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TOPIC: Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast?

Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278215464

There are many studies about traction devices, they all show length increase but only a few of them report Girth increase and they are not really convincing from a scientific standpoint. There is definitely volume increase though. My results so far are a quarter of an Inch but I have been travelling a lot and I figured out wearing or even carrying the device in an airport/plane is not something you want to do because often times I travel only with cabin luggage.
The andropenis is not a bad device, it just hurts like hell. Unlike vacuum based devices. But the mitogenesis process is the same.

Regarding PMMA, it is the long term effects we are talking about. If your Dick falls off in ten years from now, how will you feel ? I dont think it is going to happen, particularly for those who had the operation with Dr C. who has a proven track record as Dermatologist, but you are still a guinea pig.

PMMA starts a strong immune response, so it is clearly not a neutral product. In bone tissue, Necrosis has been reported as well as chronic inflammation. Circulatory and respiratory disturbances have been observed in patients receiving hip bone PMMA, possibly through biological degradation of the MMA monomer. All this was observed in orthopedy, which is different from cosmetic fillers, but what I am saying is that although PMMA is biocompatible and chemically inert, it is not neutral in your body. I was a long time lurker on the previous version of the forum and this one as well, and initially I thought I\'d jump on a plane to Tijuana. But I prefer to think twice. The book \"Facial Rejuvenation with fillers\" by Steven Cohen and Trevor Born speaks highly of PMMA, and Cohen did a 5 year follow-up which showed a 90% satisfaction for 82 patients treated with PMMA. However, they also report 8,3% mild treatment related issues (of which 80% were lumpiness), 1.4% moderate issues and 0,7% severe issues, for example a subject presenting \"a lumpy inflamed Nodule in each of the nasolabial folds approximately 5 years after implantation\". Tell you what, I dont want intralesional steroid therapy in my penis.

I am glad that things went well for our fellow forum members, and it seems to be the best solution particularly when using 10% concentration to keep satisfactory aesthetic results. Perhaps it is a poor choice from me, but still I will wait another year or two before I go to Mexico.

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278195060

Alucard90 wrote: hoddle and Skeptical One, you two are right, and I\'ve been talking to a select few others who have the same opinion. I won\'t be getting the PMMA this summer, and will likely wait at least six months before I go through with it (which gives me just as much time to think about it). Regardless, I have been considering Andropenis extender, which has peer reviewed studies showing its effectiveness. Still, I have heard that there is a risk of ED in some people who use it. Does anyone know whether or not this is true? I realize that this is pretty much exclusively used for length, but I feel like a length of around 7\" would be optimal anyway (though it may look odd without increased Girth...). Anyone out there with any experience using the extenders?

Also, hoddle and Skeptical, if you don\'t mind would you be willing to tell me your experiences with PE? If not it\'s cool.

I had lig cut and fat transfer in 1997 and then PLGA scaffolds (similar to Belloderm) in 2009. Both procedures were disasters and in total I\'ve had 11 surgeries, mainly reconstructive, the most recent of which was 2 weeks ago.

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278194868

hoddle and Skeptical One, you two are right, and I\'ve been talking to a select few others who have the same opinion. I won\'t be getting the PMMA this summer, and will likely wait at least six months before I go through with it (which gives me just as much time to think about it). Regardless, I have been considering Andropenis extender, which has peer reviewed studies showing its effectiveness. Still, I have heard that there is a risk of ED in some people who use it. Does anyone know whether or not this is true? I realize that this is pretty much exclusively used for length, but I feel like a length of around 7\" would be optimal anyway (though it may look odd without increased Girth...). Anyone out there with any experience using the extenders?

Also, hoddle and Skeptical, if you don\'t mind would you be willing to tell me your experiences with PE? If not it\'s cool.

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278191704

Alucard90 wrote: I\'ve decided to go through with the PMMA injection by Dr. Casavantes, though I\'m still not sure when.

All I know is that I really want my wang to be thick, enough so that I can fit into a Magnum at least. I\'d assume that would require about 5.5\" in Girth, which may turn out to take two sessions instead of one.

Any input from those who\'ve had the injection would be awesome (the longer ago the better, but I\'m appreciative of all feedback).

A bit hasty don\'t you think? Your first post introducing yourself as a new member was only a day ago. I recommend exercising some patience and caution before being so damn hasty. Hasty decision-making has had a miserable track record with those pursuing Phalloplasty.

Actually, I\'m thinking a Magnum could fit at even around 5.25\" fyi.

Listen, I understand the desire to feel adequate, average, and even above-average, but this isn\'t like pursuing abs or biceps. This is a serious medical procedure and shouldn\'t be treated as such.

I myself have PMMA so I understand the allure of achieving permanent Girth gains, and at one point of time I was considering just about every option (including the ones that were incredibly risky). I started at 3.5\" MSEG and felt that medical intervention was necessary to simply feel normal, but I never once made a decision overnight. I wish you the best in your goal to attain more Girth, I only ask you do your due diligence and get to really understand what it is you are getting into. The content on this forum (and the old one at can catch you up on all that you need to know before really making the yes/no decision.

Good luck.

