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TOPIC: What can I realistically expect my final measurements to be?

What can I realistically expect my final measurements to be? 12 years 2 months ago #1276064058

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Hi all,

Long time lurker. I\'ve posted a time or two on the old boards but that\'s about it.

I see so many people on here who are considering this procedure with average (and even above average !) size penises on here, and their final measurements to me seem like something straight out of a porn movie.

However, for those of us who are truly below average, what can we realistically expect for an outcome?

My measurements are as follows:

BPEL: 5\"
MSEG: 3.8-4\"

The tip and upper half of my shaft is actually below 4\" and tapers from maybe 3\" at the tip to ~4 at the mid, maybe slightly above at the base.

My size is crippling psychologically. I have shied away from almost all sexual intimacy for fear of being made fun of and humiliated if word were to get out.

Although the one person I have been with said I was the best she ever had, and I routinely made her cum, she is out of my life now and I am sick and tired of being afraid to connect with new people. I\'m nearly 30 and tired of being alone. I\'m successful in other areas of my life and want to share it with someone, but every time I get close to connecting with someone I\'m worried they will be disappointed in me, so I don\'t bother.

Back when the Elist procedure was all the rave - I thought, great. I\'ll do this. Everyone seems to be gaining massive Girth (which is my biggest issue, length I don\'t care all that much about ) and was happy with it. But now, I see the tide has turned, with people calling Elist a butcher rather than a savior.

What worries me about PMMA is that I see the same almost fanboy devotion to Dr. C now, and the same proclamations about PMMA that I once saw about the implant. Who\'s to say that we wont all be talking the same way about this procedure in the next year or two? What makes this different?

And if it is different, what can I expect my final measurements to be with several procedures?

I don\'t necessarily want to be huge, but it\'d be nice to not have normal size condoms slip off (and not have to buy tiny condoms), and I can\'t deny I would like to be able to give a girl the \'full\' feeling they all seem to talk about enjoying with larger sizes.

Thanks for listening.

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What can I realistically expect my final measurements to be? 12 years 2 months ago #1276064204

The difference between PMMA fan boys and Elist fan boys is that the PMMA guys are real human beings, whilst those advocating the Elist implant were fictional accounts created by Chad Hedman.

Having said that, your general point is a good one. So many times in the past we think we\'ve found the answer to penile enhancement, only for it to end in complete disaster.

In my opinion, based on what you\'ve written, you do seem to be a viable candidate for a procedure. If your life is so badly impaired by this issue, then maybe it is worth the risk.

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What can I realistically expect my final measurements to be? 12 years 2 months ago #1276065491

pdotq wrote: Although the one person I have been with said I was the best she ever had, and I routinely made her cum, she is out of my life now and I am sick and tired of being afraid to connect with new people. I\'m nearly 30 and tired of being alone.

If you have had 1 sexual partner and got fantastic reviews how did your crippling psychology about your size occur?

I can\'t deny I would like to be able to give a girl the \'full\' feeling they all seem to talk about enjoying with larger sizes.

How many women have said that to you?

I would avoid women like that at all costs. They are size queens and likely have deep psychological issues that you will never be able to fill even if you get to 6\", 7\" or 8\" in Girth.

To your original question several members (Sizemic, E.P.,...) have gone form ~4.5\" to > 6\" with 4 rounds or more of PMMA so a 1.5\" + Girth increase seems doable if you can commit to 4 rounds or more.

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What can I realistically expect my final measurements to be? 12 years 2 months ago #1276066278

I tend to agree with EQStudent on most of the points made above ... except perhaps one. If your size bothers you psychologically so much that it is negatively affecting your everyday life, perhaps you should seek counseling. You are indeed below average but obviously that does not make you an insufficient lover. Most men are roughly 4.75\"- 5\" in circumference. Providing counseling affords you no relief of your depression and feelings of insecurity/inadequacy, augmentation is something to consider. It does come with risks and you should be educated regarding those risks should complications occur. It is my personal opinion that PMMA would suit you well but I cannot and do not advise it. The choice is up to you. I went from approximately 5\" MSEG to 6.375\" MSEG in two rounds. It should be noted that I received a great deal of PMMA in both rounds and do exhibit some minor aesthetic concerns that will be addressed early next year. I\'m currently 414 days since Round 1 without incident and the effects of increased Girth on my sex life have been profound (I\'m 39yo, married with three children). Everyone is different and if you do end up opting for enhancement, I\'d suggest starting with aesthetics in mind and a reasonable goal of .5\" - .75\".

