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TOPIC: new member saying hello

new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279750913

Hello everyone,I thought I had better introduce myself, my name is Robert (swamps is my nickname) I live in England and I joined the forums last night.My outlook is a little different than most of those here for one I have absolutely no interest in how good or bad my penis looks while Flaccid. I have never fucked a girl with a Flaccid penis and therefore its usefulness and significance to me is nonexistent. In fact the only time anyone would even see my Flaccid penis apart from before sex would be in the public toilets or showers and in this circumstance if any other man were to ridicule any shortcomings on my part I would gently correct his misconceptions on manhood whilst introducing his face to the porcelain urinals repeatedly until the concept had sunk in.When men judge another man on the basis of how much of a 'man' he is there are very few criteria which interest me. How well he can protect the ones he loves, how well he can provide for the ones he loves and how honourably he conducts himself whilst doing these two things ' that's it! The size of that mans penis has absolutely no influence on me why would it, I'm not gonna use it lol, if the same correlation between size and manliness were made on any other body part I think it would be easier to see the insanity of such a notion ' could you imagine judging a man on the length and Girth of his index finger HA HA.The thing that led me to your excellent forum was the other gender ' women. Specifically how much they enjoy a slightly larger Erect penis during sex. That's the only time they are going to enjoy the difference so that's the only difference I'm interested in making.At the moment my measurements are just under (about 2mm under ' sorry I don't get inches) the seven Inch line for length and my circumference (in the middle of my penis) is exactly the same amount away from the six Inch line and I am quite happy with these to be perfectly honest. But life would be pretty boring if you weren't always trying to improve yourself, plus I've got to the stage where I think I've done all I can with what I've got and was just curious if I could improve what I was working with. I haven't done any penis enlargement exercises whatsoever before, which is strange when I think that I have spent nearly every day in the gym and on the mats for the past ten years working out every other part but failed to contemplate improving captain winky even in the slightest.My objectives are to gain a small amount of length if possible but more importantly significant amounts of Girth both specifically in the Erect state and both through the safest ways possible.We'll that's me now to you guys, you are to be commended on your work here it is obvious from reading that many people have benefited from your knowledge and experience in the areas which you discuss, not just theoretically and in a preventative sense but also in an 'after the fact' one ' an area which even the doctors that perform these operations seem lacking. After reviewing as much as possible in one night I even began to get a sense of a sort of volunteering test group for self experimentation, with honest and informative testimonials ' a concept which has been historically difficult to produce even on a simple format such as retail goods let alone one as personal as penile augmentation.So congrats to you all on such an excellent forum, and you really need a donate function!Case in point, I first started researching the idea of increasing my size on google where I came across and I am sad to say was quite sold on the idea of the Dr. elist implant. After spending just ONE night reading through your forums I am absolutely certain that I have saved myself not only thousands of pounds but also a world of pain and misery ' small '20 donation for saving my penis from this torture, WELL WORTH IT!What I can gather so far; (no need to correct me if I'm wrong, I have loads more forum reading to do and am quite competent enough to reassess my conclusions as I learn)For Girth there are really only two options, permanent filler and temporary filler.Permanent ' (PMMA) I am not willing to take the risks (however small) associated with this product for such a permanent time frame and without the need or anywhere near the determination of you guys.Temporary - (Radiesse - through safe cannulas injection if possible) I feel this is the most viable option for me as the risks are slightly less than PMMA and the timeframe that any problems could arise within is significantly less. Indeed should such problems arise it may be quite possible to manage them until the substance is completely absorbed by the body. Plus it allows for the use of the 'next big thing' that's always just around the corner without any major Removal difficulties. I must say this is top of my list at the moment, and cost is irrelevant when it comes to the safety of the captain.One I wish would really work ' (Injected PLGA microspheres with autologous fibroblasts as suggested by target8x6) I think that if you could get a system of delivery and functionality of a product like that of PMMA but with the risk reducing absorption rate of something like Radiesse whilst adding the benefit of growing actual cartilage in replacement of the filler then you could actually start growing your own real bigger penis and all foreign injected material would eventually disappear. So that's it from me really I'm just going to wait patiently for a while until I can review a few more Radiesse reports or until something new comes along that proves a better alternative and then in a year or so I will take the plunge on what I have decided is the best option.Unfortunately I don't think I will be posting much more because I am not going ahead with anything yet and so have nothing to report and I have nothing to add in general to the topics you discuss that would come even close to your own excellent input. Looks like I'm going to be a lurker on this site and I apologise for that but it felt rude not to introduce myself and say thank you for the work you're doing and for saving me from the elist experience.If there is by chance anything you need from just some random guy in England that I cannot think of please do not hesitate to contact me and I will do my best to help.Just one question before I go and continue reading through the 41! Page thread on Infections, Complications, Risks of PMMA? I was at the end of a thread last night (I really cannot remember which one sorry) and someone (smalljay maybe?) suggested to the guy that to simply add just a quick half Inch or so to his length he should give stretching and Jelqing a go. Is this a commonly agreed notion? Because that is something I could start doing right now and would probably give me all the length I ever wanted to be honest.Thanks again guys and I look forward to getting to grips with all the info contained in this forumSwamps

