smalljay wrote:
thehulk wrote: You must not of read \"any given sunday\".... my personal thread. Because if you had, you\'d see the pictures I posted of my actual procedure.
Thanks Hulk, just looked at the pictures, they are pretty telling but I was wondering if you could actually describe the process in words? Just wondering how deep into the shaft the cannula goes (does it barely go in or does he repeatedly go up and down the entire length in the shaft? Does their technique look gentle, rough, or in between? Etc, etc).
If I may chime in...I\'d say \"in between.\" It also depends on your anatomy, and for those who are going for 2nd or more rounds, how the collagen \"gives\" way to the cannula. I suspect the aggressiveness of the cannula varies person to person, and the overall \"trauma\" is minimized by local anesthetics. As far as how much of the shaft the cannula reaches... pretty much the entire shaft, some areas more so than others. I suspect each person is different, and the doctor may emphasize some areas more than others according to each person\'s anatomy. An example would be the circum area behind the glans. Some take the product easily & readily, while others (like myself) may require numerous sessions to get the area to adequately taper with the rest of the shaft. The cannula goes where the doctor needs to take it.
For someone like myself, pathetically fearful of needles, it was a mostly tolerable situation (in fairness, I still was tense, but the Ativan helped a lot...but in hindsight, it wasn\'t nearly as traumatic as having an ingrown toenail resolved).
Keep in mind you\'re awake throughout the whole appointment. If it were truly that bad, they\'d put you to sleep. But it really isn\'t that bad at all. And even the biggest needle/cannula wussies amongst us (cough...myself...cough) have survived without regret. It really isn\'t all that bad as far as pain & trauma goes.