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TOPIC: Lump removal after 30%

Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277703629

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Hey all!

So having just read Miracles thread in regards to Avanti Derma changing their procedure back to 10% only.There\'s quite a few of us i\'m sure who have fairly size-able lumps from the 30%, so i\'m wondering if we can start a discussion on the best way to treat these.Or if there is another thread dedicated to this please let me know?

I have a lump near my glans that is quite obvious in Erect state also, its been a month since my procedure, so I want to know the best course of action..

*Kenalog shot (have read of the bad side effects)

*Removal (who does this?)


* will soften and disappear?

Thanks all and take care of your penis\'s

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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277882245

Just to make it perfectly clear

Being a Phalloboard\'s moderator and member who cares deeply for this site, I would naturally welcome any member who is a medical practitioner. A person who could contribute to our young but growing site
by utilizing his medical expertise and understanding to help translate and interpret the physiology, processes, and medicine behind PE. I am not against those who question PE. On the contrary; I believe that those who question the effectiveness, necessity, and overall safety of various PE methods add greatly to our site.

You write:
\"I\'m an RN who has worked with a plastic surgeon for the past 8-9 years. Now, I\'m not a Dr., but the Dr. (does not do PE) who I\'ve been working with has a keen interest in sharing everything he knows, especially with his workers. I pretty much started working with him with a GED in nursing (so to say), but have graduated with a PHD in Injections\".

Firstly, I don\'t believe you are a registered nurse. No way.
In fact, if any member reading this were to take the time to go to your profile, click on \"see all of Quantum\'s posts\" , and bothers to read the three pages of your posts,
he will undoubtedly see how breathtakingly unknowledgeable you are about not only PE, but science and anatomy.

I\'ll just give you one example...
On April 5th, 2012, you asked members on the board what the medical word for the head of the penis is. You asked, \"is it glans or glands\".
So you\'ve been a certified registered nurse (for at least 9 years)), a nurse who obviously has an obsessive interest in his penis (size), and you don\'t know the difference between \"glans\" and \"glands\"? I think this should put in an end to any speculation (by any member) that perhaps you could be in the medical field. More importantly, it exposes you as a liar.
Or perhaps you missed the class that explained male anatomy in your Nursing program?

There are other \"tells\" and general issues with your posts and concerning behavior that I could identify, but what it really all comes down to is that your posts have no substance at all...No supporting details, nor examples. They are filled will ambiguous references to \"studies\" and \"journals\", but you never provide links, doctor\'s names, nor any specifics of any kind. All (or most) of your posts are designed to dissuade everyone from pursuing PE, especially PMMA with sweeping generalizations and terrifying warnings...Which would be fine if they were presented in an intelligent and convincing manner with evidence, but provide none of that.

I really look forward to your response, but I am guessing you will disappear from this site for another 6 months (again) to let things cool down a bit. Or perhaps reemerge under another one your aliases (again).

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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277881977

Also in the past he claimed to have a job in which he moved around a lot. A while later he the claimed to be RN for a plastic surgeon. At this point Ripple asked if the plastic surgeon worked on a cruise ship, to which there was no reply!

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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277879444

Quantum wrote: Injecting 30% of PMMA in your penis will result in clumps, regardless of the technique.

I only say this out respect...get that PMMA out of your penis!!

Whatever you do, do not get a Kenalog shot. Kenalog shot will destroy any tissue that it touches, including nerves (aka sensation). I\'m honestly stupefied when people causally say \"I\'ll just get a Kenalog shot if things go wrong,\" without the slightest care in the world.

I\'ve also read on here that Dr. C breaks up clumps with his cannula. What is that guy thinking? With as many blood vessels and perpetual blood flow in your penis -- and that the clumps can and will grow into your tissue with arm like extensions -- Dr. C. is basically asking for trouble. The guys sounds like a complete idiot, frankly. I don\'t care if I receive 5 angry messages (the usual when I post)...I\'m going to say it. Dr. C. is an unethical and immoral individual.

Your best bet is to have never gotten the PMMA in the first place. Get that junk out of your penis ASAP, even if it costs tens of thousands and a degloving. If not, I wish you the best of luck.

Note: Since Dr. C. is the preferred Dr. around here, he\'s the one that\'s going to get the most flack from me. In reality, my dislike of PMMA extends to anyone who injects that nasty and dangerous substance in human beings.

