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TOPIC: Step 1 in my PE journey.

Step 1 in my PE journey. 11 years 6 months ago #1279056035

Jus thad my Circumcision this morning. I wanted the Frenulum removed (so i can stretch better) after lig cut aurgery, so I can decrease sensitivity and have more control over my ejaculations, and I liked the no Frenulum look..

The surgeon took me in for a Frenulum release and Circumcision surgery. I am here 6 hours later. It looks good from the front but I have no idea whats going on in the bottom. I cant retract the skin as much on the bottom, and I dont know if the Frenulum is stillt here or not?? It better not be there, or I am taking the scalpel in my own hands lol. Also what is that blue thingy in the third pic..?? it looks like clip.. but clips dont \"dissolve\"

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Step 1 in my PE journey. 11 years 6 months ago #1279058281

Ok, you know this is going to sound crazy and I did not want to mention it,

But when I saw the fact that my 70-80% erections were a Inch and a half shorter, and the stitches on the Frenulum site were too tight, I tried to take them out myself. I ran to walgreens and got a blade, and had some sterile needles, and hydrogen peroxide, and rubbing alcohol. But the knot right now is just way too tight to get into it..It probably will loose over the next ten days.

Have you had stitches from a circucision surgery ?? or from other PE surgery hoddle?

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Step 1 in my PE journey. 11 years 6 months ago #1279058141

tantric wrote: 1.) Hey i got it done for multiple reasons. But main being its easier to stretch without Foreskin, and being a non American in America, I was embarrassed of hearing \"oh you are the first uncircumcised penis i have seen.\"

2) Thats good cause FFT appeals to me a bit more than PMMA since its been around for so long, although it seems like it dissolves

Thanks, and what would be the benefit of ahving the Sutures taken out as opposed to letting them dissolve?

Less chance of scarring. Also soon you will start to get annoyed at them being there. You don\'t need to have them taken out, do it yourself. Look on Youtube and there will be a clip showing you how to do it. I\'ve done it myself and it\'s easy. It\'s a bit fiddly and you might leave the odd bit still in there, but if you take your time it\'s straight forward and such a great feeling to have them out.

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Step 1 in my PE journey. 11 years 6 months ago #1279058088

1.) Hey i got it done for multiple reasons. But main being its easier to stretch without Foreskin, and being a non American in America, I was embarrassed of hearing \"oh you are the first uncircumcised penis i have seen.\"

2) Thats good cause FFT appeals to me a bit more than PMMA since its been around for so long, although it seems like it dissolves

Thanks, and what would be the benefit of ahving the Sutures taken out as opposed to letting them dissolve?

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Step 1 in my PE journey. 11 years 6 months ago #1279057900

Forgot to say, your circ looks good. Personally I\'d have not had it done and if I did definitely kept the Frenulum. But it\'s your choice and it looks nice and clean with a good choice of cut if you ever want a filler based enlargement procedure. I actually think you could have a good FFT result with that kind of cut.

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Step 1 in my PE journey. 11 years 6 months ago #1279057875

You took a Cialis and tried to get an Erection on the day you were Circumcised?

I answer to your question you are swollen and the Sutures are still tight and at full strength. Over the next couple of weeks swelling will soften (you probably can\'t feel or see it right now) and the Sutures will begin to soften. Personally I think you should take them out after about 10 days rather than let them dissolve. You Erection will return to normal as things heal. But don\'t take anymore Cialis.

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Step 1 in my PE journey. 11 years 6 months ago #1279057491

HEy guys I am freaking out. I came home and tried to get a boner cause, I wanted to see what it looks like and I could only get it semi hard. I popped a Cialis and still only semi hard.

Also it seems like the stiches on the bottom side are tied really tight to the underlying structure. Its giving it a bent shape in the semi hard state. And also a loss of length. Is that possible with Circumcision?

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Step 1 in my PE journey. 11 years 6 months ago #1279056054

under side.. Dorsal side whatever you want to call it

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Step 1 in my PE journey. 11 years 6 months ago #1279056049

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Step 1 in my PE journey. 11 years 6 months ago #1279056042


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Step 1 in my PE journey. 11 years 6 months ago #1279063648

Yes, I removed them from a circ incision.

You are right, what you did was crazy. I can\'t believe you actually did that.

The stitches are there for a reason, you can\'t take them out until they\'ve done their job. DO NOT TRY AND REMOVE THEM AGAIN UNTIL AT LEAST 10 DAYS POST OP. Even then it might be too soon, so post a photo or check with your Dr.

Try and relax and forget about the length loss. It will come back in the next few weeks.

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