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TOPIC: Interesting (Average) Penis Size Data

Interesting (Average) Penis Size Data 9 years 1 month ago #1290492349

Hi all
Just stumbled upon this scientific study and found it very interesting.

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Interesting (Average) Penis Size Data 9 years 1 month ago #1290492474

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average Cock for sexually active males is 7\'\'nbpel x 5.5\'\'Girth. im sorry everyone, but it is true. with much more 9x7 out there than you are afraid to acknowledge. if your gf has had sex with at least 10 guys, chances are shes had a Coke can girthed Cock.

\"A figure of 'five inches' (12.7 cm) is often quoted as an 'average' penis size, usually in the context of reassurance.\"

forget PE and Phalloplasty, just lay down and rot.

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Interesting (Average) Penis Size Data 9 years 1 month ago #1290493375

@ Messageman
Your link is not available
@purple donkey

with much more 9x7 out there than you are afraid to acknowledge.

lol. Dude, do you know how is rare size more than 8\" BPEL and 6-6.5\" EG? If we measure 10 000 random guys, maybe just one of them were 9x7 or so
Just check this
Even the largest pornstars don\'t have more than 8.5\" NBP and 6.5\" EG

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Interesting (Average) Penis Size Data 9 years 1 month ago #1290493601

purple donkey wrote: average Cock for sexually active males is 7\'\'nbpel x 5.5\'\'Girth. im sorry everyone, but it is true. with much more 9x7 out there than you are afraid to acknowledge. if your gf has had sex with at least 10 guys, chances are shes had a Coke can girthed Cock.

\"A figure of 'five inches' (12.7 cm) is often quoted as an 'average' penis size, usually in the context of reassurance.\"

forget PE and Phalloplasty, just lay down and rot.

Then how come, given photos were used in this study, given the many thousands of photos on Thunderplace and LPSG etc, there are hardly any 9x7\'s?

The internet gives us regular access to extremes we\'d never normally come across. For example, it\'s easy to find youtube clips of small guys squatting well over 500 lbs, when in real life you never see that kind of thing in the gym. The internet makes extremes seem perfectly common. Yet not even the internet has made the 9x7 penis look at all common. In fact the internet is showing the large penises are much more mythical than we previously thought.

Thanks to the internet we now have companies that sell condoms in far more sizes than found in regular shops. The most popular sized condom sold at \"TheyFiT\" the company with the largest size range, is 5.1\". Even if you want to suggest smaller guys are more likely to buy online (which makes no sense is 9 Inch cocks are more common than we think, as they\'d need specialist condoms as much as the small guys), then surely this number can only be distorted by about 1/2\". So we are still well short of a 6\" average, let alone a 7\".

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Interesting (Average) Penis Size Data 9 years 1 month ago #1290493697

It\'s always interesting how some people are totally willing to discount and dismiss scientific studies and objective data, but then fully emotionally invest themselves in a few scattered anecdotes and freakish, exceptional situations brought to us by the internet. I can pretty much guarantee that, without the internet, none of us would even have much of a concept of a 9x7 penis anyway.

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Interesting (Average) Penis Size Data 9 years 1 month ago #1290494419

purple donkey wrote: average Cock for sexually active males is 7\'\'nbpel x 5.5\'\'Girth. im sorry everyone, but it is true. with much more 9x7 out there than you are afraid to acknowledge. if your gf has had sex with at least 10 guys, chances are shes had a Coke can girthed Cock.

\"A figure of 'five inches' (12.7 cm) is often quoted as an 'average' penis size, usually in the context of reassurance.\"

forget PE and Phalloplasty, just lay down and rot.

So what do you base your findings on?
And just to let you know, I have been neurotic about penis size since I was a teenager and have literally poured over every study ever published on the topic. The only reason I even shared this link is because this is a relatively new study(2014) and it uses a novel approach (photos, real time measuring, etc).
And even if your findings were true( which they aren\'t), what\'s up with the \"forget PE and Phalloplasty, just lay down and rot\" comment?

