It cleared up after two days and I\'m back to my normal self. I don\'t think it had to do with the Lipen P but you know how our minds work, we automatically think about what could cause anything immune related and my mind went straight to the
PMMA. Spring just started in Korea and there is a lot of pollen plus a lot dust from China currently so it\'s mostly likely the cause. I also ate too much citrus the night before which I read can cause a reaction so maybe that was it. Thanks for the concern though.
I am headed back to see Dr. Cho in two weeks for more Lipen P to work on getting the shape right. Hopefully these will get me where I want to be. I am very interested in the glans procedure but that will be at least 3 months aways since the cost is $3500. When all is said and done, its gonna be around $10,000. What\'s funny and somewhat depressing, is when I first learned about this procedure it was only $1,700 and I thought WOW a bigger
Dick for so cheap... Now I\'m investing a car or a down payment on a house into my junk. No turning back now, I\'m going for the glory. It will be worth when it\'s all said and done, or so I hope.