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TOPIC: How can you be certain ?

How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282986938

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Hi All,

I have been checking this forum on and off for about a couple of months now. I want to say thank you to you all for all the information, and it is a truly wonderful experience to find people who so openly talk and share info about things that are still pretty much a taboo in our society.
I have several concerns with my personal anatomy which i would like to share and discuss here. I hope I can get some feedback from you.
I dont have problems getting girls and sex has always been an enjoyable activity for me and my partners. I am one of those guys who really does everything possible to make my ladies happy in bed. Size has never been an issue, or until recently. I know the old saying \"size matters\" and in our society , we all tend to go for bigger, faster, better, etc. Those have become priorities and are accepted to be the values of our Western culture.
Now more about my size. I am EG - 5.5 and sometimes when wearing a Cock ring my penis gets to 6in. My length depending on my Erection could be either 6\'35 or sometimes when super excited, my penis gets to 6\'75. I know that this is supposed to be slightly above average, and still I am not too happy with it since I know there are bigger than me.
Now, my penis size or improving my size has become an obsession and I read about procedures, manual exercises, etc. It takes a lot of my time, which i feel is a bit ridiculous since I can dedicate this time to something else... still i guess this depends on personal priorities and with the above statement I want you to know I pass no judgement.
The size of my penis became an obsession because of my experience with a girl who I had sex with. It felt as if she was a bit wider than me and even though sex was enjoyable, I felt like there was more space which I did not fill in... How can this be improved?
I wore a Cock ring and the extra Girth allowed for better sensations on my end, and on her end as well.
I had sex once with a girl who felt was the perfect size for me. Has that happen to you? After having sex, it felt like we were almost like meant to be together.... It was a wonderful feeling but destiny drove its course, and We cant be together.
So, my question to you is how can you be certain? Would you keep on experimenting and trying new sexual partners until you find the best fit, or you would rather go for a procedure to increase the size of your penis?
A procedure would leave a life lasting effect and beside the physiological factors , there will be some psychological changes which will come forth. I can\'t make my mind ... Please advise
I am really confused since one of my previous girlfriends used to say that she loves how thick my Dick is.... another girlfriend of mine squirted while we had sex and it has been truly wonderful and ego boosting but on the other hand with this other girl it was a bit off...

ps: The penis is a strange organ, as if it has personality of its own and sometimes it does not want to listen but problem is that I dont want to listen to my penis all the time either

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282995456

Okay. One thing here, I think it\'s wrong to say this should only be utilized by those severely lacking in Girth. That\'s just the wrong way to think about the whole situation. Their situation is more reasonable to consider the risk.

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282995397

jimmy i PMed u about the nodules ... posted it first, but didnt want to derail.

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282995299

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I agree with the veterans here. I think this procedure should only be utilized by people severely lacking in Girth, maybe less than 4.5in I would say. You are at 5.5 which is way above average. The risk/cost is not worth the reward.


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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282994947

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Ok, I appreciate everything you say. Thank you

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282994917

You aren\'t being judged, you are being advised. The trouble is, in order to offer the best advise sometimes it\'s hard not to sound judgmental. What everyone needs to realize is that if there were little or no risk involved then I and others wouldn\'t give two shits if everyone wanted to get an 8\" Girth. I\'m pro choice and think people should be free to do what ever makes them happy and to hell what others think (within the confines of the law and without hurting others obviously). But the fact is PE procedures aren\'t low risk and I\'ve got many years experience of dealing with loads of guys who have had their lives utterly turned upside down due to bad results. I know what it\'s like to have to live with a PE procedure gone wrong and understand how what it can do to a man. I can\'t go into details, but one of the most shocking stories ever happened with one of our members only weeks ago. His life is now totally ruined.

At the end of the day PMMA is a procedure that has come to the attention of the vast majority of guys due to PhalloBoards. Given the relatively unknown long term results of PMMA Phalloplasty, I think we have a huge responsibility to warn caution at every opportunity. Until we know more, in my opinion, this procedure is better suited to those who really are desperate and wouldn\'t be much worse off than they are pre PE, if things did go wrong.