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Interesting (Average) Penis Size Data 9 years 1 month ago #1290497448

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purple donkey wrote: average Cock for sexually active males is 7\'\'nbpel x 5.5\'\'Girth. im sorry everyone, but it is true. with much more 9x7 out there than you are afraid to acknowledge. if your gf has had sex with at least 10 guys, chances are shes had a Coke can girthed Cock.

\"A figure of 'five inches' (12.7 cm) is often quoted as an 'average' penis size, usually in the context of reassurance.\"

forget PE and Phalloplasty, just lay down and rot.

Your absolutely wrong. I was in the military and have been around A LOT of naked guys. Routinely showered with 50-60 guys at once. And seen hundreds nude. Every race, build, height, etc..

Out of all of them, there was only ONE, just ONE guy, that was extremely big. His Flaccid was probably about 8x6.5

Most these dudes are high testosterone, aggressive, and built. They go out every chance they get to pick up chicks. I can tell you for a fact, at most, 2/100 of them are packing something comparable 7x5.5

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Interesting (Average) Penis Size Data 9 years 1 month ago #1290499466

So this study may not be lying, but that is in no way saying that this study is representative of the general population. This study is just representative of well...those who participated in the cocksizecontest .

Anybody who\'s taken a basic statistics class knows the notion of \"self-selection\". That is, the people who are even willing to participate are already not of the norm people.

I mean, just look at the criteria:

To complete a 'realtime' comparison, users must meet face-to-face with another user of to compare cock size. This is not a measurement that occurs over webcam. This is an actual in-person meeting, which also must be photo-verified. We will take the sizes of realtime-verified users to be the 'gold standard' sample for cock size measurement for three reasons: 1) There is a very high incentive for users to report their own highest measurement. 2) There is a very high incentive for users to force their opponents to admit to as small a size as they can. 3) Meeting in person to compare provides a very high level of accountability with little room for cheating.

I\'m not sure about you guys, but I personally think that the average male would not be comfortable doing the aforementioned in bold. I sure as hell would never do this. Those who are even thinking about participating in this contest are those that believe they may have chances to win the \"contest\" against the other person. Which means they think they have a big cock. So this study is careless self-selecting people who already believe they have a big cock, and so the sample is definitely going to be skewed towards the more hung people.

7X5.5 could be the average.....but just of those people who participated in the study or representative of people in the world who truly think they have a big cock.

Anyway, that\'s my spiel. Haven\'t taken a stats class in... a long while.

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Interesting (Average) Penis Size Data 9 years 1 month ago #1290502491

OmeGa 5 705 wrote: So this study may not be lying, but that is in no way saying that this study is representative of the general population. This study is just representative of well...those who participated in the cocksizecontest .

Anybody who\'s taken a basic statistics class knows the notion of \"self-selection\". That is, the people who are even willing to participate are already not of the norm people.

I mean, just look at the criteria:

To complete a 'realtime' comparison, users must meet face-to-face with another user of to compare cock size. This is not a measurement that occurs over webcam. This is an actual in-person meeting, which also must be photo-verified. We will take the sizes of realtime-verified users to be the 'gold standard' sample for cock size measurement for three reasons: 1) There is a very high incentive for users to report their own highest measurement. 2) There is a very high incentive for users to force their opponents to admit to as small a size as they can. 3) Meeting in person to compare provides a very high level of accountability with little room for cheating.

I\'m not sure about you guys, but I personally think that the average male would not be comfortable doing the aforementioned in bold. I sure as hell would never do this. Those who are even thinking about participating in this contest are those that believe they may have chances to win the \"contest\" against the other person. Which means they think they have a big cock. So this study is careless self-selecting people who already believe they have a big cock, and so the sample is definitely going to be skewed towards the more hung people.

7X5.5 could be the average.....but just of those people who participated in the study or representative of people in the world who truly think they have a big cock.

Anyway, that\'s my spiel. Haven\'t taken a stats class in... a long while.

Completely agree

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