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TOPIC: Removal of PMMA every 5 years?

Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284324854

Cheers lads....appreciate the support..
Doing my best to stay positive..
One question does the traction mean it\'s entrapped, damaged or?? Would like to more

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284317027

Thx CHL..I\'m already onto it.

I\'m seeing a physio that specialises in Pudendal Nerve and chronic pelvic pain..i wasn\'t going to wait three months to see the specialist who is the only Urologist in my state that knows about this.. for relief...acupuncture is being done on the lower back and help improve energy and assists all organs as they are out of then is suppose to relieve some of the pain from the front.He says he has helped people before with this before..its going to take a while

The specialist gave me a blocker to take and to help regulate my urination..i hate taking it cause I cant connect with my body...I had to go to compounding chemist for a topical cream on top..havent used it yet...He did say I have a high chance of recovery which is great...i was getting the piercing pain prior to stretching, but I think I when I got the all day stretcher I made it worse...however i still have a huge question mark around the implant and its effect..its placed right back and a good amount is sitting on the ligs..i can feel it when then sitting down all day, knew something was wrong but everyone kept telling me it was in my head...fair enough I was pretty bloody manic so I could see why, however I know my body and shit just wasnt right..Its a waiting game now to see whether its damaged or entrapped or both...believe it or not the one thing that has helped me the most, is the most controversial treatment (its natural)and one that when I mention it people and very careful who I do, it just makes them think again its all in my head!! haha, to be honest if I was the other person I too would think they are whacked....Its like how people saw acupuncture 10-15 years it was some crazy wacky shit..but ill keep that on the down low until or if it completely helps me recover...i went and did it cause i was in so much pain/discomfort and had nothing to lose...I go weekly now..

Anyway will start Qi Qong which regulates the qi or energy and will help me to deal with pain on many levels..mentally, physically and emotionally...I pray to GOD every day that I can recover and for the strength...i cannot imagine living the rest of my life like this.....i am emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually exhausted

If any members out there believe in a higher power regardless whether its Alla, Jesus, God the universe or the sun!!..I ask that you say a prayer for me...

Many thanks

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284314078

Hellbent, check to see if you can receive a referral for a pelvic physical therapists, they treat men with chronic pelvic pain. I\'m very much interested to see how the acupuncture treatments work on you. I have shoulder pain and i\'m considering acupuncture therapy myself. Just know that whether its chiro or physical therapy, you\'ll be making several visits before you start noticing any relief of pain, if you\'re pain level is a constant 7/10, it\'ll probably only move down to a 5 or 6/10. But any relief is better than no relief, check with your doctor and ask if it\'s safe to rub Trolamine salicylate cream in the area of discomfort, its an OTC NSAID cream.

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284312072

Hellbent wrote: I tried to log on via my IPAD but it said I was forbidden..thought I got barred because of my post..I hope not

Most likely a glitch of some sort - you haven\'t been barred/banned for anything. If the problem persists, please post in the Feedback Forum, thanks

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284311627

Hellbent wrote: I tried to log on via my IPAD but it said I was forbidden..thought I got barred because of my post..I hope not

Anyway..thanks CHL...its been really fuckn hard....there is pain all around as the dorsal nerves which are on the side of the penis run inside through the pelvic region attached through pernium nerves then to the pudendal nerve which then attaches itself to the lower back.

I can not sit on any hard services cause the pain is lower back is very saw, my whole pelvic region is like one very tight getting up during the night every couple of hours to pee...i can only sleep on my back and someimes that is very uncomfortable its full on my taking it one day a time..depression, sadness, grief, its all kicked in

its pretty fukn fucked.

Anyway..say a prayer for me and wish me luck

Grazis amigo

I doubt it\'s from PMMA, but more likely the manual stretching you were doing to try and regain your length. We were in daily contact and you didn\'t mention this pain until after a month post op, a day or two after you said you\'d been doing the stretches from Thundersplace. If you search \"pudendal\" on Thundersplace you get 123 results, largely found in injury threads. It seems like quite a common manual PE injury. If you pull on the penis you can feel tension in the area of the pudendal nerve.

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284310105

I tried to log on via my IPAD but it said I was forbidden..thought I got barred because of my post..I hope not

Anyway..thanks CHL...its been really fuckn hard....there is pain all around as the dorsal nerves which are on the side of the penis run inside through the pelvic region attached through pernium nerves then to the pudendal nerve which then attaches itself to the lower back.

I can not sit on any hard services cause the pain is lower back is very saw, my whole pelvic region is like one very tight getting up during the night every couple of hours to pee...i can only sleep on my back and someimes that is very uncomfortable its full on my taking it one day a time..depression, sadness, grief, its all kicked in

its pretty fukn fucked.

