularly since it has been used for decades prior to this, but that is young to get prostate cancer. Maybe you have a p52 gene mutation. That would be more likely. PMMA does cause abnormal excessive cell growth, but it\'s really only doing that to local fibroblasts.

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293293054

hey Dark.. I\'m not a lawyer, but you should call one. That sounds extremely shady. In a smaller type company paying out on a couple cancer claims can raise everyones premiums, which may be the thought process- or he wouldn\'t have the funding for another hire if he was paying your salary on leave. At least these are things I was told - not my field of expertise. But I really think you should talk to a specialty lawyer immediately.

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293292896

Thanks guys!

I think prostate cancer is just out of control nowadays ... I\'m 44 ... and in the other board there are lots of guys my age with this type of cancer ...

It\'s probably not the PMMA, most likely it\'s my brain trying to blame myself for it in some sort of weird self destructive inhibition.

Anyways, to make things worse... I started a new job about 2 weeks before the diagnose... my boss finds out (finds my oncologist card on my desk) .. next day he fires me.

I also have a baby on the way in Jan ... so I\'m back to full stress level.. (although my FBG was quite crazy mental when I had it)

Thanks guys!!!


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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293291023

Darkstaff best of luck to you and your recovery

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293290290

Dark, I had read all your old posts. I\'m sorry man. Best of luck. That is just terrible.
Keep us posted.

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293289350

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293288585

I would think that anything that can cause inflammation, like pmma, could lead to cancer.

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293287031

Sorry to hear about this. I\'m not sure if PMMA can cause cancer but I wouldn\'t doubt it. But so can 1000 other things we are exposed to, plus 1000\'s of men get prostate cancer and they never had PMMA. I think it\'s juts bad luck. Hope you have a strong recovery.

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Back since my PMMA removal .. now I have Prostate Cancer -- any chance of a link? 8 years 5 months ago #1293285732

darkstaff wrote: Hi All

I was here a while back in 2012/2013 ... I had PMMA, and a bad reaction, and have my penis degloved and PMMA removed.

Now, at the age of 44 years old, I had a PSA level screened and it was off the charts at 18.0

So, biopsy confirms Gleason 3+4 cancer .. single hit from the 12 biopsies.

Does anyone have any idea if there could be any relationship between a enlarged prostate and PMMA? ...

Just wondering ... seems like I\'m back in the mental doghouse of negative thinking...

miss you guys


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