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279769382

swamps wrote: if a completely safe option came along

That\'s actually one of the primary motives of this site, to keep up-to-date on all advances in Phalloplasty in hopes that the Holy Grail of Phalloplasty (a procedure that is highly effective, permanent, and with low complication) reaches our doorstep (if it exists or will ever exist). So you came to the right place in that regard. But I can\'t disagree with Hoddle, on the same token this site isn\'t exactly the best place to gauge size(s).

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279767056

Swamps, you will make a good decision when it comes! This goes for everyone , take your time making a decision because the longer you waite the better the procedure , a better alternative , better informed, and you can always back out if you haven\'t done it yet!! Once it is done it is done!! So good luck , look forward to reading your input as I do many other members!

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279762047

hey guys thanks for all the honest and constructive advice and hello to hoddle10. i feel i should have made myself clearer when talking about my Girth, there is a big difference between NEED and WANT (actually about a forums worth of risks lol). I know i don\'t need it and that the risks are not worth it for me but ive got to be honest it doesn\'t stop me wanting it if a completely safe option came along, and i really didn\'t know if that option even existed which is why i visited this forum.
Now i know there is no such option that\'s pretty much the end of my research save a good read up on non-surgical PE exercises.
I do think it is worth keeping in mind that any man if offered a bigger penis risk free would say yes btw and after reading messageman\'s account of his 7 Inch Girth (epic) i think i have found my goal - but again i\'m never going to risk using the same methods to get there and the time frame could be years in the future.

a mans reach should always exceed his grasp - and i\'m aiming to be grasping about 7 inches

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279761951

With your unit if you slept with my girlfriend I\'m pretty sure she wouldn\'t enjoy sex with me anymore! You are considered blessed, I\'m in the 9x5 range so I\'m long but not thick for my length. If I were atleast 6.5-7 I would be very happy! My advice to you is to make sure that you know this is a lifetime decision and that you are absolutely one hundred percent positive that you are willing to deal with the complications if thy occur!

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279760294

Swamps mate, you don\'t need anymore Girth. This site is a terrible place to gain perspective regarding size. You don\'t seem to realize your Girth is very big. You are easily in the top 10% Girth wise.

