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TOPIC: Girth help NYC Area

Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292648963

Steals wrote: LMAO Chester you are my hero.
@Lexus you went to dr. loria? sheesh that does sound bad. but so far the feedback im getting is pump + Cock ring, manual PE work also.

Was reading on the Mirza vs Heller debate. Heller is really expensive, shit it was 6500 for a mons lift..but now the show on my penis is a lot better. without having all that flab.

Random question: probably stupid cause the answer is no.
but do you guys have any luck with any supplements that help your erections or whatever?

Supplements wise, no?

But I\'ve tried Cialis & Viagra.
Cialis is a miracle drug. It had me rock hard and at 100% EQ for an entire weekend. Also had my penis feeling very full & fat while it in flacid mode as well. Loved it.
Viagra to me is just so/so

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292641464

@ Steals
I\'m pretty tame during the week, so I do my pumping every weeknight. But on the weekends I can sometimes bang between two and three women every night. I\'m on the thicker side as it is so I don\'t really need the bathmate \"onsite.\" That said, I sometimes bring it with me. I usually airbnb Fri - Sun, so we go dancing till late then I just bring them back to the pad, we have wine, and I tell her to relax while I jump in the shower. My bag is already in the bathroom with the pump. I come out 6.5\" Girth, and ready to cause volcanic explosions.

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292639693

I see, hopefully by the end of the weekend i order a bathmate.
my whole thing about a quick fix is, what if im out and the situation presents itself for isnt possible to pump before hand and then you know have sex. so thats why im considering both options to get some work and PE exercises together.

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292636104

I cannot really speak much for other brands, but I have a Bathmate that I have been using off and on since October and I love it.
When I first started pumping the added Girth would stay for an hour or so, now since I\'ve been using it regularly for a while, the Girth stays longer. I haven\'t seen any permenant gains, but that depends on the individual I guess.
You said that you feel like you want the \"quick fix\", I think pumping, provided you follow instructions/recommendations is definitely the safest method out there for the beginner.

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292633852

ohh i see, i try to read as much as possible. but quite busy throughout the day.
I would like to speak to someone whos had some work done in the NYC area and recommends it.

Also i will be looking into pumps as it\'s a good start in my journey to build up.
besides the bathmate do any of you guys recommend anything else? are all pumps just as good or is this THE recommended one for best results

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292624853

I started at 3.5 ... I now never dwell on my Girth because of some things I learned here. There are risks so take it one step at a time. There are options in the NY area, although I did not pursue any in that area. Use our Search Function & good luck.

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292624200

I don\'t have experience with Cock rings but there\'s a member on here named kreungdd who does. I read his posts and they\'re featured extensively, so just look him up on the member section, and read his.

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292622715

Thank you for the suggestion!
I feel like I need a quick fix. So I want to do both.
I\'m going to look into the Bathmate I\'ve heard good things about certain pumps. I can start pumping in the mean time til I figure out other options.

What are your opinions of Cock rings during sex ?

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292622647

My suggestion is to try pumping first, as it will actually give you a good look at what a successful filler procedure will give you. A common post-pumping size is anywhere from .25 - .75 bigger in Girth! Better yet, if done with good consistency and strong attention to health, you can permanently increase your Girth quite significantly. I\'ve been pumping since February and have gained over .5 in thickness. Pre-pumping I fit snug into a paper toilet roll. Post is a no go. I\'ve never had a filler procedure. The product I use is a hydromax bathmate.

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292621901

Thank you so much. Health is my first priority mi way I can let myself go again.

I\'ve been doing some reading over the last two days. I feel like I\'m behind on a lot. So this is my PE journey. Not even looking for a huge penis just somewhat decent, average.

I figured if there\'s a recommended doctor in NYC. I can go to. My plan is don\'t know if it\'s realistic but looking to gain .5 in Girth by enhancement such as PPMA/HA with another .5 through exercises like pumping and so on within a year span of commitment.

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292621597

Steals, congrats on your fat loss. Very impressive! Stay on top of your health. To your question, read through the board, and pay particular attention to the topics concerning PMMA, HA and pumping (hydromax Bathmate), as these pertaining to Girth. This will allow you to gauge people\'s experiences, and you can make better informed decisions for yourself. Good luck!

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292620321

Erect lol
God this is embarrassing

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292620267

Steals wrote: A measly 3\"
Wasn\'t blessed with length or Girth either.

3 when Erect? Or Flaccid?

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292620156

A measly 3\"
Wasn\'t blessed with length or Girth either.

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Girth help NYC Area 8 years 8 months ago #1292619982

Steals wrote: Hey guys,

I\'m new at this and started googling for help and came across this board. I used to weigh almost 400 and lost a shit load of weight. I\'m down to 190. With being that obese I feel like my penis never got like breathing room to grow or what not during puberty. Currently sit at 5-6 inches when hard varies. I\'ve come to grips that length isn\'t everything and I\'ve accepted that but definitely want a way to increase my Girth so it can be more enjoyable for my girlfriend or I won\'t feel shame. We still haven\'t had sex because I lack the confidence and this can\'t keep going on for forever with the lack of sex.

So I\'m asking if anyone in the NYC area recommends any procedure or doctor. Looking for both temporary and permanent both would be fine. But what\'s the safest and worth my time and money.

Side note: had a mons lift done by dr. Heller to have more showing to my penis. Skin is still tightening so I\'m okay with length. Pretty desperate it\'s making me paranoid that my girl will leave me if I can\'t please her.
As always thank you for any advice and input

What is your Girth?

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