I know you pointed out an issue with that \"wedge\" area but from the pictures you\'ve uploaded, I\'m being dead serious when I saw it looks pretty good, at least where the shaft is concerned. I\'m not suggesting that wedge or any loss of
Erect length isn\'t an issue, because it is, but aesthetically-speaking the penis has retained a good contour & look. Relax and de-stress, your pictures aren\'t alarming, I assure you. This is coming from someone who has seen hundreds of
PMMA penis photos on this site.
Look at it this way, your penis is healthy & functional, probably going to end up being thicker, and well, there is a lot more to your daily & weekly life than just your penis, right? For all indications, you\'ve past the stage of any short term serious complications and your best bet is to let time take its course and address revisions when appropriate. I think you\'ll be just fine tbh
No results are the same, and minor irregularities are usually more common than not. Even in penises that look great post-op, there maybe palpable irregularities that a camera can\'t pickup. The moral of the story is that the higher you place aesthetics on the totem pole, the lower you should place consideration for getting any procedure done. That isn\'t to say aesthetic results can\'t be obtained, but if you are going to enlarge your penis artificially, don\'t be surprised there are occasionally aesthetic consequences. An analogy I often use is breast enlargement. More times than not you know the lady got work done. Sometimes they are hard to the touch. It\'s not much different with penises. You get a dynamic organ enlarged artificially, it may or may not show signs of penis enlargement.