Anyway..say a prayer for me and wish me luck

Grazis amigo

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284307839

coolhandluke wrote: I have to second Hoddle\'s sentiments, perhaps I too am at fault here for entertaining certain fears about PMMA enhancement. I don\'t regret informing our community of the medical complications associated with PMMA in my drudge report (see inguinal lymphadenopathy). But I think if we focus on a particular goal too long (say for years), this particular goal can really mind fuck us. There\'s so many experienced/senior members on this forum who deserve more than a \"thank you\" for sharing their penile enhancement horror stories so as to protect the sexual health of their fellow man and to deter business from those butcher practitioners who destroy lives instead of improving them. We also have a sub group of brothers on this forum who \"worry worry worry\", they worry that their penis isn\'t big enough for their partner, they worry once the PMMA is injected into their penis, they worry how to then get the PMMA out of their penis. The worry x3 syndrome is a precognitive bias, utimately leaving the poor gent with unrealistic goals and undesirable outcomes. But thats the story of their life, undesirable outcomes manifest themselves in the form of more than one idol, whether its to have a big Cock, or dating that attractive woman, or landing that sought after career. If we manifest as much energy we put into our fears we\'re surrending so much of our self worth to this demon known as fear. I\'m not religious and but i think the undertone is appropriate in this case.

Let\'s set things straight once and for all, opportunistic infections are opportunistic. Women who have had painful infections associated with implants that can turn into a form of sepsis is due to the implant failing to meet quality control inspection standards. There was a diagnosis unknown case reported in australia several years back of a woman having re-occurring sepsis. Eventually a witty doctor noticed that one of her implants wasn\'t as symmetrical as the other. The unsymmetrical implant had ruptured, upon Removal of the implant they took a sample of the implant fluid and a pathology report found numerous fugal spores. Now, with PMMA, there no special fluid hiding inside the sphere, its a micro sized acrylic bead, the only chance for infection is if the carrier that holds the PMMA beads becomes tainted due to poor preparation technique (@ the doctors office), poor storage (@ the doctors office), or improper handling at the manufactures plant. Symptoms would be noticeable within hours; fever, chills, inflammation at the injection site. We\'ve talked about this more than once on this forum, the subject of hygiene. If you have poor hygiene, or use those dirty hands of yours to play with your penis post treatment you\'re exposing the entry points to infection. MRSA is more common in mexico than you think, next time you\'re in Tijuana general see how many isolation tags are Hanging from patient rooms. But MRSA is here in the states too, I know were encouraged to massage the post PMMA penis, but has any one ever considered using gloves. Always use sterile dressing, replace every 8-12 hours, using a topical antiseptic isn\'t a bad idea either, Casavantes has an topical antiseptic gel in a tube that he can offer you. In our case, 50% of the opportunistic infections are a result of us (the patient), having poor hygiene or touching the entry points too much with our dirty hands (soap doesn\'t always cut it gents). I had to wash my hands 3 times in the NICU from my elbows to my finger tips for 10 minutes. Treat your Dick like a NICU baby next time you opt for a enhancement procedure. Taking these safety tips will eliminate many hours of worrying. A fellow member of the community worried about the PMMA once it was inside of him, his worrying turned into obsessive worrying (almost clinical anxiety), he eventually found a clinician who removed the PMMA from his penis here in the States, and now from what i read a few months ago he was considering having the PMMA procedure again because he missed the Girth. If you are a compulsive worrier like the person I described, PMMA IS NOT FOR YOU!!! If you are anxious about this procedure, but worry about it\'s negative potential draw backs, PMMA IS NOT FOR YOU!!!

I\'ve had the PMMA beads in my penis for several years now, a little over 3, and no problems to date. No current pictures are needed because I can attest that I am a satisfied person of sound mind, I don\'t worry about this, there\'s no point in further fear mongering. If my Dick falls off or develops Necrosis after 5 years i\'ll be sure to update the community. Some members have had pain associated with PMMA, as foreign body reactions due occur, inflammation and uncomfortable tenderness are probably the most painful symptoms to date.

Bueno Suerte, Live Long & Prosper Gents.

Great post

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284307183

Do you know of anyone else that has experienced pne from PMMA?

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284301674

Please keep us informed Hellbent, I appreciate your participation and I truly empathize with your current problem. When I had my inguinal lymph node problem I felt like an isolated case since few PMMA patients were reporting FBG in that area. Do anything on your part to offset that anxiety, depression will settle in faster than you know. Force yourself to walk, hike, bird watch, anything! Check with your doctor to see if its alright if you can apply a topical NSAID in the area you feel pain. Take care amigo

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284300795

Thought I would update here..not sure if anyone has read my threads, but I\'ve had huge problems since my procedure, along with my chromic anxiety which this has made me look at..but after a couple of months of research, doctors\' MRI ETC..IT Looks like I am suffering from Pudendal nerve entrapment...the PMMA has settles right back in the base and on the right side it lips around...not sure if it\'s placing any pressure on the dorsal nerve, however I am currently suffering from all issue that come with PNE..