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278191438

Alucard90 wrote: I\'ve decided to go through with the PMMA injection by Dr. Casavantes, though I\'m still not sure when. All I know is that I really want my wang to be thick, enough so that I can fit into a Magnum at least. I\'d assume that would require about 5.5\" in Girth, which may turn out to take two sessions instead of one. Two sessions would put me b/w $7-8k, which is still far below my original limit of $10k.

I\'m sorry hoddle - I know you told me to wait it out and see how I felt when I\'m older, but I feel like this is something I need. Call it vain or superficial, but I\'ve never been more optimistic about a physical improvement (i.e. better abs, muscular) in my life. As you said, it\'s difficult to be objective about this, and I realize I have an extreme bias for getting this, but if the complication rate is low then why not? From what I\'ve read, it seems like everybody who\'s had it are still doing well 3-6 years after the procedure, and I feel like if something negative were to occur, it would have already. I understand that this notion isn\'t 100%, but it\'s probably pretty close.

The earliest I\'d plan on going through with the first session would be August, but I may end up waiting it out until the winter if I have to.

Any input from those who\'ve had the injection would be awesome (the longer ago the better, but I\'m appreciative of all feedback).

I was going to say yesterday there is a 90% chance you\'ll get PMMA in the next few months. Once it\'s in a guys head that he\'s \"thinking\" about a PE procedure, 9 out of 10 times, it really means he\'s decided and it\'s just a case of deciding which option he\'ll take.

I\'m not going to criticize you or anyone else. I\'ve been in the same position and made the same decisions myself a couple of times. I know what it\'s like. But before you do it, at least acknowledge the gamble you are taking and that your are entirely responsible for your actions. In my experience if these things go wrong, guys tend to start to look for other people to blame, when ultimately they should carry the can themselves. If you are aware of these things, then you have my blessing (not that you need it, it\'s just a phrase!) As long as everyone takes full responsibility for their own actions then I\'m fine with anyone doing anything. I\'m pro choice, though it doesn\'t sound like it from much of what I post here. It\'s just I don\'t want PB\'s (the Mods and regular posters) to ever feel in anyway responsible if things go badly wrong with these procedures long term.

Good luck!

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278191026

I\'ve decided to go through with the PMMA injection by Dr. Casavantes, though I\'m still not sure when. All I know is that I really want my wang to be thick, enough so that I can fit into a Magnum at least. I\'d assume that would require about 5.5\" in Girth, which may turn out to take two sessions instead of one. Two sessions would put me b/w $7-8k, which is still far below my original limit of $10k.

I\'m sorry hoddle - I know you told me to wait it out and see how I felt when I\'m older, but I feel like this is something I need. Call it vain or superficial, but I\'ve never been more optimistic about a physical improvement (i.e. better abs, muscular) in my life. As you said, it\'s difficult to be objective about this, and I realize I have an extreme bias for getting this, but if the complication rate is low then why not? From what I\'ve read, it seems like everybody who\'s had it are still doing well 3-6 years after the procedure, and I feel like if something negative were to occur, it would have already. I understand that this notion isn\'t 100%, but it\'s probably pretty close.

The earliest I\'d plan on going through with the first session would be August, but I may end up waiting it out until the winter if I have to.

Any input from those who\'ve had the injection would be awesome (the longer ago the better, but I\'m appreciative of all feedback).

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278186012

Air line ticket is about $400-$450 to San Diego, one session is about $2800-2900 including taxi to TJ and other small expenses... so if you can come up with about $3500-$4000 for EACH session, you know what to expect for expenses....

Medical Risks are a totally different matter...just research it as best you can...Good luck!

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278183308

PMMA with dr c is about 2500$ cash only though

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278183281

I\'m 32 now and alot bigger than I was when I was at 23 I think it wasn\'t done growing yet hope this helps

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278183268

Don\'t get me wrong, I\'m actually extremely hesitant about doing something like this, but that\'s mostly because of the cost. I\'ve read Girth surgery alone can cost up to $10k, and if I have to travel to Mexico to get it done then who knows how much money I\'ll need to spend. Either way, it\'s not something that\'s gonna be happening anytime soon.

Regarding the cost though, I need some specifics if anyone knows. How much does Dr. C generally charge for the PMMA injections? Also, how much were travel expenses? If the total\'s under $10k, it might be feasible, but even the promise of having a big Dick has a price limit, for someone in my economic class anyway. I\'ll be looking into this independently as well, but any info on this would be awesome.

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278180892

Alucard90 wrote: hoddle,

Thanks for your reply. You\'ve helped me see things a bit more realistically, however, part of me is still interested in \"PMMA\" that you brought up. What is that exactly? Are there any American doctors that use it? I understand no long term studies have been published regarding it, and I will certainly keep that in mind, but I\'m still curious about it.

I\'m sure you\'re right about my career being more important than the size of my shlong, especially since it\'s already adequate. Still, I like the idea of maximizing myself in any way I can. If this PMMA idea is reasonable (which I may find it not to be after I research it more), then I\'ll still consider it.

