Hi guys,
I\'ve used PE off and on for 3 years now and have gained nbpfl .50\" and .25\" nbpel. Any additional
Flaccid gains I make from this fade after a month off. I have always wanted a longer
Flaccid hang and have never been pleased with my
Flaccid penis size and would like to achieve an extra .75-1\". I have researched and tossed around the idea of lengthening surgery for 2 years and my wife is supporting me in finally moving forward with lengthening surgery. I have messaged several members about their own experiences who have had the procedure done and it has been mainly positive for what I would like to accomplish (
Flaccid gain). Anyways I have been in contact with both Dr. Alter and Rosenthal (close proximity to me) about lengthening ONLY and there are 2 major differences I can\'t decide on. A. Alter places a layer of fat between the bone and ligaments after the cut to prevent reattachment and then it eventually absorbs. Rosenthal does not use a spacer he said. B. Alter quoted me 3k higher than Rosenthal $7500 compared to $4500!! Anyways, just wondering if this difference in the procedure makes a big difference? Any personal information users might have about \"their experience with ligament release\" or about either surgeon would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your help, this site is such an amazing resource!