Dr. Casavantes's email address? 9 years 2 weeks ago #1290732420
Topic Author
I would call the woman who books the appointments and request to schedule an formal appointment with Dr. C. I did that once when I was trying to figure out what to do next after my Removal and spoke to Dr. C that way. Email is easy to ignore if there is an issue associated with it and not new income.
I think you need to realize that these guys are very busy. As such you need to do things that will improve your odds of success. For example if you want to make a photo journal with all your ideas \"ready to present\" that way he has something be can refer to during the actual procedure.
This is real life. You have to stack the deck in your own favour.
Dr. Casavantes's email address? 9 years 2 weeks ago #1290766805
Topic Author
it\'s a marketing tool but not by Dr. C.
Linkedin goes through your address book and generates these requests as a way of building there data base. It asked me once if I wanted to use my address book to connect on linkedin when I first joined and I hit yes, all of a sudden 1,900 requests went out. I am not sure I know more than 100 of them.