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What can I realistically expect my final measurements to be? 12 years 2 months ago #1276519545

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Sorry for the delay in reply, I have been traveling and without access to the internet for some time.

Thanks Hoddle, but I didn\'t hear about this Chad person (I took time off from this topic to focus on some things in my real life), how did it come about that he was found out? I remember seeing pictures back during the day of different patients.

@eqstudent: sorry if my post was confusing, I mean the one person I\'ve actually had intercourse with. I\'ve gotten to that point with other people and been laughed at, had a girl who was interested in me suddenly decide \'now\' wasn\'t the right time to be involved with anyone after seeing me naked. I had a girl tell me (after putting her hand down my pants as we were making out, seeming confused, and saying to take off clothes) that it looked like a little boy Dick, and wouldn\'t do anything for her, and say \'this was a bad idea,\' and leave.

So, perhaps you can understand my fear of being intimate with new people. I\'ve obviously limited my attempts after several bad experiences.The one girl I was with who told me I was good I find it hard to take seriously because she suffered from some personal/mental issues and I think she only said things to make me feel good and stay with her so she wouldn\'t be alone.

@miracle, it only effects my every day life to the extent that I am afraid to form intimate relationships with new people due to previous bad experience. I would be too embarrassed to talk about this with someone in counseling, especially since it\'s true I am very small - my Erect penis is smaller than many Flaccid ones in terms of the Girth.

I make good money and am successful and well liked in my job, but I am lonely despite having good friendships. I think this will help me feel better about myself in the one area I feel lacking, but just like to be sure this isn\'t another \'procedure of the moment\' which turns out horrible for many involved - especially since unlike Elist implant which can be relatively easily removed, PMMA is much more difficult if something were to go wrong.

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What can I realistically expect my final measurements to be? 12 years 2 months ago #1276519904

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Pdotq, our starting stats were in the same ballpark. If you do decide on PMMA, Dr. C and his compassionate staff will do all they can to help you achieve results that you would be happy with. I\'ve had my 3rd round recently and I am very satisfied. We are never going to look like porn stars, but Girth 5\" or more would probably give you a great deal of confidence and eliminate many of the dreaded indequacy thoughts that cloud your mind. One thing I did was focus on what the studies show \"average\" size to be. There are plenty of procedures out there that can get you in that zone if that\'s what you want.

I know Dr. C will not guaranty any results because there are too many variables with the penis that dictate how the product reacts and how much he can use each time. I know you are going to ask so let me tell you I started at 4\" and gained a tad over an Inch after 2 procedures. That was significant for me in all aspects of my life. Even though I was satisfied, because I wanted more, I went for round 3. This stuff takes awhile to settle in so measurements should not be taken until all swelling subsides, so I don\'t have any numbers for round 3 yet. My goal is to approach 6\" and it\'s very possible that it may take another session or two.

Whatever you decide I wish you the best!

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What can I realistically expect my final measurements to be? 12 years 2 months ago #1276651044


I do really feel your pain pdotq cause iam suffering as hard as u suffer ,
my member down there is very thin its :

BPEL : 7.2
EG : 4.4

You r better than me cuz you had enough courage to get laid with someone ,
On the contrary i am as virgin as an 8 years old kid , never had sex cuz i
feel that i would be laughed at disrespected and dumped !! iam not ready
for that cuz i have a strong personality well respected in in my entourage have
a decent job and income etc ..

i intend to undergo a PMMA procedure but iam not ready yet and i will as soon
as possible .

for you you r a perfect candidate for this procedure and i wish the best for you ..

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What can I realistically expect my final measurements to be? 12 years 2 months ago #1276663536

@ thinpenis. You was already blessed with a above average length. Once u get the PMMA you\'ll be straight. Girth is sooo much easier to attain than length. I have a 5 Inch thick Dick but my length is short at 5 inches. You can go to thin to fat Cock in a day Orr three months. It\'s may takes me years just to gain a Inch in length if that much. So your situation in my eyes is not THAT bad. Especially with the invention of PMMA.

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