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279759843

Hi Mudball
I think you know exactly where i\'m coming from, with this length its just a shame the Girth isn\'t a bit bigger - would be a hell of Dick.
but hey ho what can you do, looks like these PE exercises are the only real option for the time being.
can i ask if you\'ve found anything that has helped you put on some Girth?
And thanks for the welcome btw

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279757998

Swamps. Welcome, I agree with your point of view! Basically your entire intro! I believe you will make an informed decision, and I am a little longer but a little thinner than you, so I feel I understand you a little . I have been on here for over a year and was ready to pull the trigger on something and then took a deep breath and now making a more logical decision . Also about your size, many on here have chose to hit your size and just keep going on right past it, so I think everyone has their reasons and as long as it is not reckless or uninformed to each his own! I for one agree with SO, and it should be a more thought out decision if you are naturally above ave. good luck, I hope you become active, even if you do nothing!

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279757022

Thanks for your concern guys means a lot that you would be so helpful to a complete newbie here. But honestly I really don't have any penis dysmorphia problems, I am perfectly happy with what ive got and have never had any complaints I just wanted to research a little to see if I could improve safely.As I said before length wise I don't really care I just wanted to add a little Girth to make an average but perfectly fine penis into an awesome penis but rest assured I am not aiming to do this at the risk of my health and penis aesthetics.I gave you my thoughts on the two ways there seem to be on increasing Girth and neither satisfies my criteria as viable options at present so don't worry, I just wanted to say hello as I felt it was a bit weird to join such a caring community forum and then just lurk in the shadows.I spent a lot of time on the Penis Enlargement Exercises, Equipment, Supplements, & All Other Non-Surgical Methods board last night and have come to the decision that this is what I will be trying for the next year or two. If some quick (but SAFE) fix comes along in the meantime then all the better.Time for me to get reading Hanging, stretching, Jelqing, pumping etc etc ' so much info to digest.My only problem at the moment is that as I see it most of these exercises have more significant gains in the length area rather than the Girth, wish it was the other way around lol.Kapitalizm ' thanks again for your sound advice you need to stop watching that porn shit man, I rarely watch it as I do a lot of 3d modelling on the computer and once I start tinkering that's me for the night ' porn doesn't get a look in. The only time I do watch it (if I'm not banging anyone at the time) I go to a site called xhamster and just quickly rub one off. When I'm on it though I see the most insane stuff offered for viewing, if you're watching any of that double fisting, baseball bat, monster (obviously fake) Cock bullshit and doing comparisons no wonder its messing with your head. If you're addicted to it try leaning towards the amateur genre ' that's pretty much the only advice I can give but I'm sure you have already thought of that.Cheers again guysswamps

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279756204

Just like ScepticalOne said, penis dismporhia plus porn plus lurking on this site will most likely give you a very distorted image of what you really have in your pants. I have been going through some serious ups and downs in my personal life because of porn, and comparison to other people (to a point that I am starting to mark my days without watching porn, and it is pretty hard to get your mind straight again). It is not a fun thing to go through(although I\'m normal sized). But as I said, you do what you think is best for You, and make sure you do all the reading necessary to gather knowledge. This forum is the best place to seek answers for this particular matter.

