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TOPIC: Still good results from Dr C?

Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285388621

biggg1 wrote:

hoddle10 wrote: It\'s definitely not, but you\'ve certainly got the PhalloBoards mindset.

You would be right if I never had women say that to me countless times lol

Our whole western society (and for that matter most societies) are based on bigger is better while in reality bigger is NOT always better.

Yesterday I was looking at some TV\'s in Costco, and all the ads on the TV boxes were suggesting the higher the spec numbers are, the better the TV is and of course some of it is true (1080P vs 720 for example). In reality, most of these TV\'s were excellent and would look perform great once they are not siting next to each other at the store.

From the day we are born, it is programmed into our brain that more is better, more money, more cars, bigger dicks is what we should be working for. It is subliminal of course but it is there.

I think most men think that women want a bigger Dick and they come to this board with this mind set (I do not blame them, I was one of them) and this may have created this PB mindset

It takes a lot of thinking, analyzing, mind de-programming and a lot of self security to negate the \"bigger is better\" concept.

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285386347

Skeptical One wrote:

biggg1 wrote: Just keep Jelqing man and cement your gains. Where you are at now is my goal you need to be proud about your tool brotha. If you were 4.5 Girth for example thats a diff story.

To be honest, even 4.5\" isn\'t thin. I\'d argue south of 4.5\" is where the upper end of the thin spectrum begins. But I get what you\'re saying... \"had he started much thinner, his pursuit for risky elective procedures would make more sense.\"

Yes I agree with you 100% it\'s just i\'m a really big guy and the first thing a girls thinks is im packing, my hand next to my member is a joke and I know for a fact that 5\'3-5\'5 Girth would put that behind me. Even 5\'0 Girth would be awesome.

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285386183

biggg1 wrote: Just keep Jelqing man and cement your gains. Where you are at now is my goal you need to be proud about your tool brotha. If you were 4.5 Girth for example thats a diff story.

To be honest, even 4.5\" isn\'t thin. I\'d argue south of 4.5\" is where the upper end of the thin spectrum begins. But I get what you\'re saying... \"had he started much thinner, his pursuit for risky elective procedures would make more sense.\"

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285386150

Just keep Jelqing man and cement your gains. Where you are at now is my goal you need to be proud about your tool brotha. If you were 4.5 Girth for example thats a diff story.

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285386139

Ridickukous wrote: I don\'t really see anything negative happening to my dong if I go to dr c.

This is the wrong way of looking at it. Firstly, as with any elective procedure, something COULD go wrong. Secondly, while Dr. C has earned a positive reputation on this forum, that doesn\'t mean men who have undergone the procedure are immune to less-than-desirable results. You will see many good results, then you\'ll see some penises that have noticeable signs of alteration. In conjunction with the skill of the doctor, a lot of this has to do with the patient, their skin/anatomy and response to the will you fare?

And suppose your result is not what you expected. You\'ll need a second round to correct any irregularities, do you plan to have those funds saved up too? You mentioned having a crappy job, even more of a reason to reconsider getting anything done. There are instances where members have had to get a 2nd or 3rd round done to achieve desirable results. That adds up quick, not budgeting for it would be reckless. You could end up with a penis that looks altered, and women may start to ask if you\'ve had something done to it. If this doesn\'t bother you, it might down the road.

You may want to really put off this decision for a while, you got plenty of size, and plenty of years to focus on more important things. By the time you are more financially sound and more mature in your decision making (this is not a knock on you personally, but the fact is that we all get wiser with age & experience), a lot more will be known about PMMA (and other methods/advancements).

There is reason to believe anything beyond 5.5\" may have diminishing returns as far as sex life is concerned (e.g. the larger you get, the more restrictive anal, oral, and lengthy sex romps become). Besides, girls your age are not nearly experienced enough to put a big penis to proper use anyways.

Good luck, and remember patience & reason are your best tools around these forums, and as Hoddle suggested, maybe your best bet would be to discontinue forum viewing, at least for a while, so that the allure of enlargement doesn\'t distort the reality of your own personal situation (which is...that you are not only perfectly fine, but possess a bigger-than-average unit).

