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TOPIC: The Perfect Penis Documentary

The Perfect Penis Documentary 11 years 10 months ago #1277622557

Just thought we could discuss this documentary. Its available on youtube for free in 4 parts, and its about a young guy who decided to undergo penis enlargement surgery.

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The Perfect Penis Documentary 11 years 10 months ago #1277662491

Just watched this (link below for those who couldn\'t find it). Pretty good! Kudos to the guys willing to be filmed on camera - faces, dicks and all...I definitely wouldn\'t have had the courage.

Have to say that Dr. Reed seems pretty good - I had always been considering Alter until now, but it\'s pretty re-assuring to see him do the operation on camera. And he\'s not a half-bad painter, so maybe he\'s Phalloplasty artist as well. Only thing is, he said you have to wear the weights for 8 hours a day - a lot!

Also, I was surprised to see the penis-grown-on-an-arm story was actually true! Kinda thought that was an internet rumour.

No comment on the poor guy who ballooned his Dick with silicone to be larger than his head. Hope he pulled through.

Video is here, thanks for the tip, CrazyGreggs.

I\'d also recommend \"My Penis and Everyone Else\'s\" - a man who comes to term with his small Dick without ever having surgery. Could also be good viewing for us on here, to keep some balance and remember there are alternatives.

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The Perfect Penis Documentary 11 years 10 months ago #1277835061

Thanks for the links.

Hadn\'t seen the first one before. I really wish they would be able to show the follow up and results on the lig surgery, and on his Girth work.

Brave soul to be on camera like that for sure...

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The Perfect Penis Documentary 11 years 10 months ago #1277874846

Hey thanks a TON for sharing the links. After I posted I checked back like 7 times and figured no one cared about the documentary. Didn\'t even occur to me to link them. Its great information, and I thought it was funny how wealthy that penis enlargement surgeon was. That house was HUGE, and he drives some nice cars.

That means the surgery is a LOT more common than I thought it was! Also thought it was interesting that he shared the penis extender must be worn for 8 hours per day, and if you wear it 7 or less then you just wasted 7 hours of your time. Really shows how important it is to listen to your doctor.

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