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TOPIC: My Story

My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283370280

Thanks for your input. You might be right about the length measurements. I know it varies and I haven\'t always stayed consistent with exact placement, sitting, standing, etc. Something is definitely up with the Girth, though; I can feel it and see it in pictures. My partners tell me they can\'t tell, that it feels the same. Maybe I\'m crazy, and I\'ve also never heard of quite the same thing happening to anyone else. It\'s been this way for a good 5 months now so I doubt it will spontaneously improve. I think my penis has become fibrotic, and I don\'t expand quite as much as I used to. I also doubt that there is a solution to this. It makes me look at PMMA as a kind of reconstructive or restorative procedure. I\'d only want .25 to .50 of Girth at the most. It\'s probably not worth it, and with my condition it might not even be doable. Still, I have to admit that I\'m tempted.

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283293084

BTBassist wrote: Are you on the east coast?

If you are asking me..I am on the west coast for now

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283289611

Are you on the east coast?

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283289528

notwhatiusedtobe wrote: Hey, that is a sensible suggestion. But let me go ahead and tell you that in my experience, urologists don\'t care. They treat young men with ed like shit. I\'ve seen several and they won\'t even run any tests on me beyond urinalysis and blood tests. They look at me like I\'m insane, ask questions like, \"do you have performance anxiety\", and shove me out of the office as quickly as possible. I can\'t even get a doppler to check bloodflow. I did talk to sexual health specialist Dr. Goldstein out in San Diego. I was thinking of flying out there for their full two day, multiple test appointment, but that\'s already $2600. I know a lot about ED and here\'s the unfortunate fact: regardless of underlying cause, pills, pumps, shots, and implants are the only treatment. There is no real cure. There are a couple of risky, rare, experimental surgeries like revascularization and venous ligation that almost never work. It\'s a cold world out there for a young guy with ED, it\'s just considered a joke or a character flaw pretty much. I guess I\'m just thinking about enlargement because, hey, might as well be a bit bigger if I\'m going to have this issue for the rest of my life.

I had the same experience with urologists too, they all seem to be wackos and don\'t give a dam as long as their penis is working for them, a great example is elist. They automatically do a urine test and a blood test to increase their income. After which they will do a trail and error on you, again to increase their $$$$...Such a shame for MOST of those Fu.....! Some, and a few, are super good!

It does seem that you may have a unique case, but may I advise you to find the actual cause at about $2600 as you say and then go from there...Not knowing the cause may cause you more problems..Good luck man!

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283288770

from reading your story and symptoms i can relate as i use to suffer from the samething. I think you might have what I was diagnose with a leakage. They told me no matter how much air u put on a tire if it has a leakage air wont stay. for me life after implant was tough as i came here to look for answers on how to increase length after having a implant and no body knew if u can or not length ur penis afterwards. I had to discover and experience on my own. but i can tell u that i do not regret one bit getting the implant. it has changed my life for the better. I can get easy erections anytime I want. the problem is a lot of doctors don\'t take erectile dysfunction serious on young guys like u and me. it was tough for me to convince my doctor that this was the right step for me. i had to show documentation of all the previous treatment and failures i had before, like Viagra, injections, pumps, psychologist and all that. non worked for me. now that i have the implant my only problem is and always has been my length size. as i want to be 7 and half inches. I will not rest until i become that. so right now im looking at tunica lengthening. good luck on ur decision u make. and i hope life becomes better for u.

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283288559

My testosterone is upper range. I do appreciate all of the responses, but it seems that my condition is not run of mill. Kegels and edging are great exercises, but they do nothing to improve my erections. Cialis helps but doesn\'t \"cure\" me. I\'ll probably end up going to San Diego for a full diagnostic but I\'m not sure it would really help. I\'ll probably need an implant at some point.

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283287052

booked wrote: Have you ever checked your testosterone levels?

That\'s a good question, but he did mention that he had a high libido, so I doubt low test is the problem.

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283281808

Have you ever checked your testosterone levels?

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283277968

Kegels and ballooning may improve EQ (at least they did for me) but I\'d do more research on those techniques before giving them a shot. Thundersplace is a good place to start.

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283273963

I would definitely not go the PMMA route before resolving the ED issue(s). Have you tried the hands on type of PE like Jelqing? I know that it always improved my EQ whenever I did it on a regular basis. I would also not give up hope on finding a good doctor that would evaluate your problem and successfully treat it. Just keep trying.

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283271131

The depression came after the Erection problem. I became depressed when it became clear that my erections were not easy to come by. I have super high libido and want to fuck pretty much everything. Physically something is wrong.

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283268849

I know there can be physiological reasons to have erectile dysfunction, but you mentioned depression. Depression can have a severe effect on Erection quality, sex drive, and penis size (lesser erections would cause a slightly smaller size). Personally I\'d try to conquer the Depression before risking your other D.

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283268777

In which case I\'d try and make as much progress as possible with the use of pills and pumps etc. I think having any type of enlargement procedure is a really bad idea for a young guy who is already having ED issues. You\'ve still got a very decent sized penis, so risking damaging it further can\'t be a good idea. Also if the future you might be diagnosed and find that PMMA prevents you being able to have the suitable treatment.

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283268701

Hey, that is a sensible suggestion. But let me go ahead and tell you that in my experience, urologists don\'t care. They treat young men with ed like shit. I\'ve seen several and they won\'t even run any tests on me beyond urinalysis and blood tests. They look at me like I\'m insane, ask questions like, \"do you have performance anxiety\", and shove me out of the office as quickly as possible. I can\'t even get a doppler to check bloodflow. I did talk to sexual health specialist Dr. Goldstein out in San Diego. I was thinking of flying out there for their full two day, multiple test appointment, but that\'s already $2600. I know a lot about ED and here\'s the unfortunate fact: regardless of underlying cause, pills, pumps, shots, and implants are the only treatment. There is no real cure. There are a couple of risky, rare, experimental surgeries like revascularization and venous ligation that almost never work. It\'s a cold world out there for a young guy with ED, it\'s just considered a joke or a character flaw pretty much. I guess I\'m just thinking about enlargement because, hey, might as well be a bit bigger if I\'m going to have this issue for the rest of my life.

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My Story 10 years 7 months ago #1283268547

Welcome to the forum.

I don\'t think you should be focusing on enlargement. I think you need to try and find out what has happened to your penis and why you\'ve always struggled with erections. I think you should consult with a Urologist and tell him your story.

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