Welcome back Quantum! We\'ve missed you!
Another insightful and constructive post!

True to form, you rant and rave but have absolutely no substance nor basis for your conclusions. Your whole point is to spread fear and misinformation. The moderators would have banned you long ago if it weren\'t for the fact that even the greenest of members on our site could see that you sound ridiculous and that you have have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You are a comical sideshow on this site and nothing more.
You claim you are a Registered Nurse, who has worked with fillers for several years, but you display absolutely zero knowledge of anatomy nor the PMMA process itself.

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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277877297

Injecting 30% of PMMA in your penis will result in clumps, regardless of the technique.

I only say this out respect...get that PMMA out of your penis!!

Whatever you do, do not get a Kenalog shot. Kenalog shot will destroy any tissue that it touches, including nerves (aka sensation). I\'m honestly stupefied when people causally say \"I\'ll just get a Kenalog shot if things go wrong,\" without the slightest care in the world.

I\'ve also read on here that Dr. C breaks up clumps with his cannula. What is that guy thinking? With as many blood vessels and perpetual blood flow in your penis -- and that the clumps can and will grow into your tissue with arm like extensions -- Dr. C. is basically asking for trouble. The guys sounds like a complete idiot, frankly. I don\'t care if I receive 5 angry messages (the usual when I post)...I\'m going to say it. Dr. C. is an unethical and immoral individual.

Your best bet is to have never gotten the PMMA in the first place. Get that junk out of your penis ASAP, even if it costs tens of thousands and a degloving. If not, I wish you the best of luck.

Note: Since Dr. C. is the preferred Dr. around here, he\'s the one that\'s going to get the most flack from me. In reality, my dislike of PMMA extends to anyone who injects that nasty and dangerous substance in human beings.

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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277875573

Be weary of any cream claims, doctors have a job for a reason!

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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277720716

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Thanks HC!ave just been having a chat to the team there, to see what they can do!Mine is about the size of a walnut and quite hard and noticeable.I\'d be interested to hear of anyone who had a lump and left it and it softened?Anyone had a Kenalog?

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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277720041

Hi Hans,

I got rather large lumps, around 1.5\" by .5\" on either side of my shaft. They were not perfectly shaped so that is an approximate measurement of their largest dimensions. Also, they were not rock hard, they were provoked by 20% Metacryl used in my second round.

I was so alarmed that I flew again from Europe to San Diego just for this corrective procedure. I was also worried about how to explain them away to women, especially in a Flaccid state where they were most noticeable. Something about my unit wasn\'t \'kosher\'... It was worth the expense because this ended the nightmare.

In round 3 Dr C spent a good bit of time and effort breaking them up with a canula and they totally collapsed. Then he encapsulated what remained in fresh PMMA. Although this time it was 30% Linnea-Safe, I got zero clumps from it. My unit became a bit rigid and rubbery after the 30% PMMA, but I no longer have any lumps at all.

Dr C can fix them !


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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277704994

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It was about 3 weeks into it.mine is kind of on my Foreskin,and another around the other side just below

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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277704954

When did your lumps appear? What was your aftercare like?
I am a week out and it looks fine.

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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277704720

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Thanks Miracle.its a bit less than the size of a walnut so wouldn\'t want it turning into anything sinister during rough play,but I\'m going to leave it and hopefully it will soften.. Now how to explain this during intimate encounters hmm lol

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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277703887


That\'s a \"No\" from me on the Kenalog injection. It will not require Removal. Creams will likely be ineffective. Time could possibly resolve the issue as it can take upwards of 1 year for the implant to completely soften/stabilize. If it remains and is bothersome, IMO the best treatment would be to have Dr. Casavantes break it up with a cannula and soften the resulting rough collagen matrix with 10%. Should provide a near flawless result. FWIW.



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Lump removal after 30% 11 years 10 months ago #1277882915

Also I don\'t know if things are different in America, but isn\'t this a massive contradiction?:

\"Now, I\'m not a Dr., but the Dr. (does not do PE) who I\'ve been working with has a keen interest in sharing everything he knows, especially with his workers. I pretty much started working with him with a GED in nursing (so to say), but have graduated with a PHD in Injections\".

Maybe PHD refers to something else, but when someone says to me they have a PhD, I assume they are talking about a doctorate.

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