It\'s easy to conclude PMMA is a good idea, as it allows you to get what you want. It\'s very hard to be objective and rational about these things. Usually guys say they are going to think about it and then come back and say they\'ve decided it\'s right for them with little evidence that they actually did anything other than think of ways to justify the decision to go ahead. Yet if you asked them to make the same decision on behalf of a loved one, you can be sure 90% of the time they\'d reach the opposite conclusion.

As regards what PMMA is etc, just read the forum or use google.

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278180699


Thanks for your reply. You\'ve helped me see things a bit more realistically, however, part of me is still interested in \"PMMA\" that you brought up. What is that exactly? Are there any American doctors that use it? I understand no long term studies have been published regarding it, and I will certainly keep that in mind, but I\'m still curious about it.

I\'m sure you\'re right about my career being more important than the size of my shlong, especially since it\'s already adequate. Still, I like the idea of maximizing myself in any way I can. If this PMMA idea is reasonable (which I may find it not to be after I research it more), then I\'ll still consider it.

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278180391

Alucard90 wrote: hoddle,

The problem is that I plan on going to medical school, so I won\'t have a decent job for another five years. You\'re telling me there\'s no doctor that\'s reliable enough to not have to seriously consider post-op reconstruction costs? Even that Caravantes guy isn\'t that good?

I\'m not horribly insecure about my size - I know my length is at the high end of average, and I guess my Girth is acceptable, but for some reason I feel the need to have a big Dick. I feel like that give me such a good confidence and ego safety net. I kind of look at it as the male physical equivalent of having a high IQ - sure, there\'s a lot more to being successful than having a large one, but it\'s still impressive and makes the person who has it feel pretty good.

By the way, do you know whether or not the penile traction device has any effect on Girth? I\'ve read some papers that say none at all and others that mention a modest increase.

No, there isn\'t. This is why hardly any Dr\'s do these surgeries. The issue isn\'t the Dr\'s themselves as there are thousands of good surgeons in the US. The surgeries themselves aren\'t particularly difficult. Plastic surgeons and Urologist all over the US perform much more complicated surgeries on a daily basis. Yet of these surgeons only a handful do penis enlargements and it\'s because the complication rate is so high and satisfaction rate so low. For example, rhinoplasty is a very difficult procedure that takes a lot of skill and is easy to do wrong. Yet thousands of Dr\'s do them, as the if they do their job rate, the success rate is high. Yet even if a PE surgery is performed perfectly the satisfaction rate is still low, as so many of the problems that occur are out of the surgeons hands. The main trouble is that the penis is a dynamic organ, so finding a good graft material has so far not been successful.

Dr Casavantes doesn\'t do PE surgery. He injects PMMA, which is something different. It\'s very popular because it avoids so many of the pitfalls of surgery, is permanent and cheap. But it\'s not without risks and we don\'t know what the complication rates will be over the longer term. Therefore anyone who isn\'t \"horribly insecure\" about their size should consider it at the moment.

As I said before, your best bet is to be patient. Even if you don\'t ever have an enlargement, I can assure that the vast majority of women will be far more attracted to a Dr, than they will a guy with a big penis. Just the fact you are at med school will be very attractive to most young girls.

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278180193


The problem is that I plan on going to medical school, so I won\'t have a decent job for another five years. You\'re telling me there\'s no doctor that\'s reliable enough to not have to seriously consider post-op reconstruction costs? Even that Caravantes guy isn\'t that good?

I\'m not horribly insecure about my size - I know my length is at the high end of average, and I guess my Girth is acceptable, but for some reason I feel the need to have a big Dick. I feel like that give me such a good confidence and ego safety net. I kind of look at it as the male physical equivalent of having a high IQ - sure, there\'s a lot more to being successful than having a large one, but it\'s still impressive and makes the person who has it feel pretty good.

By the way, do you know whether or not the penile traction device has any effect on Girth? I\'ve read some papers that say none at all and others that mention a modest increase.

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Looking Into Girth Surgery, Any Reliable Doctors In the Northeast? 11 years 9 months ago #1278177167

Unless you have money I wouldn\'t have surgery. The complication rate is crazy high. So you need to be prepared to pay for reconstruction if necessary. In the last 4 years alone I\'ve spent at least $30,000 and probably more, just trying to correct a poorly done PE surgery. We have a member who had surgery with Solomon and had to go back and have the Belloderm removed. He was charged for this and a subsequent surgery. Then there are travel and accommodation expense. On top of that, it\'s highly unlikely you\'d get the gains you want. You\'ll be lucky to still have a 0.5\" gain two years post op. If you read about our members who have had allografts, some will reports decent long term gains, but the majority report continual absorption and some have reported the graft shrinking and causing the penis to bend. I spoke on the telephone to one of our members (pmmapossibly) last week and he\'s seen two surgeons and both are reluctant to try and fix his problems caused by a contacting belloderm graft.

I know it doesn\'t seem like it now, but you are still so young. It must feel as if life is passing you by and you just want to get this issue dealt with, but honestly patience is your best friend. Wait a couple of years, until you\'ve left college and have a decent job. Then start looking at options. So many of our members would give anything to be 25 again as it seems so damn young. You\'ve still got a couple of years until you get there.

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