There is a specialist in my country that has a three month waiting list, I was fortunate enough to get a call and get in 2 and a half months early. I have to have a nerve MRI On Thursday and then to confirm that I have PNE, THE FOLLOWING week they will anetherise the nerve, if all my symptoms go then I have PNE, if they don\'t them the investigations keep going, I am doing a special pelvic Pysiotherpay for it, started acpunture on the specialist advice and thank god he has helped patients with this. My fear is that no matter what I do, is the PMMA over/compressing etc on or over nerve which will continue to trigger this event.e

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284299247

I have to second Hoddle\'s sentiments, perhaps I too am at fault here for entertaining certain fears about PMMA enhancement. I don\'t regret informing our community of the medical complications associated with PMMA in my drudge report (see inguinal lymphadenopathy). But I think if we focus on a particular goal too long (say for years), this particular goal can really mind fuck us. There\'s so many experienced/senior members on this forum who deserve more than a \"thank you\" for sharing their penile enhancement horror stories so as to protect the sexual health of their fellow man and to deter business from those butcher practitioners who destroy lives instead of improving them. We also have a sub group of brothers on this forum who \"worry worry worry\", they worry that their penis isn\'t big enough for their partner, they worry once the PMMA is injected into their penis, they worry how to then get the PMMA out of their penis. The worry x3 syndrome is a precognitive bias, utimately leaving the poor gent with unrealistic goals and undesirable outcomes. But thats the story of their life, undesirable outcomes manifest themselves in the form of more than one idol, whether its to have a big Cock, or dating that attractive woman, or landing that sought after career. If we manifest as much energy we put into our fears we\'re surrending so much of our self worth to this demon known as fear. I\'m not religious and but i think the undertone is appropriate in this case.

Let\'s set things straight once and for all, opportunistic infections are opportunistic. Women who have had painful infections associated with implants that can turn into a form of sepsis is due to the implant failing to meet quality control inspection standards. There was a diagnosis unknown case reported in australia several years back of a woman having re-occurring sepsis. Eventually a witty doctor noticed that one of her implants wasn\'t as symmetrical as the other. The unsymmetrical implant had ruptured, upon Removal of the implant they took a sample of the implant fluid and a pathology report found numerous fugal spores. Now, with PMMA, there\'s no special fluid hiding inside the sphere, its a micro sized acrylic bead, the only chance for infection is if the carrier that holds the PMMA beads becomes tainted due to poor preparation technique (@ the doctors office), poor storage (@ the doctors office), or improper handling at the manufactures plant. Symptoms would be noticeable within hours; fever, chills, inflammation at the injection site. We\'ve talked about this more than once on this forum, the subject of hygiene. If you have poor hygiene, or use those dirty hands of yours to play with your penis post treatment you\'re exposing the entry points to infection. MRSA is more common in mexico than you think, next time you\'re in Tijuana general see how many isolation tags are Hanging from patient rooms. But MRSA is here in the states too, I know we\'re encouraged to massage the post PMMA penis, but has any one ever considered using gloves. Always use sterile dressing, replace every 8-12 hours, using a topical antiseptic isn\'t a bad idea either, Casavantes has an topical antiseptic gel in a tube that he can offer you. In our case, 50% of the opportunistic infections are a result of us (the patient), having poor hygiene or touching the entry points too much with our dirty hands (soap doesn\'t always cut it gents). I had to wash my hands 3 times in the NICU from my elbows to my finger tips for 10 minutes. Treat your Dick like a NICU baby next time you opt for a enhancement procedure. Taking these safety tips will eliminate many hours of worrying. A fellow member of the community worried about the PMMA once it was inside of him, his worrying turned into obsessive worrying (almost clinical anxiety), he eventually found a clinician who removed the PMMA from his penis here in the States, and now from what i read a few months ago he was considering having the PMMA procedure again because he missed the Girth. If you are a compulsive worrier like the person I described, PMMA IS NOT FOR YOU!!! If you are anxious about this procedure, but worry about it\'s negative potential draw backs, PMMA IS NOT FOR YOU!!!

I\'ve had the PMMA beads in my penis for several years now, a little over 3, and no problems to date. No current pictures are needed because I can attest that I am a satisfied person of sound mind, I don\'t worry about this, there\'s no point in further fear mongering. If my Dick falls off or develops Necrosis after 5 years i\'ll be sure to update the community. Some members have had pain associated with PMMA, as foreign body reactions due occur, inflammation and uncomfortable tenderness are probably the most painful symptoms to date.

Bueno Suerte, Live Long & Prosper Gents.

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284293541

Plus, it would be very hard to find a doctor who accepts to remove it if nothing go wrong. It\'s already hard to find one when something does go wrong.

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284293427

I am sure even your penis covered it eyes when your wrote that! You would end up with serious scarification of the penis, numbness, penis shortening if you had the it injected and removed multiple times

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284293223

PMMA doesn\'t work like breast implants at all. Once you get it it becomes part of your body, microspheres surrounded by your own collagen. It\'s hard and risky to remove.

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Removal of PMMA every 5 years? 10 years 5 months ago #1284292708

minime wrote: I have been contemplating PMMA for a few months and reading up, the only thing that prevents me from doing it, is the long term effects in 10,15 years..

Do you guys think it would be possible to get PMMA, and after 5 years remove it let the penis settle for 6 months for recovery and to get PMMA again?

Since you guys know every implant has a life span just like breast implants came out some woman had to get it redone after 10 years of so.

I\'m just thinking of doing this to prevent any sort of complication with PMMA breaking down or building some type of bacteria that will destroy my penis.

Literally the craziest post on the forum to date and that is saying something!

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