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279755459

swamps wrote: Hello everyone,I thought I had better introduce myself, my name is Robert (swamps is my nickname) I live in England and I joined the forums last night.My outlook is a little different than most of those here for one I have absolutely no interest in how good or bad my penis looks while Flaccid. I have never fucked a girl with a Flaccid penis and therefore its usefulness and significance to me is nonexistent. In fact the only time anyone would even see my Flaccid penis apart from before sex would be in the public toilets or showers and in this circumstance if any other man were to ridicule any shortcomings on my part I would gently correct his misconceptions on manhood whilst introducing his face to the porcelain urinals repeatedly until the concept had sunk in.When men judge another man on the basis of how much of a 'man' he is there are very few criteria which interest me. How well he can protect the ones he loves, how well he can provide for the ones he loves and how honourably he conducts himself whilst doing these two things ' that's it! The size of that mans penis has absolutely no influence on me why would it, I'm not gonna use it lol, if the same correlation between size and manliness were made on any other body part I think it would be easier to see the insanity of such a notion ' could you imagine judging a man on the length and Girth of his index finger HA HA.The thing that led me to your excellent forum was the other gender ' women. Specifically how much they enjoy a slightly larger Erect penis during sex. That's the only time they are going to enjoy the difference so that's the only difference I'm interested in making.At the moment my measurements are just under (about 2mm under ' sorry I don't get inches) the seven Inch line for length and my circumference (in the middle of my penis) is exactly the same amount away from the six Inch line and I am quite happy with these to be perfectly honest. But life would be pretty boring if you weren't always trying to improve yourself, plus I've got to the stage where I think I've done all I can with what I've got and was just curious if I could improve what I was working with. I haven't done any penis enlargement exercises whatsoever before, which is strange when I think that I have spent nearly every day in the gym and on the mats for the past ten years working out every other part but failed to contemplate improving captain winky even in the slightest.My objectives are to gain a small amount of length if possible but more importantly significant amounts of Girth both specifically in the Erect state and both through the safest ways possible.We'll that's me now to you guys, you are to be commended on your work here it is obvious from reading that many people have benefited from your knowledge and experience in the areas which you discuss, not just theoretically and in a preventative sense but also in an 'after the fact' one ' an area which even the doctors that perform these operations seem lacking. After reviewing as much as possible in one night I even began to get a sense of a sort of volunteering test group for self experimentation, with honest and informative testimonials ' a concept which has been historically difficult to produce even on a simple format such as retail goods let alone one as personal as penile augmentation.So congrats to you all on such an excellent forum, and you really need a donate function!Case in point, I first started researching the idea of increasing my size on google where I came across and I am sad to say was quite sold on the idea of the Dr. elist implant. After spending just ONE night reading through your forums I am absolutely certain that I have saved myself not only thousands of pounds but also a world of pain and misery ' small '20 donation for saving my penis from this torture, WELL WORTH IT!What I can gather so far; (no need to correct me if I'm wrong, I have loads more forum reading to do and am quite competent enough to reassess my conclusions as I learn)For Girth there are really only two options, permanent filler and temporary filler.Permanent ' (PMMA) I am not willing to take the risks (however small) associated with this product for such a permanent time frame and without the need or anywhere near the determination of you guys.Temporary - (Radiesse - through safe cannulas injection if possible) I feel this is the most viable option for me as the risks are slightly less than PMMA and the timeframe that any problems could arise within is significantly less. Indeed should such problems arise it may be quite possible to manage them until the substance is completely absorbed by the body. Plus it allows for the use of the 'next big thing' that's always just around the corner without any major Removal difficulties. I must say this is top of my list at the moment, and cost is irrelevant when it comes to the safety of the captain.One I wish would really work ' (Injected PLGA microspheres with autologous fibroblasts as suggested by target8x6) I think that if you could get a system of delivery and functionality of a product like that of PMMA but with the risk reducing absorption rate of something like Radiesse whilst adding the benefit of growing actual cartilage in replacement of the filler then you could actually start growing your own real bigger penis and all foreign injected material would eventually disappear. So that's it from me really I'm just going to wait patiently for a while until I can review a few more Radiesse reports or until something new comes along that proves a better alternative and then in a year or so I will take the plunge on what I have decided is the best option.Unfortunately I don't think I will be posting much more because I am not going ahead with anything yet and so have nothing to report and I have nothing to add in general to the topics you discuss that would come even close to your own excellent input. Looks like I'm going to be a lurker on this site and I apologise for that but it felt rude not to introduce myself and say thank you for the work you're doing and for saving me from the elist experience.If there is by chance anything you need from just some random guy in England that I cannot think of please do not hesitate to contact me and I will do my best to help.Just one question before I go and continue reading through the 41! Page thread on Infections, Complications, Risks of PMMA? I was at the end of a thread last night (I really cannot remember which one sorry) and someone (smalljay maybe?) suggested to the guy that to simply add just a quick half Inch or so to his length he should give stretching and Jelqing a go. Is this a commonly agreed notion? Because that is something I could start doing right now and would probably give me all the length I ever wanted to be honest.Thanks again guys and I look forward to getting to grips with all the info contained in this forumSwamps

Welcome to the forum, and thanks for mentioning donations, when we have a system up I\'ll surely let everyone know!

