Hi everyone,I'm a new member to this forum! I'm planning on getting a peno-scrotal web surgery done. So far I have consulted with Dr. Alter in Los Angeles, and a Urologist in my hometown who specializes in male genitourinary reconstructive surgery and trauma (urethral stricture disease, buried penis, treating fourniers gangrene, etc)
This surgery for me is not cosmetic but something that I have to do due to an issue I have on my scrotum and lower shaft skin that requires me to get surgery. It just so happens, that most of the issue is on the peno-scrotal web. I have never had any surgery done on that area before.My main concerns with the surgery are:The scarring (how noticeable is it? i've heard the scrotum heals well)Losing penis functionality and getting Erectile Dysfunction from getting surgery doneLosing penis lengthThe healing process (how extensive the swelling is before it heals, infections, hematomas, etc)So, I wanted to reach out to the people on this forum and request if you could please share your knowledge/experience on this.
Have any of you had peno-scrotal web, scrotum reduction, or a similar surgery done with Dr. Gary Alter or another Dr? Have any of you had any type of surgery with Dr. Gary Alter? And how did that go?It would be great if you guys could please share your experience, with or without pictures if you\'re comfortable sharing how it scarred or healed over time.
I saw some users like Big BlueBalls and Androguy had webbing surgery with Dr. Alter but didn\'t posted pictures.
I saw this post from Articsky\'s results from another surgeon and they looked great if thats the typical outcome:
Thank you so much!