I\'m not telling you or anyone else what to do, but just asking you to fully question yourself. It\'s easy to view things from a perspective that allows us to do what we desire to do and not think in a more objective manner. You can easily focus on reasons why you feel the procedure may benefit you, such as comments made by the odd girl and obsessional thinking. But it\'s much harder to focus on reasons why you shouldn\'t have a procedure, as these don\'t allow to justify getting what you want.

If PMMA could just be dissolved with a simple injection, then I\'d say go for it. I\'d actively encourage you to do it. But given it\'s permanent, with unknown long term complication rates in the penis, then I think it would be wrong of me not to try and discourage a guy who has a decent sized penis and good sex life out of it, for the time being at least, even if he does have some mild insecurity issues.

EDIT: Since I posted the above a number of members have contacted me regarding the recent shocking story I mentioned and all wanted to know if it was PMMA related. It wasn\'t, it was a member who has severe skin Necrosis due to a dermal matrix graft.

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282994570

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HI Guys,

thanks for the imput... So hoddle, I see your point but why do I feel like I am being judged here? You are saying I simply want a bigger penis? - Well, honestly I do, and this is the reason I have been looking into this website and hoping for some understanding and support.... Anyway, I dont want to run into insecurities that I have experienced last time and feel under sized.. and not being able to satisfy my partner. Is that an ego problem, a psychological problem, an anatomical problem - I dont know, maybe a little bit of all. I am just saying that I did not foresee a relationship with the last one because of size incongruity. Therefore, I don\'t want to have the same experience again. Now, maybe my initial information was limited and this is why I got those responses. I wont be getting into details to give you a detail picture of how things worked out between this girl and I . But for the sake of the argument, she stated that I might be a little too skinny for her.
Did that damage my ego or stuck in my head? - maybe....
So anyway, I see your point that a procedure like that hides a lot of risks , therefore, it is better to think twice and if I have about an average member, to keep it that way and not take the risk to destroy it.
Thank you

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282994033

Yes, 100% agree w/ Hoddle...especially now that I\'ve had it done. It\'s not some magic wand. You\'ll potentially have all kinds of new issues - some of which may not be known for 10 years... 5.5-6\" EG? Not remotely necessary.

I had it done cuz I had 4\" EG due to 4-5 years of Peyronie\'s disease which made my Dick look deformed. (Though, even with a tiny curved shrimp Dick, I still had decent sex a lot of the time...just not w/ size queens.) I am up to 4.5\" / 5\" (base) after 1 round - and it\'s actually been FINE at this size sexually (with other men - who are the pickiest size queens you can imagine - since their Dick is in the room too...and guess who was bigger half the time? Me!).

Anyway, I have a lump that needs some kind of Removal - and I have a ridge that looks weird Flaccid...and the texture is different. But, I seriously felt very abnormal (and was legitimately under average by a good degree). I\'ve already had multiple people give me head very enthusiastically. So - shocker...5\" is fine. On this board, you feel like an an underdeveloped monkey if you are under 6\" Girth. Well, the last 5 BJs I had said otherwise...ok of them was a monster Cock fan - so fuck him. He was an ugly hipster anyway.

I will probably try to get up to 5\" 5.25 base (since you can\'t really just do one area) - and I think 5\" is a perfectly reasonable Girth, esp relative to my 6\" EL...especially if you want oral & anal. When you go over 5.5 and both of those are going to be hard on the other person\'s end. (so many puns). Personal experience included. Sorry to be graphic...if it came across graphic... but just look at it as data. Of course, I can\'t speak to huge vaginas... and I don\'t get that whole thing bc there is a legitimate, approved, well-published, American-based, procedure to tighten vaginas after babies. why men feel the need to get plexiglass injected in their penis in Tijuana when a woman can just get her vag tightened confuses me to no end...surely she\'d be more insecure about her big loose puss than you should be about 5.5\" EG - but what do I know.

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282993462

I agree completely with your reasoning.