If I understood you correctly, 7x6 ay? Don\'t let pictures fool you, our minds play tricks with us, it\'s called penis dysmorphia and I\'ve experienced the same thing. I\'ve seen pictures of penises thinner or thicker than my current unit and often think there is something wrong. This is even worse with pornography since they use camera angles and tricks to make the penis appear bigger than it really is. If you haven\'t already noticed, even XL condoms should be pretty snug/tight. I understand the need to \"improve one self, or else life gets boring,\" but subjecting one\'s (& only) penis to unknown risks for the sake of gaining fractions of an Inch on a penis that\'s certifiably large is an avenue you may want to reconsider.

You say the opposite gender has brought you here, but I mean, if they have had any complaints and/or lack of interest in your penis, I assure you it has nothing to do with its dimensions. Are there women who can accommodate a penis larger than yours? Sure, but I think they should be more concerned performing kegels and rejuvenating themselves than for a man of your endowment to concern himself with penis enlargement. If you are in it for the women, you are very much in the realm of the grandiose penis, and I\'m not sure obtaining 0.3\" or 0.75\" in Erect circumference will make a world of difference in bed (and actually, could have a negative impact for some partners). Not only must you face the possibility of medical complications, but also aesthetic dissatisfaction. Is this all worth it when you are in-fact well endowed?

Not passing judgment on you or anyone who seeks out penis enlargement, since I\'m not in their shoes. But having gone from having to use Snugger Fit condoms (for thin shafts) to now being able to use Magnums, I\'m sometimes baffled anyone thicker than I presently am would ever consider going under the knife. If Phalloplasty was a refined, modernized and standardized procedure for men of all walks of life, I\'d be inclined to encourage it, however, it seems the convenience & short term success of PMMA has desensitized us to the realities & seriousness of what it really means to seek out cosmetic surgery for our penis.

Whatever it is you decide to do, good luck. As I have told newcomers before you, all I can ask is that you become an informed decision maker, and to make that decision with a rational state-of-mind (not allowing a prospective hook-up, an unfortunate snide remark, comparisons to online penises, or penis dysmorphia be a driving motive). Again, welcome aboard!

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279751971

Plus i have seen some of the pics on this forum and some penises i have seen look much fatter than mine (i remeasured four times cause i thought i was wrong), i really just want that kind of Girth i don\'t care that much about length.
However i do take your points seriously and would like to assure you that i\'m in no rush to get anything done right now (apart from that stretching stuff if it actually works), just looking at whats out there and this place seemed to really know whats its talking about.
Thanks for the advice kapitalizam

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279751880

wow sorry i meant to state that was Erect length and circumference kapitalizam (that\'s all i\'m interested in), definitely not that big whilst Flaccid lol

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279751727

Are you serious, 7x6 Dick and on PhalloBoards looking for procedures, are you serious....????? I think you are a little bit greedy man, you have plenty to start with enjoy what you have cuz it\'s way above average.... Don\'t risk it, there is not a procedure out there that doesn\'t contain minor, moderate or even serious risks to some degree.
Just giving you my 2 cents, as a friendly and very honest advice.

-and welcome aboard-

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new member saying hello 11 years 5 months ago #1279918456

Welcome Swamps,

I\'m here for much of the same reasons as you are. I have ~18cm x ~17cm, but I want more length and a bit more Girth. Overall I\'m happy with my life and my penis, but what gets me out of bed every morning is the desire for more.

Like you I\'m lurking and patiently waiting for the holy grail. Here\'s to hoping it arrives sooner rather than later.


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