PhalloBoards - An Online Community to Discuss Penile Girth Enhancement

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THANK YOU 10 years 8 months ago #1283131172

I have been coming to this board (and the previous board) for years. I have never posted and I always wondered what my first post would be. After spending 4 hours on the board this morning catching up with all of the news since my last visit, I figured why not make today my first post.

I really want to tell all of you THANK YOU for all of your stories, recaps, research and honest dialogue. Thanks to SO and the Moderators for giving everyone a reality check every once in a while. I think we all need it occasionally.

Keep up the good work guys. I know there are a lot of others like me coming to the board and soaking up information, reading progress reports and listening to the comments and opinions of respected members of the board in order to make the right decision for themselves. My voice of reason has always been hoddle10. Thanks for that hoddle10.

Until next time...peace homeys!

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THANK YOU 10 years 8 months ago #1283137341

Welcome scooby! glad to meet you. You are very correct in that this place is run very well by SO and the Mods, its open, honest, objective and does well to keep the BS out.

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THANK YOU 10 years 8 months ago #1283137625

I can agree that hoddle is a voice for good. I have never seen him give advice that might harm someome. Not saying he\'s always right, but he will steer you from the possibility of harm, and that\'s value able here. Welcome to the group snoopy.

As for this message board, I have some things to say about it, but first I need to disclose some things. I realize at thia point in my life that I have a problem with dysmorphia. I also think things I have learned on this board have helped me to have a better life. I know they have, because the decisions I was about to make before I came here to this message board, I know now would\'ve destroyed my life. I was considering open surgery on my penis, with a doctor with a track record of hurting people. The AMA didn\'t save me, the people on this board did.

In December of 2012 I had a nervous breakdown about my Dick. I was on vacation and I hid in my room for a week looking up surgeries to make it bigger. I was absolutely crazed, and I thought I might be about to hurt myself, but I just couldn\'t live with my body the way it was anymore. I\'m a strong guy, nothing has ever beaten me, I\'ve let go of some powerful things in my life that were not easy to walk away from, but this one had me by the Balls, so to speak. I was in very bad shape.

Then I found this message board, and I started reading. Skepticalone first mentioned PMMA to me and flat out told me I was making a bad choice, or at least one that I wasn\'t informed enough about. Because of what i read on this board, i canceled my surgery and waited and i read.

I read the accounts of sizemic and miracle and messageman, and soma, someone who initially went through a surgical procedure before I was considering. These were just a few of the guys that really took the time to go the extra mile and help me personally.

This board has given me a place where i can talk about something that i was ashamed of my whole life. Where i can say things I wouldn\'t have been able to share with other people. I\'m not this open in my personal life. I\'m an open book here and it\'s amazing. I can\'t describe how much this board has changed my life. I know that probably sounds over the top, but I know it\'s true.

We have all risked a great deal but I think we\'ve made the best decision we could at the time. A decision that none of us felt like we could refuse any longer.

I was going to do something to change my body, one way or another. This board just helped me make an informed decision, and I am infinitely grateful.

I didn\'t mean to hijack your thread, your topic just inspired me to say what I\'ve been meaning to say for a long time. Welcome to the board friend. I\'m glad you\'ve decided to speak, and I hope you stick around to offer your insights and opinions and experiences with the rest of us. Thanks for a great topic.

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