My route has been that I keep thinking about this and other ideas but in reality it\'s unlikely I\'ll have PMMA. For one thing I think we need like over a hundred years of data to even appropriately assess the risk. For now the risk is unknown and should be weighed with extremely prejudicial caution. I\'m working on psychotherapy, getting fit generally, and manual PE, all practical things with no or little risk and a predictable improvement on my sex life. I hope I can encourage others to explore these routes first!

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282992500

nohidingstyle wrote: Hoddle, terrible? Though I agree the risk vs reward thing is super important. I think if you read enough people\'s posts who have had any procedures it\'s pretty clear that the reward of no longer obsessing is not a given. Some members (pun intended) seem to become even more obsessed, though there have been a smattering of follow up posts from those who say they\'ve moved past obsession. Being in roughly the same class of size as the OP, I think I can relate to the sentiment. But I\'m far from having any procedures and think it\'s advisable to stick with manual PE. Philo, check out and put your stats in, you may be pleasantly surprised at the results. That and the visualizer may help you get a better sense of the fact that you\'re about what women ideally want, so risking it at all is probably not worth it unless you\'re so obsessed it\'s ruining your life.

Yes, terrible. Let\'s not lose sight of what we are discussing here, which we so often do. We are talking about injecting a foreign body into the penis. If you have a decent sized penis and are enjoying a good sex life with various partners, then to consider taking such a risk is a terrible idea in my opinion.

I think we over use the word \"obsessing\" or perhaps use it too lightly. For someone to be obsessional about penis size to the point they consider a procedure, they need to have got to the point where their quality of life is being seriously impacted by it. When so little is known about the long term of a procedure and the consequences of being wrong are so great (and losing their penis would simply destroy many men), then we owe to each other to preach ultra caution. PMMA is just so incredibly alluring, that at times many of us definitely look for reasons to justify taking the risk, that really aren\'t that great. In the case of Philo he sounds like he simply really, really wants a bigger penis, rather than is struggling to function in life due to penis size issues.

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282991773

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thanks for the posts. I really appreciate it. I have never taught of what would be if pregnancy widens my partners vagina... That would be something that we would probably need to deal eventually ... And yes, she would not be the right physical fit anymore... Dont get me wrong, I understand that there is much more in a relationship than just sex and loyalty, friendship, companionship, are very important. I mean , men is sexually active until maybe his 70\'s but then a couple would still need to live together afterwards, so sex doesn\'t last through out the life spam of the individual...
I understand that there is risk involved in the decision of selecting a procedure in order to enhance my penis and still, I am somewhat obsessed and can\'t get over it..
What manual routine would really help? Is there at least one person who can really show that their manual PE routine really helped them , so they actually gained something out of it?

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282990976

Hoddle, terrible? Though I agree the risk vs reward thing is super important. I think if you read enough people\'s posts who have had any procedures it\'s pretty clear that the reward of no longer obsessing is not a given. Some members (pun intended) seem to become even more obsessed, though there have been a smattering of follow up posts from those who say they\'ve moved past obsession. Being in roughly the same class of size as the OP, I think I can relate to the sentiment. But I\'m far from having any procedures and think it\'s advisable to stick with manual PE.

Philo, check out and put your stats in, you may be pleasantly surprised at the results. That and the visualizer may help you get a better sense of the fact that you\'re about what women ideally want, so risking it at all is probably not worth it unless you\'re so obsessed it\'s ruining your life.

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1282987649

You are a terrible candidate for a PE procedure. You\'ve got a big penis and a good sex life. The risks easily out weigh the rewards in your case.

Also trying to find the \"best fit\" seems is bit odd. There is so much more to sex and relationships than that. Also what happens if the \"best fit\" gets pregnant? Do you leave her to raise the child on her own once he vagina has been widened and she is no longer the \"best fit?\"

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How can you be certain ? 10 years 8 months ago #1283037225

Definetly agree with Hoddle and others here.You can risk trading one insecurity for another.I have large lumps and am patiently waiting it out as am on the fence about Kenalog injections just yet.Plenty of potential partners will be very satisfied with your junk.

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