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285386032

Lol thanks hoddle but it doesn\'t feel big at all 5.25 and 5.5 feel the same to me. It\'s more for me my gf gets off and makes me stop usually after 5 mins or so. I don\'t really see anything negative happening to my dong if I go to dr c. I haven\'t jelqrd in a long time since this week so hopefully I\'ll see some new gains. I work a crappy job so it\'s gonna be a while before I have 3,500 or so for the surgery so don\'t worry until then I\'ll just keep Jelqing

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285385856

hoddle10 wrote: You\'ve got a fantastic sized penis. If given the choice the majority of women would choose it over every single enhanced penis on this forum in my opinion. At the age of 23 you\'d be insane to consider altering it. Remember Sizemic was 4.5\" Girth when he had his first round of PMMA.

In my opinion, the best thing you can do is stay away from this mad house, as it reading the stuff posted here can leave you with a very warped sense of perception.

H10 words of wisdom as usual. Even though I have PMMA, Looking back I wish I had never done anything to my natural member. I made the 2nd biggest mistake of my life when I had butcher elist silicone implant and after its Removal, I was left with a deformed penis and I had to do something to get it better and I may have over done it....

Listen to H10. you are very young and have your whole life ahead of you. I am much older than you so I have the right to modify my penis after elist.....Just kidding a little bit.

This site will support your decision, but you have been advised.

Good Luck!

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285385756

You\'ve got a fantastic sized penis. If given the choice the majority of women would choose it over every single enhanced penis on this forum in my opinion. At the age of 23 you\'d be insane to consider altering it. Remember Sizemic was 4.5\" Girth when he had his first round of PMMA.

In my opinion, the best thing you can do is stay away from this mad house, as it reading the stuff posted here can leave you with a very warped sense of perception.

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285385541

Yes the Cialis makes me gain faster as it keeps my eq up/more blood flow. No would also recommend it if you\'re cutting (low cala/low fat). I jelq usually 10-15 minsslowly 4-5 sec strokes, 4-5 times a week after 5 min warm up been doin this for about 3 years

Sizemic are you now 7? I made this thread because I wanted to make sure guys were still seeing gains now

I managed to get to 5.5 today after my workout now I just have to cement it

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285367988

If I took Cialis at even 35 years of age, I think my Dick would have exploded....LOL

Most old men like me, need Cialis only when they \"want\" to have daily sex. Good health, no smoking, min alcohol, balanced diet is all that one needs for good sexual performance. Of course some people have medical/physiological issues and then proper medication is needed.

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285364835

Cialis at 23? Is this something you feel you need? Or just looking for that extra chub it gives to keep things kind of elongated?

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285361736

Ridickukous wrote: I understand and thanks but it\'s something that\'s eating me alive and I feel like my gains have stalled. I would love 7 Girth someday and I know I can\'t get that through Jelqing. I\'m taking liquid Cialis daily along with Jelqing 15-20 mins every other day to try to get back to 5.5 currently at 5.35 I also take maca root and yohimbe before I have sex damn I love that stuff

I am taking Cialis and jelqinq as well. What is your routine? Any gains so far?


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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285356780

I understand and thanks but it\'s something that\'s eating me alive and I feel like my gains have stalled. I would love 7 Girth someday and I know I can\'t get that through Jelqing. I\'m taking liquid Cialis daily along with Jelqing 15-20 mins every other day to try to get back to 5.5 currently at 5.35 I also take maca root and yohimbe before I have sex damn I love that stuff

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285353143

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I agree with Hoddle. I actually don\'t understand guys with 5\"+ Girth wanting the surgery. I won\'t get there even after 5 rounds and the trauma of \'invisibility\' and my age (getting close to 40). I might end up spending 5K USD (I don\'t need to pay for flights or hotels) just for having it done and I still won\'t be 5\" and who knows whether I\'ll be happy with the result after all. I just don\'t get it.

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Still good results from Dr C? 10 years 2 months ago #1285352890

At just 23 years old, personally, I think you are better off sticking to Jelqing. 5.25\" is a decent Girth and 5.5\" is very desirable in my opinion. So if you can achieve that via Jelqing, then stick with it.

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